Monday, March 7, 2011

Why Will My Zippo Not Li


author of the book: "dictatorship : THE OCCULT HISTORY "

was 1992, an entire political class suddenly collapsed under the blows director of criminal investigations. For over forty years had been in power. The Italians had long suspected that the political system was based on corruption and cronyism. But nothing had been able to scratch it. Neither the complaint nor the popular protests (sometimes suppressed in the blood) or in cases of collusion with the Mafia, who now and then went up to the news. But then, suddenly, the system collapsed.
What happened to make sure that the Italians could have, unexpectedly, the satisfaction to see that their suspicions about corruption of the political system were real?

While the focus of the Italians had bet on the bribery scandal, the Italian Government was taking important decisions for the future of the country.
With Hurricane "Tangentopoli" Italians believed that it could start a better time for Italy. But in secret, the government was implementing policies that would worsen the country's future. Many companies will be sold off, even the Bank of Italy will go on sale. The sell-off was called "privatization."

1992 was a year of alarm and secrecy. The then Interior Minister Vincenzo Scotti, March 16, gave a warning to all Prefects, fearing a series of attacks against Italian democracy. The attacks were planned by Scott events like the killing of politicians and the kidnapping of the president. The attacks were there and were successful, but it was not the events planned by the Ministry of Interior. The attack on democracy was much more hidden and destabilizing.

In May 1992, Giovanni Falcone was killed by the Mafia. He was investigating the flow of dirty money, and the trail was leading to results that could connect the mafia in important international financial channels. Falcone was also found that certain famous people of Palermo were affiliated in some of the Masonic Scottish Rite, which also belonged to several mobsters such as John Lo Cascio. The track ran parallel to that of the lodges of the financial circuits, and would lead to certain results, if Falcone had not been killed. On

Falcone had been spread lies that sought to overturn the reality of a magistrate intact. The people felt that the institutions had not protected. This emerged during his funeral, when police officers positioned themselves in front of the coffins, preventing anyone from approaching. Someone shouted: "Shame on you, you should be ashamed, you have to go away, do not you approach these coffins, these are not your own, these are our dead, you alone have the right to weep, you only have a duty to be ashamed. "
that the mafia were using methods to affect the whole country in order to frighten him and passively accept the new course of events, you will also see the attacks of 1993.

bombings of 1993 had very similar features to the terrorist attacks of years of the "strategy of tension ", and certainly were intended to frighten the country, to weaken it. On May 4, 1993, car bomb explodes in Faure street in Rome's Parioli district. On May 27, another car bomb explodes Georgofili being in Florence, five people were killed. On the night of 27 and 28 July, a car bomb exploded in Via Palestro still in Milan, killing five people. Those responsible were never identified, and it was said that the mafia wanted to "hit the national works of art," but never anything like this happened. Relatives of the victims and the judge Joseph Soresina will agree that those attacks had not been made only by the Mafia, but also by other characters from the "finest minds of the mafia." [1]

Falcone was a real opponent of the Mafia . His investigation went to Borsellino, who was assassinated two months later. Their death has made the triumph of a mafia and criminal who would put his hands on the Italian economy, and forced the country into complete submission and financial policy. While the Minister
Scotti made a statement that sounded almost like a threat, "the mafia will focus increasingly on achieving excellent and they will fight more and more grim, the mafia wants to destabilize the state and bend to their will," complained the rules and Borsellino laws did not allow a real fight against the Mafia. He observed: "You can not deal with the Mafia power when you make a gift as what was done with the new procedural instruments suitable for a country that is Italy and certainly not Sicily. The new code, in appearance hearing, is a blunt instrument in the hands of those who must use. Each time, for example, you must start over and prove that there is Cosa Nostra. "[2]

state methods of sabotage of the struggle against the Mafia have been reported by numerous members of the judiciary. For example, May 27, 1992 The Presiding Judge of Caltanissetta Dall'Orto Placido, who was to address the investigations on the massacre of capacity, are in serious trouble: "This is much worse than Fort Apache, we are in disarray. In a situation like ours, the fight against the Mafia is just an empty word, as we have said many times the CSM. "[3]
Even the prosecutor of Palermo, Roberto Scarpinato in June 1992, said: "On one side of the scale there 's life, on the other side there must be something worth the risk of life, I do not see this package in an extraordinary effort by the state, for example, I see nothing extraordinary hunting and capture of large fugitives. "[4]
In the same year, Senator Maurizio Calvi told Falcone that the man confessed that he trusted the command of police in Palermo, Palermo and even the police prefecture of Palermo. [ 5]

that the killers were not capable of all Italians, many suspected him.
Minister Martelli, during a visit to South America, said: "Seeking links between the murder of Falcone and the American Mafia or the Colombian mafia. "[6] The same Amato, chairman of the board, during a visit to Monaco, said:" Falcone was killed in Palermo, but probably the murder was decided elsewhere. "
probably techniques of investigation Falcone did not like the characters with which the Italian government had to do that year. That consider the fight against the Mafia in particular a moral and cultural, that involve people in the absence of honesty and candor compromises, he had earned the persecution of slander and methods typical of British and U.S. intelligence services. These methods aim to isolate and criminalize, trying to appear the opposite of what it is. Trying to make Falcon an accomplice of the Mafia. Caponnetto Anthony told the newspaper La Repubblica: "There is no denying that there was a campaign (against Falcone), attended part of the magistrates, who has de-legitimized. Nothing is more dangerous for a judge who fight against the mafia that being isolated. "[7]

The murder of two symbols of the state as important as Falcone and Borsellino meant something new. Were touched the strings of international power elite, and they bore witness to the brutal killings. This was also perceived by Charles Rose, District Attorney of New York, who noted the special the attacks: "Even the most ferocious boss of Cosa Nostra figures have never wanted to hit the state so visible as it was John, because they know full well what risks are involved frontal attack on the state. the attack an act of terrorism is fear ... I think that a mob starts to shoot at symbols like the terrorists ... is doomed to lose the most valuable asset for any kind of criminal organization, that is, active or passive complicity of the population within which it moves. "[8 ]

fact, that year, Italians realized that there was something new, and took to the streets against the Mafia. They formed two fronts: the common people against the Mafia, and the institutions, which were subjugating the coordination of elite international mafia.
That year, the Anglo-American elite would not only prevent the effective fight against the Mafia, but he wanted to make Italy a country completely subjugated to a system and criminal mafia, which was dominated by the financial power. As pointed

Senate President John Spadolini, was implemented on a large scale operation to destroy Italian democracy: "The end of the mafia crime seems to be identical to that of terrorism in the worst of the season of the year Lead: trample the democratic state in our country. The goal is always the same: to delegitimize the rule, break the circle of trust between citizens and the democratic power ... If we perceive - and we have the right - some international connections around the challenge mafia more terrorism, then we ask: Recurring scenarios but perhaps twelve-eleven years ago? The threats of the centers of business and political conspiracy as the P2 are permanent in the democratic Italian. And there is a tradition that survives piduista, we do not know how many others. Mafia and P2 are joined from the beginning, since each Sindona. "[9] Even

Tina Anselmi had understood the links between the Mafia and international finance:" We must be careful, very careful ... I spoke of the old plan of democratic rebirth Gelli read it today and I confirm that startles. E 'in full implementation ... Who has great resources and lots of money and politics always makes it to national and international level. I spoke recently with a prominent Italian politician living in the world of banking. You know what I said? That the Mafia has been quicker than the industry and is already investing hundreds of billions, the result of gains made with the drug, in Eastern ... They are already buying newspapers and private TV stations, industries and hotels ... Those investments will be transformed in precise and specific policy actions that affect us, affect us all. After the massacres of the Palermo police came to investigate American in Sicily for this, know about these huge investments, regularly made through banks. "[10]

Years later, the former minister confessed to Scott Cirino Pomicino:" Everything was born from a confidential communication made to me by the chief of police who Parisi, on the basis of intelligence work done by Sisde and supported by confidential information, he spoke of international meetings in which action would be decided either by destabilizing mafia attacks with both criminal investigations against the leaders of the governing parties. "
One of the meetings Scott was talking about took place on June 2, 1992, on the yacht Britannia, sailing down the coast of Sicily. On the yacht were some members of elite Anglo-American power, like the British royals and the big bankers who will contact the Italian Government during the privatization (Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Salomon Brothers).

At that meeting it was decided to buy the Italian and the Bank of Italy, and how to bring down the old political system to accommodate another, completely handled by the new masters. At the meeting also attended by other Italians, as Mario Draghi, then deputy director of the Treasury, Beniamino Andreatta, the manager of ENI and IRI executive Richard Galli. The intrigues decided on the Britannia would have enabled the Anglo-Americans to get their hands on 48% of Italian companies, including which were Buitoni, the Locatelli, the Negroni, the Ferrarelle, Perugina and Galbani.
The press pounded on the "Clean Hands", hinting that the event would bring big changes.
In June 1992, settled the government of Giuliano Amato. It was a character in harmony with the speculators who wanted to take possession of Italy. Indeed, Amato, to start privatization, he hastened to consult the international financial center of power: the three big banks on Wall Street, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Salomon Brothers.

soon came to power, government agencies Amato became a joint stock company, taking advantage of the Decree Law 386/1991, so that the financial elite could control them, and then detected.
The beginning was concerted by the International Monetary Fund, which, as it did in other countries, wanted to privatize wildly and devalue our currency, to facilitate economic domination and financial elite. The task of bringing down the Italian economy was given to George Soros, an American citizen through information received by Rothschild, with the complicity of some Italian authorities, he managed to bring down our currency and the actions of many Italian companies.
Soros was commissioned by the Anglo-American bankers, to implement a series of speculations, effective thanks to information he received financial elite. He made speculative attacks by hedge funds to bring down the pound. Because of these attacks, 5 November 1993, the pound lost 30% of its value, and also suffered write-downs in subsequent years.

networks of Rothschild Bank, through the Director Richard Katz, laid hands about Eni, which was sold off. The Rothschild Group also played a prominent role on other privatizations, including that of the Bank of Italy. There were close links between the Quantum Fund with George Soros and the Rothschilds. But several other members of the Anglo-American financial elite, such as Alfred C. and Georges Hartmann Karlweis were involved in the process of privatization of firms and the Bank of Italy. The Rothschild
Italy Spa, Milan branch of the Rothschild & Sons of London, was created in 1989 under the direction of Richard Katz. The latter became director of the Quantum Fund with Soros in the period of speculation against the lira. Soros had been instructed by the Rothschilds to implement a series of speculation against the pound, the mark and the lira, to destabilize the European Monetary System. On behalf of those clients, he made several speculation against the currencies of some Asian countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. After the financial destruction of Europe and Asia, Soros was commissioned to create a network for the spread of drugs in Europe.

Later, the Rothschilds, faithful to the way they do, they tried to drop the responsibility of the Italian economic collapse on someone else. Through a series of articles published in the Financial Times, accused Germany, arguing that the Bundesbank had implemented steps of insider trading against the pound. The prosecution did not hold, because the benefits of the collapse of the lira and the selling off of Italian companies went to the Anglo-Americans.
Privatisation was a sack, which still continues. Paul explains Raimondi, Solidarity Movement:

We have had years of privatization and looting of the productive economy and the bursting of the bubble of financial derivative. This same strategy of destabilization starts today, when Continental Europe is re-drawn, though not as a promoter and prospects yet to be determined, in large infrastructure project under the Eurasian Land-Bridge [11].
few years after the Italian courts prosecute Soros, but no success. In October 1995 the President of the International Civil Rights Movement-Solidarity, Paolo Raimondi, filed a complaint with the judiciary to open an investigation into the speculative activities of Soros & Co., which had hit the pound. The speculative attack on Soros, had enabled him to take possession of 15,000 billion lire. To counter the attack, the then governor of the Bank of Italy, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, needlessly burned 48 billion dollars. On
Soros investigated the public prosecutors in Rome and Naples, which also made light on the activities of the Bank of Italy in the period of the collapse of the lira. Soros was accused of stock manipulation and insider trading, having used confidential information that allowed him to speculate with confidence and anticipation of movements in securities and foreign exchange values \u200b\u200bof currencies.
explain the President and the Secretary General of the "International Movement for Civil Rights - Solidarity," while the complaint against Soros

was ... noted in 1992 the 'existence ... a very close contact, and particularly Mr. Soros with Gerald Carrigan, chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, part of the apparatus of U.S. Federal Reserve, a place of maximum circulation of economic information confidential, which, oddly, once resigned from this job, he was then immediately employed full time by the Financial Goldman Sachs & co. " as president of international advisers. Goldman Sachs is one of the centers of great speculation in derivatives and currencies worldwide. Goldman Sachs is also involved directly in the politics of privatization in Italy. In Italy also, Mr. Soros relies on close cooperation of Mr. Isidoro Albertini, a former president of the stockbrokers of the Milan Stock Exchange and current chairman of Albertini and co. SIM " Milan, one of the companies driving in speculative derivatives. Albertini is a member of the board of the Quantum Fund "Soros.
III. The speculative attack against the pound in September 1992 was preceded and prepared by the famous meeting of June 2, 1992 on the yacht "Britannia" of Queen Elizabeth II of England, where the highest representatives of international finance, especially British, engaged in the great speculation derivatives, such as SG Warburg, the Barings and the like, they met with the Italian counterpart headed by Mario Draghi, Director General of the Treasury, and the future minister Beniamino Andreatta, to plan the privatization of the Italian state. In the wake of speculation against the pound and its immediate devaluation of 30%, CODEST privatization would be done at bargain prices, for the benefit of the large international finance at the expense of the interests of the Italian state and the national economy and employment. Strangely, the same participants at the British had already been approved by government leaders such as Mario Draghi, to study and plan the privatization itself. Here we refer to as the Warburg, Morgan Stanley, to name two of the best known examples. The news agency EIR (Executive Intelligence Review) has publicly denounced this sordid operation in late 1992 resulting in a series of parliamentary questions and political discussions that have had the merit of questioning the entire process, rather unique, privatization [12].
The accomplices were the Italian Treasury Minister Piero Barucci, the then Director of Bank of Italy Lamberto Dini and the then governor of Bank of Italy Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. Other responsibilities are to the then Prime Minister Giuliano Amato and the Director General of the Treasury Mario Draghi. Some Italian authorities (such as Dini) had a double game: complaining about the dangers but secretly supported the speculators.
Amato had forced the unions to accept a wage agreement is not convenient for workers, for the "need to remain in the Monetary System European, knowing that Italy would exit due to upcoming speculation.
The attacks continued for the Italian economy all the nineties, until the Italian economic and financial system did not fall under the complete control of ' elite. In January 1996, semi-annual report on information policy and security, the Prime Minister Lamberto Dini said

Foreign exchange markets and stock exchanges of the main squares in the world continue to show our current speculation against the currency, source, especially in passages of delicate political and institutional life, from the uncontrolled spread of unfounded news about the governmental structures and advances data subject to the regular communications on consumer prices ... You can expect a recurrence of fraudulent speculation, given the persistence of a business cycle internal deadlines and monetary unification. [13]
The next day, the governor of the Bank of Italy, Antonio Fazio, reported that Italy could do nothing against the current speculation on foreign exchange markets, because "if the issuing banks are trying to change direction or stop the wind (financial transactions) do not make it to the size of the moving masses in the markets than the their firepower. "
Our authorities denounced the international power elite, but threw the sponge, believing those inevitable events. Was at stake the future of the country's business, but no Italian authorities thought he could do something against attacks destabilizing Anglo-American elite.

Solidarity Movement was the only to report what was actually happening, pointing to the real culprits of the collapse of the Italian economy. On 28 June 1993, the Solidarity Movement held a conference in Milan, which made known to all the meeting on the Britannia and what it was derived [14].
On November 6, 1993, 'then Prime Minister, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi wrote a letter to the Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome, Vittorio Mele, to start "procedures relating to the crime under Article. 501 of the Criminal Code ("fraudulent rise and fall of prices on the public market or the stock exchanges in trade"), considered in the event of aggravating circumstances contained in it. "Ciampi was also evident in the crime of insider trading by Soros, who had acted against the pound and stocks listed on the Stock Exchange of our companies.

Even in later years other privatization took place without clear rules and favorable prices. That something was changing, the Italians understood by the change of name of companies, the SIP was Telecom Italy and became the State Railways had become Trenitalia.
Legislative Decree 79/99 would have allowed the privatization of energy companies. In gas and electricity appeared numerous private companies, currently has around 300. From 24 February 1998, the Italian Post Office also became a spa Following the privatization of the postal, postal costs have increased dramatically and postal workers are employed on temporary contracts. More than 400 post offices were closed and those remaining open double as sales rather than service.

Our authorities justified the sale of privatization, saying that one should "balance the public", but did not specify that it pay more money to banks in exchange for notes that were worth as waste paper. A win would have been only a few banks and entrepreneurs already rich (Benetton, Tronchetti Provera, Pirelli, Colaninno, Gnutti and a few others).
It was said that privatization would improve the management of companies, but in reality, in all cases, there have been disasters of various kinds, and the remedy has been paid by Italian citizens.

Our companies have been sold off to farmers who almost always acted on behalf of the financial elite, which received the money for the purchase. The privatization of Telecom took place in October 1997. Was sold to 11.82 billion euro, but eventually cashed in only 7.5 billion. The company was bought by a group of entrepreneurs and banks. And the Treasury was a share of 3.5%.
The plan for control of Telecom had hidden the director of Merrill Lynch, American Banking Group of Donaldson Lufkin & Jenrette and Chase Manhattan Bank.
the end of 1998, the title he had lost 20% (4.33 €). The elite banks, Chase Manhattan and Lehman Brothers, came forward to implement a takeover bid. Through Colaninno, which received funding from Chase Manhattan, became the Olivetti owns Telecom. The Olivetti was controlled by the Bell, a company based in Luxembourg, in turn controlled by the Hopa Emilio Gnutti and Roberto Colaninno.

The title, which during the bid had been made up to 20 €, was halved within a year. After a few year end under the three euro.
In 2001 Telecom was in serious difficulty, the shares continued to fall. The Bell Gnutti and Consorte of Unipol Tronchetti Provera decided to sell much of their stake in Olivetti. The chairman of Pirelli, funded by JP Morgan, gained control of Telecom, through the holding company Olimpia, which was created with the Benetton family (supported by Banca Intesa and Unicredit).

After ten years of the privatization of Telecom, the budget is disastrous from all points of view: more than 20,000 people were made redundant, the shares have lost a lot of money to investors, the costs for users have increased and the company is at a loss.
privatization, as well as a sack, was to be a way to cheat the small shareholders.
Telecom, like many other companies, has put its headquarters in foreign countries, not to pay taxes to the Italian State. In addition to losing business, the Italians were also deprived of tax revenues of those companies. The Bell, a company that controls Telecom Italy, had its headquarters in Luxembourg, and had in the Cayman Islands-based company, which, of course, are a tax haven.

financial speculators base their activities on the existence of these tax havens, where you can not even get information to the courts. Havens tax allowed the speculators to destroy the economies of entire countries, and yet the media never talk about this very serious problem.
Putting a major company like the telephone in private hands also means not protect the privacy of citizens, who in fact has been repeatedly trampled upon, as shown in recent years.

for other privatizations, Autostrade, the Italian Post Office, Trenitalia etc.., Occurred the same devastation: layoffs, fraud to the detriment of investors, service degradation, waste of public money, mismanagement and problems of various kinds.
The Benetton family has become the majority shareholder of Autostrade. The privatization contract Motorways giving only advantages to buyers, making the burden of maintenance to remain on the shoulders of taxpayers. Benetton
I have earned quite a lot 'of money by the merger of Autostrade with the English group Abertis. The merger took place with the complicity of the Prodi government, which, after a meeting with Zapatero, has decided to authorize it. Antonio Di Pietro, Minister for Infrastructure, was opposed, but eventually the European Union has bowed to protests and politics of the Prime Minister.

Despite the disasters of privatization, our government authorities have no intention to re-nationalize the companies to collapse, indeed, are willing to use public money to repair the harm caused by private individuals.
The company Trenitalia has been brought to the brink of bankruptcy. In a few years the service has become increasingly poor, the trains are always the dirtiest, the cost of tickets continues to rise and many are poor service. Because of staff reductions (for example, there is no longer the driver), there have been several incidents (including deaths). In 2006, the 'managing director of Trenitalia, Mauro Moretti, was presented at a hearing at the Senate Committee on Public Works, to cash in, confessing to a hole of one billion seven hundred million euro, that could bring the company into bankruptcy . October 2006, Transport Minister Alessandro Bianchi, approved the recapitalization plan proposed by Trenitalia. More public money to a company privatized reduced to ruin.

Behind all this there was the economic and financial elite (Morgan, Schiff, Harriman, Kahn, Warburg, Rockefeller, Rothschild etc..) Who acted drafting a devastation of the Italian economy, and implemented it by taking advantage of political , financiers and entrepreneurs. Hiding is easy in a system where banks or companies can take control of other companies or banks. This means that it is always difficult to really understand who controls the privatized companies. It 'like game boxes Chinese, explains Giuseppe Turani "Colaninno & Associates control to 51% Hopa, which controls 56.6% of Bell, which controls 13.9% of Olivetti, which controls 70% of Tecnost, which controls 52 % of Telecom. "[15] Many companies
of Italian businessmen were destroyed by the system of financial markets, such as the Cirio and Parmalat. These companies have defrauded investors by selling corporate bonds ("Bonds") with a high degree of risk. The Parmalat Bond issued for a value of 7 billion euro, while implementing speculative financial transactions, and near bankruptcy. Not to bring down the value of the shares (and to sell others) make-up budgets.

The national and international banks claimed that the situation to their advantage, and the rating agency, Standard & Poor's, it was decided to downgrade only when the Parmalat fraud were known to all.
I cheated investors have launched legal proceedings against Calisto Tanzi, Fausto Tonna, Coloniale SpA (a subsidiary of the Tanzi family), Citigroup, Inc. (U.S. holding company), Buconero LLC (a company that was owned by Citigroup), Zini & Associates ( a U.S. financial company), Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (organization which provided consulting and professional services), Deloitte & Touche (accounting firm), Grant Thornton International (financial consulting firm) and Grant Thornton SpA (a company's independent auditors of Parmalat SpA subgroup). The

Cirio was managed by Cragnotti & Partners. The "Partners" were nothing but a series of national and international banks. Cirio Bond issued for about 1,125 million Euro. Many of these bonds were used to extract money from banks to small savers. All this took place in perfect harmony with the financial system, which offers no guarantee of honesty and transparency.
With privatization, a small group of rich Italians have gained enormous sums of money and allowed economic-financial elite Anglo-American exercise a heavy control on citizens, politics and the whole country. The Italians
was given the sop of "Clean Hands", which was resolved with a few number of acquittals and sentence a few years in prison.

Due to privatization and control by the European Central Bank, the country is poorer and has to pay very high sums for the debt. Every year saw the launch of the financial, in order to pay the banks and help finance their wars. As poverty increases, such as unemployment, precarious work, the degradation and the power of the Mafia.
Our country is now controlled by a group of people, imposing, through institutions touted as "authoritative" (International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank), to cut public spending, privatize and what still remains to implement policies to be unfavorable to the Italian population. Our governments will act in the interest of the elite, and not that of the country.


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