Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mount And Blade Stats


's last win Muammar Gaddafi Posted Saturday, March 12 @ 13:05:00 CST David


On March 6, 2010 it became clear that the Libyan regime has overcome internal revolt and stayed the chaos in the Arab world. A secret mission routine of the British SAS agents protected by 8 at the headquarters of the opposition ended with their arrest and 'interrogation' by the rebel leaders. The report of the Sunday Times for this event was in fact the white flag by the organizers of the protests in the Middle East and North Africa, 2010-2011.

From the beginning the chain of events in Libya took an unexpected turn for the global elite. Muammar Gaddafi refused to leave and Tripoli, together with members of his family and his clan, maintained a constant contact with the population through the Libyan state TV and regular public appearances.

During his impressive speech on February 22, managed to restore public support and encouraged the Libyans to oppose the revolution.

Since then, the major international media are avid unprecedented in the dissemination of lies about events in Libya. We have heard of 'foreign mercenaries who kill civilians', 'air raids on protesters', 'bombing of rebel positions', 'huge demonstrations against Gaddafi in Tripoli', 'thousands of refugees Libyans', and many other ads that you later have proven totally false. Sources in the Libyan

, for example of St Petersburg Center for Modern Middle East have outlined a framework rather different. There were no real protests in and around Tripoli. A few groups of marginalized young people in revolt, active in Az-Zawiya (western suburb of Tripoli) and in the center (the arson the People's Palace on the night of February 21 appears to have been the only place worthy of note), were promptly neutralized by the police. The 'air raids' of the Libyan Air Force in fact sought to strike the ammunition depots near Benghazi when he was still a considerable risk that was taken by separatists in the east.

The problem of 'foreign mercenaries that protect Gaddafi' is apparently the most interesting. It is well known that any mercenary fights for money. So are involved in the conflict where the interests of international oil mafia, mercenaries are the forces on which you can rely less. Gaddafi betrayal. And he, man smart, he is well aware. He could not negotiate alone. But suppose that their presence in Libya is an established fact. They could never have been 'kindly' offered to Gaddafi by his close supporters in Africa? Yes, why not. What was their mission? They were to receive the order of their true masters of being ruthless and fierce local protesters as possible to intensify the conflict. Not surprisingly, after the first battles in which they participated and after the announcements in the media world, the mercenaries are 'disappeared'. Surely soon will come to know some amazing detail on the army operations against Libyan mercenaries 'allies' in late February. From the CNN report about the wide scope of 'civil war' we should understand that in reality the government forces are trying to locate and defeat these 'allies'.

Now, for a scenario is at risk? Why Gaddafi's regime is the most stable of the Middle East. It should be noted that all the 'Arab dictators' who came to power with U.S. support in the 80s were easily defeated in January-February this year and are readily 'fallen into a coma'. They did not have the moral authority to fight for its power since that it had acquired in an unlawful manner. What is the key point of this lack of legitimacy? When aspiring to power formed a secret alliance with a foreign country that has provided them with ample support. Since then, they are not sovereign leader. Why can not defeat the revolution. They can not tell the truth to their people and the international community because it would mean having to tell the whole truth. And for all the truth shall also mean the circumstances of their rise to power ... In fact a solution to this 'dead end' exists. If a political leader recognizes that alone was and continues to be a shameful affair with a foreign power, will never FORGIVEN but condemned and supported by its people. As a result, the professionalism and loyalty of his personal guards will ensure the launch of his political career to an end. The alternatives are the scaffold of Saddam or the deathbed of Mubarak and Ben Ali.

But back to the 'people's revolutions in the Middle East'. We know that because they are desperately needed success 'masses of angry people'. So someone has to make her angry. As they did in Iran in June 2009? Through unknown snipers killed during protests in the street in Tehran (details on this can be found in our article 'What will the Bilderbergers decide on Iran').

as they did in Egypt in January? Again, unknown snipers fired on the crowd from the roof of the Interior Ministry in Cairo. Note that in both cases was done everything possible to persuade the public that the perpetrators were government forces. But where is the proof? What is the logic in killing by the security services, the demonstrators and their provocation to commit violent acts? Instead, their mission is to disperse the crowd peacefully, to identify and arrest the 'hotheads' between the demonstrators and to prevent victims! So who fired from the roof of the Egyptian Ministry Interior? We do not know. But those who have made public during the riots in Tunisia were captured and shown on RT. Check out this video:

anyone really believe that these men from the profile uncertain with Swedish and British passports were hunting wild boar on the streets of Tunis?

Now we can draw some conclusions.

First, there was nothing spontaneous in the wave of revolutions of 2011 in North Africa and the Middle East. The popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, etc.. were carefully prepared, organized, financed and supported by the international media. In a rather surprising, Al-Jazeera played a critically important nell'accendere conflicts between Arab societies, producing misinformation and blocking entries more credible and sober.

Second, the riots have proved to those who have organized a general failure. No doubt the idea was to organize the chaos and civil wars in the Arab world, causing embarrassment among the national elite, opening the way to power for the anti-liberal radical opposition in key countries in the region. Therefore expected that in due time the degrading social situation and the inability catalyzed by the vulgar propaganda governmental management of the international media have created the conditions for imposing control outside of these Islamic states. Libya, with its rich natural gas reserves, was the ultimate prize. But Muammar Gaddafi still in power, which has regained a public support, which is freeing itself from the 'bad apples' among its present chief, the skilled chess players in global politics can be seen forced to make moves required while the ghost of the President Bush Jr. reappeared on the Libyan coast. It seems the only choice left to the elites is to uncover the guns of the American superportaerei. They have been cornered and are under the pressing pyramid of the dollar.

Thirdly, the most important of these events have come to the surface bond hidden among the 'radical Islam' and the global elite. Show Muammar Gaddafi who is fighting the Islamic Al-Qaeda trying to replace bin Laden as the incarnation of 'absolute evil' was a major deception on the part of the international media. The radical populists are going to become the new generation of Arab leaders. They should not bring prosperity or no social justice in their societies. Their only mission is to effectively cover the pot boiling in the Muslim world through measures and pseudo-Islamic rhetoric. When the pot will explode, the energy spread in the world of millions of young and ignorant fanatics will pave the way for the malicious Great Peacemaker. The seeds symbiosis of this mysterious British intelligence were thrown in the nineteenth century. For example, if you look back over the story of Hassan Al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, we can see that it was Evelyn Baring - the 'controller general' British in Egypt since 1878 and scion of a dynasty of ancient British bankers - to appoint Grande Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Muhammad Abduh. You can not underestimate the significance of that position. The Egyptian Grand Mufti was a moral authority at the time of great prestige in the Muslim world. Because the British chose Sheikh Abduh, a renowned Salafi? Because the script of the false leadership of the Islamic world by the global elites had already been written. These elites considered cannon fodder for the Muslims to impose their own domain. They needed to corrupt the faith of Islam, replacing it with a surrogate pseudo Islamic. That's why Evelyn Baring wrote about the Salafis: 'They are the natural allies of the European reformers' [Goodgame, Peter. The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists' Secret Weapon]. At that time became a Adbuh Sheikh Murshid (teacher) of Muhammed al-Banna, Hassan's father ...

So we are entering a period very interesting, perhaps decisive. Muammar Gaddafi has won his last battle overcoming the force insolence pressure from various sides. There will be another son of Gaddafi Muslim mother who may resist the new world order?
We hope and pray it happens.

Fomine Andre is the founder of the magazine research Oriental Review of open dialogue in which he appeared this article
Link: -victory-of-Muammar


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