Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Comment Of Qcarbo


OF Fabrizio Fiorini

"It was monstrous. I could not remain silent. "
Ida Magli

"The cover is blue, but you do realize they have the little red book in hand," says Ida Magli talking about his latest work, The European dictatorship, before the large audience that flocked to last Saturday, the room Pirelli at the headquarters of the Lombardy region in Milan. Ida Magli, an anthropologist, journalist, author, among other things, numerous essays and articles aimed at exposing the true nature of anti-people and plutocratic European institutions, is confirmed to be a healthy "loose cannon" of the cultural and academic national, the face of a healthy and fighting universe (that of "culture" national) tamed and standardized. We have already had the impression reading his lucid and timely analysis of the journalist, who shone in the context often lined and covered the Milan daily, we just had confirmation that his latest finding writers, already regularly reviewed on these pages by Lidia Sella, one of the rare examples of politically incorrect managed to escape the dense mesh of censorship that would usually confined to the works of the circuits smaller, niche publishers to, libraries, bunkers, catacombs writer of the last free men.

Instead, she did not. He has published for the types of Rizzoli, a popular price edition, available in all libraries: all the requirements necessary for the will not remain unheeded del'Autrice, who does not wish to convey a message in a bottle for posterity and to historians of the future, he wants get out of the cold logic of academic evidence and wants to provide its readers with a useful tool for the control and knowledge of the ugly face of power.

an operation, the European dictatorship, who throws a stone on the surface of the muddy and stagnant debate and analysis on everything related to what has been called "European integration". Revealing the hidden nature and covered by a thick blanket of his corridors of power, which is exactly this accusation as a smoke his strong point, and how language and bureaucratic inaction that characterized his public acts is the foundation of popular ignorance about its actual characteristics. A secret word that the author swears without any hesitation, that this union of supranational economic powers behind the mask of a European Union based in reality on the single currency, the bank seigniorage, cultural approval, the monochrome gray policy on the destruction of spirituality, thought-approved, the traffic of goods and people, sull'addomesticamento science and social criticism, on the eradication popular identity, the waiver authority of the States, on the loss of any special features, on cancellation of the history and traditions that create any national identity, the lack of any measure aimed at the popular welfare and social justice - an anti- Europe, then, where you will find banks, shops, preachers of multiculturalism, heralds of glad tidings ("we will take you to Europe!") and each sparkling color of modernity, but they deleted any reference to its true cornerstone: the peoples.

Ida Magli's book, we said, was then presented Saturday, March 5 in a public lecture in the Lombardia region. The event, followed by rebirth and the free man, copies of which have spread and mingled with the speakers and the audience, arousing general interest, attention and sharing, has been organized by Max Sticks, local representative of the Northern League , and was attended, as well as the Author of the President of the Regional Council Davide Boni, Maurizio Cabona journalist of Il Giornale and Mr Mario Borghezio, MEP. After the introduction of Wands and President Boni, who stressed the fact that Europe carries within itself the "original sin" of the lack of popular identity, stressed as counterparts of our lives until you impose a standard diameter for the zucchini, and called for a return to rely on the capacities of nations, urging people to wonder what and if they are twenty or thirty years, it was the turn of ' Author.

Ida Magli, determined and combative, said of the essayist and academic difficulties encountered in finding the words to speak seriously of this Europe, and his subsequent choice to address the speech writer is not aware that otherwise would have been possible except that the sheet of struggle, the ruthless written complaint which would definitely put the perpetrators of the killing of the Europe of the peoples and states before their own historical responsibilities, giving up a mere scientific treatment to the victim and the sterile and appealing to those who are or become aware of the need to face a battle of civilization against barbarism. E 'with a look and decided heated oratory, and striking figure made in his tiny, compared to which even appeared to resize the presence of pyrotechnics Borghezio (!) That the author has traced the focal points towards which to direct its readers / militants: a) the need for a radical disruption of migratory flows, the Trojan Horse of the most pernicious multiculturalism and the disintegration of Europe's cultural and socio-economic fabric b) complaint leakage from the system and the single European currency and a return to national currencies owned by the state on the issue and credited to the people, re-appropriation of monetary sovereignty as encouragement for the appropriation of sovereignty tout court; c) constant pressure on the great information to begin to address these issues in order to break the curtain of silence that stifles within the usual tight circles and diminishes to the level of conspiracy theorizing and apocalyptic.

to the detailed analysis of Ida Magli wanted to counter Cabona Maurizio Il Giornale which, contained in a scenario now familiar criticism of those who say a model of revolutionary development basically argued that - while sharing the views of the author - is a must a "reminder of the reality," be aware that the exit from the Euro and the blocking of immigration are just dreams and fantasies that great information will never be pushed on this course because it is the mirror of the companies that produce it. Not only that the journalist of the Milan newspaper has seen fit to present to the Author that the issues which the analysis of the power groups of the world and that of monetary sovereignty are you were not discovered until late in life, and that years ago she wrote in La Repubblica Scalfari for while he speaks instead of Biderberg and Trilateral since he was the shorts. We fly over on the latter issue (the analysis of political phenomena is not like the feast of the serial, where more than six out of course, have more stamps in the booklet, and more "accounts") on information, however, should Cabona own self-criticism as editor of Il Giornale. The Milan daily, in fact, while hosting the sometimes lucid analysis and criticism of the Western model of the transnational capitalist system of power (just think of the articles of the shirt, but there were others as well) has always exploited these issues in a functional way to defend own politichetta positions on national good criticism of big powers, then, but only when they are opposed to the head of government for the remainder of the line of Il Giornale to the bitter end stands on the defense of Occidentalism more stringent in its cultural dimensions , economic, military. You might just give you an example, say, drawing the logical conclusion to what is stated in your courses sometimes politically incorrect, and finally admit that some claim can not be released by an overall critique of the Western model and the capitalist socioeconomic system. Sure, stop being a major newspaper, and - as Rebirth - you would not be present even in press releases of Telesanterno, but so be it. It would become, in the words of the same Cabona, the "mirror" of that part of society that the information embedded left without a voice. The speech by Mr Borghezio

closing of the day, reviewed the highlights of the work of Professor Magli, stressed - it was still an event array ... green - the merits of the Northern League in the organization of these events and to give voice and visibility to the items most uncomfortable and most heretical thesis.

Turin MEP also called for a convergence between the different currents of thought free, quoted from the reviews that have made the European dictatorship Rebirth and La Padania, welcoming the commonality of views between a newspaper linked to the independent North and another array of national flag, went so far as to want to address all fringes of the objection to this development model, including the "anti-globalization that when I meet I want to smash your head."

Well, Mr Borghezio (we 'sans-culottes' national of the left often use the title of Mr ironically not too hidden, but in your case we use it with sincerity, as "honorable" as is claimed, and I'll tell you why ). By reading these pages you will have noticed that we have never failed to recognize the merits of his political organization. We recognized in the League, at least in some of its manifestations, the political force more (give me) "national" bleak landscape of Italian party, we have recognized the authenticity of some of its activist base and part of its management, we looked at with suspicion who wanted her to paint as a political effort or how many anti-South (with purely character bourgeoise) have described it as a bunch of yokels with Viking helmet on his head and we appreciated the courageous stand against the criticisms sometimes known master of 'oltreatlantico; we have recognized the merit of having led to levels of political visibility and institutional theorizing even more politically incorrect (one hundred copies of Rebirth and The Free Men and Speeches on seigniorage in the Pirellone are indeed a rare treat for the eyes and ears ), so we appreciate the genuinely popular roots and strong bond with the territory. For this is its desire to Mrs convergences.

remain, however, for our part, critical issues, and adherence to a model drawn up in heaven where we can not give up. Which leads us to blame - with sincere regret - His political organization is a lack of completeness, a break circularity of the organic and the system of social criticism. This completeness can not separate from the national element of social justice, sovereignty can not decouple from sociality, which can not but recognize in the fight against the capitalist system and big business to the highest stage stateless people and the affirmation of identity of free nations, quell'organicità that every patriot is a socialist, and every socialist is a patriot.

E 'this is the road to free themselves from dictatorship to return to European and hope for a Europe of free nations and peoples and federated. Other roads, we believe, there are none.

Fabrizio Fiorini


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