Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cost For Full Body Wax


Posted on Monday, March 14 @ 22:20:00 CDT by David


"May the gods protect us, Henry Kissinger is back!"

Henry Kissinger has been a Director of Homeland Security at the time of President Nixon and then Secretary of State. He also held the latter post under President Gerald Ford. Although it would be unfair to call it as someone who never gave good advice (he actually encouraged to engage in the Nixon policy of detente with the USSR), his work rests heavily on the side dell'imprudenza. And we will see him again in the exact same role, selling bad advice, in this case could further erode the already messed up the U.S. intelligence agencies.

beginning Kissinger was an academic. His doctoral thesis was the diplomacy of two statesmen of the first 800, the Englishman Robert Viscount Castlereagh and Austrian Prince Klemens von Metternich. These men were among the main actors of the Congress of Vienna that took place after the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815. In that meeting

Metternich argued that Europe had to return to the political status existing before the French Revolution. Pursuing that goal impossible, he supported the policies of repression and regimes. One gets the impression that the history of public service Kissinger was, at least in part, an attempt to gain the reputation of Metternich. To do that Kissinger would pursue a 'realpolitik' that, more often than experienced in America, involved the support of repressive policies and regimes.

Here are some of the causes that Kissinger married: the bombing of North Vietnam to get 'peace with honor'; support for the murderous fascist regime of Pinochet in Chile Ernesto and the equally bloody military dictatorship in Argentina, the acquiescence to the annexation of East Timor by the Indonesian dictator Suharto, which was followed by genocide, the acquiescence to the Serbian and Croatian wars against the Bosnian Muslims, support the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and last but certainly not least, the active lobbying for the admission of the Shah of Iran in the U.S. in crisis (yet another dictator supported by America) which led immediately to the hostage taking of U.S. diplomats in 1979 and the continuing tensions between America and Iran and unrest. I kept these cases of bad proceedings until the last part because one of the latest releases of Kissinger's role in the great statesman that leads to madness.

So what do you want from us now, dr. Kissinger? Well, according to a report by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Kissinger sent a letter to President Obama "encouraging him to switch the term of imprisonment of Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a life sentence on charges of spying for Israel. Kissinger said that he consulted with other people like former Defense Secretary Weinberger, former Secretary of State George Schultz and former CIA Director Woolsey (all supporters of Israel) and found their "unanimous support for a mandatory clemency. " Kissinger's letter follows a lobbying effort by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Obama has officially requested to the same guarantee of clemency. This is what Netanyahu had to say: "Both Mr. Pollard that the Israeli government have repeatedly expressed remorse for this action [espionage] and Israel will continue to fulfill its commitment to certain wrong actions will never be repeated. " There's something almost childlike in this approach. Caught with hands in the cookie jar of Israel, the spies and their agents say, "Oh, sorry. If the sentence commuted to promise to be good from now on '. In fact, in the world Espionage, certain promises are worth less than paper they're written. Then, in 2004 the FBI arrested another employee of the government who spied for Israel and used the American Zionist lobby AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee, as a channel through which to pass the stolen information. Farewell promises of future good conduct.

What Kissinger and the rest of Pollard's supporters seem not to be conclusive, or even worthy of note is the fact that since 1987 the process of sent Pollard in jail for life, U.S. intelligence officials have quietly threatened to give their resignation en masse if the Zionist spy had been released. Keep in mind that since George W. Bush and his neo-conservatives have the mandate to roll the CIA in the conduct of the invasion of Iraq, one that Kissinger has argued so helpful, the intelligence agencies of this country have found themselves very low in spirits. If Obama commute Pollard's sentence would be another blow to their health professional. But what does it matter

Kissinger to a bunch of government employees? In his version of 'realpolitik' of reality or the servants of the government or ordinary citizens are worth a lot. Here are a few quotes from Kissinger to show what I mean. Having helped to condemn the people of Chile in 16 years of government under Ernest murderous Pinochet Kissinger has streamlined so his decision: "I do not see why we should be looking to become a communist country because of the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves. " And, as analysts of the various intelligence agencies, most of which are truly experts in the countries studied, Kissinger has simply excluded the experts as irrelevant. "Most foreign policies that history has marked highly," - he says - "have been created by leading experts to whom they opposed." Well, all the "experts" but the dr. Kissinger.

The real Henry Kissinger, who improbably received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, verging on war crime. This should tell us what his opinion really matters. President Obama would be foolish if it gave a listen to a man whose blood-stained career would have ended so long ago shameful. Lawrence Davidson

Link: 09/03/2011


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