Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Does It Mean When You Have Abnormal Ers?

WE ARE SURE THAT Gaddafi is a monster?

The Fall of SR
King ... forgive us our trespasses as we forgive our debtors. We are very confident that Gaddafi is a monster?

To hear the media, it's war. Indeed, the war is the media in the first place. For the Western press, which until yesterday welcomed with a warm embrace of its capital and freezes them today, Qaddafi has been suddenly transmuted into a bloodthirsty monster, who did not hesitate to bomb its own people to quell the revolt, sparking the civil war throughout the country. Meanwhile, the bet that, thanks to all this, the foreign ownership of Colonel porprietari return to the ancients?
To read the Russian press, however, the truth is different: in an impassioned apology appeared a few days ago in Pravda (which, we must remember, means "truth"), shows a very different picture of the Libyan leader.

How can we, the Pravda writes, "call a leader who ousted dictator, a corrupt monarch, that has modernized the country, which has led him to one of the highest human development indices by applying a system of government based on direct democracy? "Words that could have been - and perhaps have been - on the lips of any Western government, until only a month ago.

's not all: "Gaddafi has always supported revolutionary movements in the world." Pravda continues, "While the media subservient to the United States praised the apartheid regime in South Africa, trained the young Gaddafi in Libya [dissidents] and them sent back with the best weapons to gain the freedom in South Africa. "

The mass graves? The bombing of Tripoli? Manipulations. But then why the press would begin to demolish Gaddafi? According to Pravda, because the United States would regain influence in the Arab world, after losing a leader like Mubarak helpful.

Of course, the truth is, if not in the middle, at least not on one side or the other. What is certain is that the war is being fought primarily in people's heads. You know, one of human characteristics is the ability to adapt and get used to everything. So, as you get used to nuclear nightmare during the Cold War and the Islamic threat after September 11, 2001, we get used to the idea of \u200b\u200bmonstrous tyrants to fight in North Africa. A way as any to get us into a mood and to prepare to sacrifice another piece of our freedom. And maybe, to get used to hear the whistling of the blasts closer and closer.

In all, the Libyan front is and will be another imaginary theater of conflict that we will remain equally unknown as that of Iraq or Afghanistan. Can we really put your hand on the pictures of massacres, now that the manipulability of images and information is almost endless? To this we can not answer, and raised by Pravda, head of the regime, of course, but even this statement is terribly biased. And the precedent of "weapons of mass destruction mass "that cost the hanging of Saddam Hussein does not play for the benefit of certainty.

"We are in an information war and we are losing this war." Hilary Clinton said in a speech that has not gone unnoticed in Russia Today Al Jazeera is winning, the Chinese have opened a global television network multi-language, Russians have opened up a network in English. I've seen in some countries, and it is quite instructive.

is the real face, which is why the Clinton defends his nails and teeth American investments in the information. It's war and the battlefield is us.

Russian television footage from the which states that there were air strikes on Libya in the crowd ...


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