Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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ICELAND The only nation that rebelled

Posted on Monday, March 14 davide @ 22:20:41 CDT


A tiny nation that has had the strength to rebel the overwhelming power transfer. A revolution, which also passes through a new constitution, aimed at preventing the country's interests are sacrificed to those of the international finance oligarchs

Small and forgotten, Iceland gives us a warning. The solitary island between the North Pole and the UK, only 300 thousand souls, a small country of fishermen, has dared the failure to: rebelling against the global plutocracy.

is the story. At the end of 2008 the financial crisis sweeps like a hurricane on Iceland, in October decided to nationalize the country's largest bank, Landsbanki.

closely followed the Kaupthing and Glitnir. The debts of the institutions failures are in large part by the City of London and the Netherlands. The national currency, the krona, is paper and the stock market reaches a fall of 76%. The conservative government of Geir H. Haarden enlists the help of the IMF, which approved a loan of 2 billion and $ 100 million, supplemented by another 2 billion by some Nordic countries. The popular protests follow each other in a crescendo leading to the resignation of Prime Minister in January 2009 and early elections in April next. Exit polls from a winning coalition of left, he can not slow down the economy. The year ended with a decrease of 7% of GDP.

The new government offers the repayment of debts to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands by the payment of € 3 billion and a half, a sum that will pay all the Icelandic families each month for the next 15 years at 5.5% interest. In January 2010 the Head of State, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, refuses to ratify and give satisfaction to the people clamoring for a referendum on the issue. The result of the consultation held in March is overwhelming: 93% of voters said no. The reason is simple: because having to pay all the effects of a crisis they are responsible for the bankers, protected and pampered by the IMF and the financial system that keeps an eye blackmail the country? The retaliation was immediate: the IMF immediately freezes aid.

Only at this point, the left-wing government, with pitchforks pointing in front of parliament, will decide the big step: the complaint and arrested the bankers. Interpol issues international arrest order against ex-President of Kaupthing, Sigurdur Einarsson. In this climate of reckoning, last November, brings together a constituent assembly to write a new constitution, revising the small Icelandic state taking it away from the overwhelming power of virtual money. The criterion by which it is elected wants to give the signal a renewal of real, profound: choosing 25 citizens without political affiliation among the 522 who submitted their application, for which he must be of legal age and only have the support of thirty people. The new magna carta is being presented at this time.

Nothing has been heard by us in this revolution of Iceland. Pacifica but tough and determined. To re-read the main points, in comparison with the conservative inertia that exists in our country's come to take a chill down my spine: resignation en bloc of a government, nationalization of banks, the referendum so the people can decide on economic decisions Fundamental jail for those responsible for the crisis, rewrite the constitution by the citizens. The only shadow that rests on the political course of the island is the call for EU accession. Why would you want to throw in the icy North Sea all the wonderful work done so far, an example for free men of Europe to join a superstate controlled by bankers and managers of multinational corporations? Why are proud Icelanders do not try to persevere in the right way, by imitating their sheep and horses, left free in large pastures without fences and without guard dogs?

Alessio Mannino
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