Friday, March 4, 2011

Got A Pedicure Got An Infection Now What


global revolt against neoliberalism
Posted on Thursday, March 3rd @ 17:10:00 CST David

from Wisconsin to North Africa, through Europe: global revolt against neoliberalism

have been largely ignored, in Italy, protests erupted in Wisconsin and Ohio, following the decision of two of the reactionary government wiped out the civil servants (teachers and nurses) and to limit their trade union rights. In Wisconsin, against measures that would lead to the dismissal of thousands of workers, and left without a single shred of collective agreement alone and defenseless before the master, a crowd occupied the Capitol in Madison, the state capital, Defenestration of fact elected authorities. One of the leading historians of the American left, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, has inflamed his talks with tens of thousands of people. In Ohio, the unions have rallied crowds equivalent (to keep informed, read The Nation or Mother Jones, historic organs Use the left).

Here was distracted by what is happening in the Mediterranean, with the riots still inconclusive in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, Algeria, Yemen, Oman, etc.. There is one who reads as generational insurrection, who binds them to MySpace and Facebook, who sees as well as democratic uprising. From 'other side', the hostility to the motions, to whom the right is interpreted in the light of radical Islamism, "left" who you can see traces of revolutions "orange" operated by the CIA, Obama, occult centers Power (citing Castro and Chavez, without considering that their countries seek allies besieged wherever they can).
With rare exceptions, no one can make a class analysis. The only one who could hold together in a single interpretive framework, the uprising of the Missouri and Ohio with those of North Africa, and also join the mass protest Greek, rebellion - the student but not only - in France, Italy, Great Britain. And a thousand other episodes. We have a new 1967-68. A rebellion against the impositions of the capitalist world. The risk is that this time, no one would pay any attention. Have become extinct, or have less luck, great analysis. It folds up so that simplicity: from pure liberal democratism (the revolt against oppressive regimes) to delusions called "geopolitics" is dear to the left of decent Limes rossobruni that the (strange mix between fascist and communist political ultra-Orthodox).
Yet the truth is there for all to see. It is well established, by dint of victories not only theoretical but also the military, a universal economic theory, monetarism. Centrally located on government debt, which Keynes judged secondary to the actual production and actual employment. To remedy the debt, and the mass of interest that is generated continuously, savings are ever increasing. Cut here, cut there. Especially in welfare, which creates inflation and the debt increases.
first victims: those most weak, young people and women (and for civil servants, normally docile but too compact). The third person weak, the old: it keeps them at work to compensate for the labor expelled or excluded. This would certainly risk in case the actual or potential labor force is organized. The "luck" has the power on the side of the knife handle. Choose the partners according to the collective docility, excludes the other. Clear, strong in his political dominion, all types of general contracting. He wants to have in front of a worker capable of rods just his signature under a contract of service. Full of all punitive clauses, but only to the petitioner.
all in the name of universal an economic theory that is primarily ideological. Define needs and allocations of resources relates to the economy, targeting the beneficiaries is the responsibility of politics. Monetarism made his choice, he transformed the political economy (science itself approximate) in ideology. Economy in the service of politics. E 'from which you choose who to punish and reward people. Victims are the lower classes, to disrupt and reassemble (1). On the basis of a theory by no means scientific, but inspired by a vision of the hierarchical society which would regret the old aristocracy. We have therefore
hands on any vested right. Education, culture, work guaranteed, the assumption of a roughly egalitarian society, some board easy to calculate. What does not remain a trace.

This happens in Wisconsin and it happens in Italy. But that has to do in North Africa? Clearly, the forms take on aspects dell'insubordinazione members of the local characteristics, and yet the unifying matrix is \u200b\u200bclearly visible for those who seek it with a minimum of perspicacity.
tyrannical regimes in North Africa have resisted until they are bent liberalism, invested by the west wind. Since then they have opened the floodgates to foreign capital left the workforce to fend for itself (in the imagination-powered art companies are still semi-rural while the rate of industrialization is very high), favored the processes of privatization and social fragmentation.

Take the case of Libya, so dear, for apparently opposite reasons, both the bourgeois democracy (anti Gaddafi) that the left has lost the compass (pro Gaddafi). If we really want to customize, Gaddafi is one who, from Libya to release the uncomfortable state of "rogue state", it passed to England the list of IRA who were trained in its territory, who left after 2001 and especially since 2003, free access to the resources of his country and a multinational consortium of bank robbery, that he agreed with Italy to die in the desert, or hold temporarily living in filthy jails, continental African migrants trying to reach the European coast. Valentino Parlato now says that Gaddafi's Green Booklet "should read". Fair exhortation: he read it first. Then tell me what you think about what Gaddafi says women - basically pure containers future children - or the cinema, an instrument of corruption because it shows things are not true (better than the circus, says Rais, though with reserve). Speech is one of many examples of those who chatter about what is unknown. But
customize is the worst way. Libya does not differ from Tunisia, Egypt and so on. because is the class most affected and disadvantaged in that stand. Non-Islamist extremists, not nostalgia of previous regimes, not representatives of tribal minorities (these components are there, but do not reflect the entire movement). It is about working class, mostly young or young, who can not see a possible future, within the dominant neo-liberal economic framework. The fact that the scheme bestow alms in the form of livelihood in political price, does not make them out of the siding where they are parked.
Vale in Athens, Paris, Rome, Lisbon, Tunis, or in Wisconsin. Making the case to the flags that flap does not serve anything that happens look for the first rag in hand, provided different from the official banner. Once in midstream, a word waiting in line for take the next step. Not surprisingly, the United States, European Union and Israel are prodigal of advice concerned. Coming to vent, at least for Libya, another "humanitarian intervention" to seize the resources of others. They send spies and warships. Attempt a coup colonial at the lowest possible price.

It 'hard to understand at the time, how will this fight. Born transitional forms of government, subject to other insurgencies. The clown who has mastered the Italian State, after having offered to Gaddafi fotomodelle 500 for a lesson in the Koran, is now asking that you stand aside. He fears a repetition of what we saw. Hundreds of thousands of people in the square and streets, are capable of dropping a scheme. It works, folks, it works.
CGIL, you decide whether or not to proclaim a general strike?

Valerio Evangelisti
Link: # 003812

02/03/2011 (1) Noterella to speak. An unemployed worker is no less "workers" of what works in the factory. A student with no prospects of the young man is no less proletarian neighborhood. An employee at the "immaterial labor" (research, culture, etc..) Operates in an industry now bearing in different parts of the world. Capital continually reshapes the lower classes, as needed. It is essential that give added value, direct or indirect, and does not recognize a single team in a carrier of the claims.


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