Sunday, March 13, 2011

Implantation Bleeding Pregnant With Twins


teasing justice reform Posted on Saturday, March 12 @ 16:10:00 CST David


In recent days, the TG and the newspapers are very busy from the false issue of judicial reform.

We are facing the nth jack around to the detriment of citizen orchestrated by the left and right in unison, in which, in a mock play, it is argued nothing, nothing, and nothing. There is an argument
anything because this reform is not reform.
for nothing because the end of each is not to change anything but leave it at that.
With nothing because the arguments adopted by both sides, but especially those of the left, are false.
Let's see what the terms of the debate, then we see what he says and then reform into reality because we see, however things go, nothing will change.

The terms of debate

Terms the discussion, summing up both points of view, are as follows.

The right says he did unn reform to change the judicial system and that reform is not on a personal basis, and is destined to last.

The left says that this reform is illiberal, and aims to put the prosecutor under the control of the executive. Furthermore, the reform would be unconstitutional (but you do not understand why). And influence over whether the prosecution.

Di Pietro then came to say something really incomprehensible that I report that I took and verbatim from his site. Asked what the point of the reform is puzzling, he replied: "But there is a proposal that is acceptable, because every point has the aim of impunity and to prevent the magistrate to do his duty. "

What does the impunity of the Premier (which is, given his age, impunity ce 'would have the law, even if they give him a life sentence) with the reform of justice is really a mystery.

The right argument is partially true (or partially false, as you prefer).
The left's argument is totally false.
Starting with what the left says, is absolutely false that this reform will make the PM to control the executive.

On the other hand it should be noted that currently depend on the judges Ministry of Justice, which is always executive.

The problem then is not in the dilemma of separation - separation no "but using that makes this separation.

If the separation of careers can be used to specialize more individual sectors of the judiciary, ensuring that a judge who has been involved for years in a traffic accident one day you are to investigate the mafia, then so be it separation.

If you need a cage even more the already totally inefficient proxies, then the separation is a bad thing.

In fact, the reform is neutral from this point of view in that it does not make the PM to control the executive, at least not more than now, but not specialized judges. It merely asks them a choice, and little more.

It is true that a reform is not a personal basis.
For once, the Premier has nothing to do with this reform, in the sense that his legal situation does not change one iota.

Even the mandatory prosecution, is a principle that is not affected, and anyway, in fact, never existed and does not exist.

mandatory prosecution means that if a judge becomes aware of a crime should be required to act, not having a choice.

In fact the judges are not involved almost never in any crime, and 99 percent of crimes reported is stored de plano, because "they have no means to investigate."

The problem of seigniorage is such a problem that has important implications in criminal matters which, in theory, would investigate any magistrate, but this will never happen because no PM ever take such an initiative, if a judge sees a trail of chemistry in the sky, in theory it should immediately open an investigation, if a judge passes in front of a public work for which they were unnecessary spending millions of euro and never finished, it should immediately open an investigation, but this never happens, if a magistrate finds out, even the newspapers that the attorney X is not investigating the murder of Tom and Dick, should open an investigation on its own against the prosecuting magistrates. And so on ...

Then the left takes us around when raises the issue of mandatory prosecution, because this principle has never existed and does not exist in fact.

True instead is that the reform will, if approved, to take quite a bit ', because it provides a real structural reform. However, in terms of relations PM - judiciary, changes little or nothing, because basically only changes the way that will change from one function to another.

Reform at a Glance Let

In a nutshell the main points of reform.
reform divides Fuzion prosecutors than judges. Today

and judges PM:

- are a unique competition;
- choose from time to time whether to make a career prosecutor and judges, and often can not choose because some places are more sophisticated and some less, with the result that one who wanted to be a civil court is found to make the PM in Catanzaro because there is no shortage of organic, or with the result that a PM who has exercised that function for years, one day change and goes out to civil court ;
- both are subject to an inspection body, the CSM, which is unique for both functions.

the reform, instead of:

- choose the candidate for the competition before making the competition and not after, a feature which is intended to be used;
- if a judge wants to change careers, you may do so only after a certain time and passing an internal competition based on qualifications and examinations;
- the establishment of a permanent school for the training of the judiciary magistrates
- the provision of a range of typical disciplinary offense;
- the existence of two different CSM, one for the PM and one for the judges. These MSCs have, however - unlike say the left - the same composition and are governed by the same procedures.

reform, essentially does not change almost anything, and is completely ineffective in solving the current problem of justice whatsoever.

Just think of the offenses covered, membership of secret societies is not provided as a crime, but only as a disciplinary offense, and, moreover, is considered illegal outside of work. "

down in the field of practical examples:

will not be illegal to be members of Freemasonry, since the organization is not secret, but official.

will not be unlawful society as followers of the Golden Dawn or Red Rose, in the case of organizations that have their sites and even then, strictly speaking of logic, are not "secret." Even in free
selling books written by the founder of the Red Rose, and the investigators are only ignorance and misinformation officer who consider it "secret" and the propaganda of the media covering the existence of these organizations, but its roots can be traced back centuries and books still for sale everywhere.
a secret, by definition, should be unknown to most people (such as Gladio was up to recently, or the Ring of Andreotti), but the truth is that the Red Rose and other associations are not "secret" in the sense narrow, because their existence is official.

will not be illegal even - paradoxically - to be followers of the organization Satanic "The Temple of Seth," Satan is an organization, but not secret.

So the rule is a joke as it is structured, and how all the rules, the problem lies not in the rule laid down, as in the application that it will.

The real problem with this reform, in my opinion, is the ongoing monitoring and periodic which will be submitted to the magistrate, who will also be assessed during your career, well below the psychological profile, in other words means that this will be facilitated 's cleaning and defenestration of the judges uncomfortable.
But in reality even this is a false problem.
The Defenestration of magistrates uncomfortable always been implemented by other methods, and by other means, just remember the story of De Magistris, Forleo, Córdoba, Falcone and Borsellino.
Today, those who make serious inquiry, shall be transferred, punished, and somehow silenced.
Tomorrow things will be just a little 'easier, but after the change will not be substantial, but only formally.

the real problems of justice

True justice issues are many, but other than those bandied about by right and left. They are in particular:
- inadequate staffing and resources;
- the inadequate training of judges in front of important phenomena such as large financial crimes, Mafia association, ritual murder, massacres, etc. ...;
- legislation that made for inefficient encourage inefficiency and the unlawful conduct of judges dishonest.

Here are some points:

- procedural rules are completely inefficient and among the many limitations, we cite the low time limit to make complex investigations, the heavy restrictions on wiretapping, the need in some cases to use for the interception of external structures that do not provide any assurance and reliability;
- the laws are ineffective in cases of serious violations, but now a judge who hides or collapses a file of mafia, which intentionally or detecting occult investigations, virtually nothing is not likely, because the crime of acts of omissions of office is not proportionate to the seriousness of the omission, the risk is to take only a few months in jail, obviously with the conditional, but it is a remote risk, because the truth is that no judge is ever subject to criminal prosecution, unless it is Mignini, Forleo and De Magistris,
- no law requires the registration to the incompatibility between Masonry and other clubs such as Rotary, and judicial office, the legitimacy of membership in the Masons for the judiciary has even been enshrined in the EU Court of Justice; logical that, from this point of view, the legislation is a real outlet for a ride;
- no law requires environmental incompatibility of judges with their area of \u200b\u200borigin, in other words, today a judge who has always lived in a town of a few tens of thousands of inhabitants, as Viterbo, Rieti, Teramo, etc.., exerts its function in the city of origin, and therefore encouraged the exchange of favors, friends, recommendations, etc.., since judicial office should be a sort of mission, service to the public made by sacrifice, the law should provide that the series judges exercise their functions as far away from their places of origin, with periodic changes and mandatory location;
- no law prevents the frequent visits between lawyers and judges, so the result is that in small as in large cities, lawyers and judges, including members of important processes are the same rowing club, the Rotary, or other associations that may make friends and, of course, speaking of the ongoing trials;
- there are no courses to prepare serious exercise of judicial office prosecutor, today that becomes the PM, and started to investigate various crimes, including crimes of mafia murders financial scams, but until the day before has always lived at home with mom and dad and has never signed a check in his life and has no idea how to even open a personal bank account.
Not to mention the preparation relating to ritual murder, satanic or esoteric in general.

A school of the judiciary should include the history of serious criminal cases the most important Italian and foreign, by the Monster of Florence, Olympia investigation on the 'Ndrangheta, or maxi-trial in Palermo, studies on the secret organizations, the seven, and so on. .. But it is absolutely obvious that the school provided by the Minister Alfano will focus, as every school current on the latest guidelines for fines for speed cameras, and compatibility with the extenuating circumstance aggravating X Y.

Everything will change so that nothing changes.

Ps. Some anecdotes on justice. About

justice reform, I want to mention a conversation I had with a high degree Mason, a while ago.

He said that many masons who worked for justice and to restore the masonry tradzionali values \u200b\u200bin the various obbiedienze, had tried to clean inside and in the end the cleaning was not possible, and had lost the war them because the black component was too strong.

- And how you tried to clean up? - I asked.

- killing - he said - with some others but we did not, because they were too powerful. For example XXX sniffed the trap and then we could not kill him. When I

astonishment expressed by the unusual method of "cleaning", he replied:

- Sorry Paul, but what we have done? Denounce them? The laws we have created us to be able to fuck the people. The Mason's true, a complaint is laughing.

My mind then went to when I brought the documents of the father of Solange, which related to Freemasonry, a magistrate in Turin, and the one filed by sending the famous letter on the power of attorney, written in green, which I mentioned in 'article "Freemasonry is a Harley Davidson that I can not afford." A friend of mine pointed me to an article in which the attorney in question states what he thinks of this reform. "The so-called reform Justice does not improve anything at all on the side of efficiency,''he said.

I came a bit 'funny. "But it makes you angry?" I asked him.

No, I'm not angry, because the fault is not his, but of all those who know and are silent and those who put it there.

And looking back at the motorcycle accident that we had and I Solange after the complaint, which occurred on a day which numerically is 8, and that means esoterically, in fact, JUSTICE, I smiled, thinking that in the final analysis, their justice is not so efficient and some gaps have it, since we are still alive.

Paolo Franceschetti Fonte:

The text of the reform of justice is here

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The judiciary? Licenziamoli more ... (Score: 1)
martiusmarcus of the Sunday, March 13 @ 03:16:19 CDT
(User Info For their "feel good". Come on topic. What is the "feel good" about justice? Good: Easy to say if one had the misfortune to have to do - as a defendant or a witness - with the "justice" in Italy. We know that the Magistrates have the power "person" (I am a sort of Cosa Nostra): manage that - by themselves, without interference from anyone - how to access the judiciary, as it "works" in the judiciary, as it remains unpunished in If this fails, what is gained in the judiciary ... The result of this confidence that the city gives them? CHAOS: the practical consequences on citizen's lives are terrifying. In an essential service such as the administration of right and wrong, of where a company could not - theoretically, since in Italy we do it - do not. Behold, it is essential to examine the balance sheet, namely that the current judiciary PRODUCES for the citizen. Well, all this is before the eyes of all. If the judiciary was by far the company would agree CLOSE, and without regrets. If the performance of the Italian health service - which is not exactly a model of efficiency - was equal to that of the judiciary, we would all be dead, no doubt. What he says then common sense (which, okay, Montesquieu is not)? ANY LAW intervene on the judiciary is better than the status quo. Nothing more. All those who oppose it want to serve the judiciary for political ends, and pass on to any type of IMPRESENTABILITA 'of the judiciary.


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