Saturday, March 12, 2011

Get Plates In Ontario


of Crazy Horse

While our compatriots argue passionately bunga bunga, affair was of exceptional importance, and even virtuous Italian women down in the square facing the fearless tyrant, to throw face in their contempt and their moral superiority, other minor issues go completely unnoticed, amid general indifference.
Eager to know how many escort our premier has had sex last night, and in what positions, we did not notice that, among other coitus, Berlusconi took over the American occupier commitments that burden, and so prejudicial to the interests of Italians, that if the nation had not already died in that 8th of September 1943, he could certainly talk about betrayal.

For example, the Italian military contingent in Afghanistan has been increased from 2,600 to 4,200 soldiers, with a parallel increase in resources, aircraft and combat helicopters. Can you imagine the economic burden that this poses to the state, but as you see, dear Italians, the money that we are for your education, health and pensions, they jump out right away when it comes to funding the wars of Obama. Some

item of expenditure, however, it seems that the cut: our government has undertaken to put an end to the ingrained Italian custom of payments in cash to the Taliban and tribal chiefs to prevent attacks on Italian soldiers. They also abolished the caveat that prevented the direct use of our troops in offensive operations alongside U.S. Marines. It is therefore likely that the list of the fallen is made heavier.

also will maintain a military contingent in Lebanon, in accordance with the wishes of Israel, which in fact is planning a global improvement of relations "... And God forbid! We're not anti-Semitic! Our servility toward them and the Americans reached the top of real climax with the commitment of Italian firms, "guaranteed by the government, "not to accept new contracts with Iran: while the Italian economy sinks, we also undermined by our own hands. What's more, some ministers cooperate "in a personal capacity" to accommodate the American positions on biotechnology and GMOs in particular, and to "prevent any action in conflict, and in Italy in the European Union '.

But back to military matters, which are my favorite! The government guarantees "the rapid completion of the new base in Vicenza for the 173ma American brigade," and will "not hamper operations of American forces in action" (never said, poffarbacco!). Also in Vicenza will be installed AFRICOM, the Supreme Command for Africa, recently created, from where it will direct operations against the Imperial Dark Continent, and especially against the growing Chinese penetration in Africa, which could therefore be facing in the near future warmer a new war between superpowers. With enviable advantages for us Italians, of course!

A Sigonella will install the new American base for Global Hawk aircraft that spieranno the Middle East and Africa and Niscemi, still in Sicily, will operate the largest telecommunications antenna that connects all departments Americans deployed in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and that past pollution will cause a powerful electromagnetic against the natives, as already reported by environmental organizations. But then what they want, those dirty faces red? S'azzardino not to raise their heads rather than their lousy es'accontentino stocks of the adulterated whiskey and blankets infected with smallpox, which otherwise comes the Cavalry! As he told the Supreme Commander, Mr. Change, "Our way of life is not negotiable,"

Luckily there to watch our government to prevent reckless actions of Indians rebels. It is believed even to grant "a special legal status" to the new basis of the Sixth Fleet in Gricignano in the province of Caserta, which cost half a billion dollars. The Americans asked to be declared extraterritorial, and we respond with enthusiasm, yes, Sir!


Here is explained with practical examples, dear friends - and also in part, because there would be a thousand other things to add - what it means to lose a war.
We are not a "democracy", nor we are a sovereign nation, we are only a conquered people, and an occupied country.

And since we are also a nation of "Shoeshine" (= shoe) and "segnorine" (whores =), of magliari and turncoat, not do we care at all. We prefer to take an interest in partying
private Arcore, Berlusconi to idolize or despise any one.


A nurse says to the other: "Sorry but what do you do with the supposed ear?"

... Oh shit! And where I found the money??


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