Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lime Dip Cat Wash Her?


He did not mince terms, as usual, the Venezuelan president to focus on the situation of international politics on the position papers on what is happening in Libya. Chavez, among other things, has the advantage of making diplomacy more opportunities to understand like that. The president is "confident that the U.S. is exaggerating things to justify an invasion of Libya," and yet "they are crazy for Libyan oil."

This refers of course to the not so veiled desire on the part of the West and primarily the U.S., to start yet another humanitarian mission in Libya.

Clinton's statements in recent days, designed to position the United States alongside the rebels, are to be considered in this respect, with a further clarification, of course, beyond the hypocrisy of a government, the U.S., which practically everywhere in the world there are resources to be exploited and government leaders to set up its own money to perpetrate their business do not pull back for no reason at all. So how do not care costs, and to involve Europe, campaigns to address the false and sinister motive behind the humanitarian.

humanity, it is also necessary for someone to say, the U.S. does not give a damn. Also because otherwise it explains why the Administration itself does not pull some back on bombing from the unarmed population, where the interest is marked with stars and stripes.

Again, very useful back in the words of Chavez, who on the one hand, it is clear, we would point out that "Gaddafi says" the other side recalls that "those who immediately condemned Libya, had been silent in the face of Israeli bombing because of the thousands and thousands of deaths, including children, women, whole families have been silent in the face of bombings and killings in Iraq, in Afghanistan" .

However, on Libya are preparing to do pork. The U.S. ships are repositioning themselves and begin to cross the seas within range for action is imminent. In Europe, in addition to the UN resolution and the freezing of assets of Gaddafi, he fears the establishment of a no-fly zone at the same time when Russia is defined by the rais Libya as a "political corpse" and where is China, usually reluctant, from the point of diplomatically, to make representations heavy in this case has made its voice heard in concert with all the others from the West (postponed the, I beg the reader to, statements about our Frattini and Berlusconi ...).

The short point should be clear by now: Tripoli is under siege not only by the rebels, and if one part is not the end of Gaddafi's politics, it is equally certain that, although still timid, or without finding out too much, all countries, in practice, as vultures are turning to plant their flag and their own wells, either directly or through a new puppet government, on Libya.

Everything is in the hands, as in Egypt, the people who are leading the insurgency. Because the greatest risk, in this case as in others, is that once freed - and rightly so, if deemed necessary - the rais-turn, could be under the dictatorship, sweet, mellifluous and corrupting of our development model .

is worth clarifying that in Libya's per capita income is about three times that of other regions of North Africa, and therefore, even if the economic component was certainly one of those determinants to trigger the uprising, not is not told that the spring of hunger is the only one to be loaded into the minds of the people in the square. There may be other and far more important reasons, for example of purely political and ideological character, who brought the rebels to move against Qaddafi. As well as the riots in Egypt.

That is the nightmare nights in Washington. But this, again.

For now just keep the light on the fact that, as always, the reasons for which interventions are likely to emerge from the West are obviously completely divorced from humanitarian motives, but they represent very specific interests of two types: raw materials and geopolitical bases. That
oil and control of strategic locations in one of the most important, to this end of the world.

Meanwhile, in passing, to understand more high stakes chess game in the Middle East, record, and communicate, that the stock market in Saudi Arabia, in just four days, lost 16%.
What do you think there will be an intervention or leave Egypt and Libya to make its own history by itself as it should be?

Valerio Lo Monaco


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