Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hemp Necklaces Patterns


ABOUT WHO BELIEVES Posted on Tuesday, March 15 @ 22:16:23 CDT by David


On Ingroia Berlusconi is causing

A magistrate should not participate in rallies, and even less to publicly express political opinions. It is a limit to freedom of expression guaranteed by Article. 21 of the Constitution? It is. But there are some public tasks that in themselves contain this limitation. The President of the Republic can not say what he wants and thinks he has a duty of impartiality which obliges him to his office. So the judge, must not only be impartial when court or during a criminal prosecution, but must also, like Caesar's wife, seem so.

One time, when they knew and respected the rules, the judge spoke only for records and documents "did not press conferences on the ongoing proceedings, did not express political opinions, and even in his private life, was forced to great care during his frequent visits. It was a life a little 'forced him as a recluse in the delicacy of his position. Because what the judge is not a profession like any other, embodies a delicate operation, perhaps the most sensitive in a democracy. For this I am absolutely opposed to judges who are candidates in politics, because inevitably cast a shadow over their previous activity, even if, in conscience, have held with impartiality, objectivity and honesty of which are capable of. As it is totally unacceptable in my opinion, that a judge who did return policy, over that experience, to its original function. Why has no more credibility. This

in a regulated system. But in a regulated system a prime minister does not feel nearly every day, "some judges" to "make political use of justice" that is not only an invasion of the field much more serious the views expressed by Ingroia, is not only an attack on another state institution, nor is it simply an insult, is the allegation of a crime, the most serious offense that may be committed by a magistrate having bent for justice that justice has nothing to do with it.

Now any citizen, and the Prime Minister before any other, what should be done in such a situation? Should report to the magistrates felons competent public prosecutor. But Berlusconi is careful not to do so. Why? The assumptions are two. O has no evidence or clues of what he says, is only speculation, it is a vulgar slanderer who should respond to the criminal insinuates that if he did not care to never do the first and last name of the judge or judges of felons, even though it clearly identifiable. And then one of Berlusconi and center-right is it so, a theorem, on which also the Knight alive for sixteen years. Or do not trust this or that non-attorney, not one or the magistrate, or that this Court, but the entire judiciary.

But if the prime minister, in fact the most important constitutional position, does not trust the judiciary, fidarcene why should we, ordinary citizens? Who will guarantee that the judge that we are facing is really a judge or a villain? Who undertakes to comply with its decisions if the premier is the first non-compliance, when it comes to his case? Also we have our cases. And then all free. Because each of us, Toto Riina, the protagonist of an extraordinary "aggressive record" may be or have been the victim of a felony courts. To empty the prisons. Moreover there is some time taken with Maghrebi-handed that the authoritative example of the Prime Minister not tell the victim of a "plot" of the police and the judiciary.

The most notable damage caused by Mr Berlusconi in Italy is removing all the citizens confidence in the judiciary, a body called a regular through law enforcement, relations that bind us together and, therefore, little sense of the law was left to the Italian people. And it is paradoxical that a subject like this, which is always biased against the judiciary, which has for the sake of it being personal animosity still involved in four trials, and that other was released only by the skin of the prescription cap ( but at least two cases the Supreme Court, other body charged by the Premier, together with the constitutional court, of bias, found that the crimes of which he was accused had actually committed them, even if, in the sentence, declared them to be prescribed), claims time to do it, the Great Reform Italian Justice.

Massimo Fini Fonte:


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