Monday, March 7, 2011

Can You Bake A Cake In Corningware

PRODUCTION parahumans

Antonella Randazzo premise that this article is very hard to bear, and I do not recommend it to all the people who need to believe that the present system can be tolerated or accepted with little "adjustments", and usually do not believe that that is not from official sources (although it tried). The intention
is not to impress someone or just to attract attention to a very controversial topic.
is to consider the facts giving rise to considerable confusion and produce a sense of repulsion, giving the idea that people in power today do not reflect their level of crime only through war and torture, but in many other ways, closely concern us all.
is, if it were needed, further proof that we are dominated by people with mental imbalances abysmal, capable of committing any crime until we let him.
The topic "genetic experiments" is now a question of many magazines, so more or less correct. What I usually do not say is the real purpose of these trials and the level they have achieved.

The concept of "parahuman" means a human-animal hybrids, which today exists in many genetic laboratories. In fact, many scientists, by their own admission, they performed experiments mixing human genes and genes of different species. From these experiments derive from the same scientists beings called "parahumans" or "human-animal hybrids."
These experiments have been justified in several ways. We are told that you need to produce organs for transplant, or to produce medicines or treatments more effective.

In 1998 the company Stem Cell Sciences Biotransplant and asked the European Patent Office (EPO), the European Patent Office, to accept a patent for a technique capable of creating new animals (transgenic) by acting on genes. These companies, in 2000, indicated that they were using cells from human fetuses in order to create human-pig embryos.
Obviously, given that current laws prohibit cloning human beings or to create human hybrids, they claim to use a few cells to produce organs or tissues for transplantation. But in reality there is a patent granted by the EPO (code EP 380,646) to the company Amrad, European Patent Office registered 20 January 1999, which allows the production of mixed human-animal embryos. Most scientists would support such trials, with the excuse that science must "move forward".
the Greenpeace militants, who were strangely alone in raising objections to the patent EP 380646, Professor Joseph Straus, a member of the Social Sciences, Law and Economics, said: "The patent office is not an ethics committee ... In America and Japan has far less stringent, and Europe is likely to end up passed in scientific research. "(1)

There are other sources that prove the existence of hybrid human-animal creations.
The National Geographic magazine of January 25, 2005 reported that in 2003 a group of Chinese scientists the Shanghai Second Medical University, directed by Dr. Huizhen Sheng, had created embryos of human cells and rabbit. The embryos were human-animal chimeras, and after a few days would be destroyed. After a while 'time it was discovered that in fact the experiment was done some years before and kept secret, and that Chinese scientists have created more than 100 men-rabbit embryos.
In 2004 researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota created pigs with human blood, and Stanford University in California, was an experiment to create mice with human brains.
The director of Stanford University's Institute of Cancer / Stem Cell Biology and Medicine in California, Irv Weissman opposes any ban that would cover this kind of research, citing the usual phrase of "saving lives". Please note that all U.S. authorities, when confronted with their responsibilities in the wars, torture, etc.. say they have to do to "save lives". This phrase seems to have become a sort of magic formula to fulfill all the crimes and atrocities committed by the current characters in power and their supporters.

Weissman created mice with brains that are about one percent human. He said he wanted to do other experiments, increasing human genes placed in mice, to create mice with brain of a human being 100 per cent, by injecting human neurons into the brains of mouse embryos.
Weissman said he would not be a mad scientist, but even the scientists who did experiments in Nazi concentration camps said the same thing.
it happens, these experiments were generously supported by the financial groups of the families of bankers "historic" as the Rockefeller Group, the Rothschild Group, and the JP Morgan Group, which used to finance the eugenic research. These people have given Weissman many as 12 million dollars, to create human hybrids.
To make it more acceptable and even desirable, the power elite that has even created a cult propaganda the need to improve human beings genetically. This is the World Transhumanist Movement (transhumanist movement) which is a group founded by powerful people today, that many U.S. billionaires. Among the leaders of this sect are Nick Bostrum, professor of philosophy at Yale University (the university where they form the offspring of the elite) and Gregory Stock Program Director of Medicine, Technology and Society at the School of Medicine of 'University of California at Los Angeles. The latter wrote a book called "eloquent," Redesigning Humans "(Rewriting the humans). In fact, according to the need for continuation of Transhumanists "evolution of the human species "through technology, to achieve" perfection. " This "perfection" would be a perfect body and always young and unemotional personality. Therefore, we need to reach it, even genetic manipulation or a microchip. The sect, in order to achieve its objectives, does not exclude or human cloning or genetic manipulation experiments of various kinds.
As is obvious, it is a plan to put it mildly disconcerting and crazy, but unfortunately for some it becomes acceptable to advocate when characters are of enormous power, or other U.S. politicians and billionaires. Some scientists complain that

Most of the experiments of genetic manipulation has no medical utility, and that there are risks and dangers that are not currently considered with the necessary care. Dr. Leo R. Kass, a researcher at the University of Chicago, in June 2001, said: "I am here to testify in favor of a national ban on human cloning, and in particular of HR 1644, or The Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2001 ... To allow the cloning human would say yes to the dangerous principle that we would be authorized to fix and repaint the genetic aspect of our children. If we do not want to go down that route and eugenics, an effective ban on human cloning is necessary now, before all of us will end up overwhelmed by the rapid procedure of events. "(2)

William Cheshire, a professor of neurology at the Mayo Clinic's Jacksonville, Fla., admits:" This is territory biological unexplored ... Whatever moral threshold of human neurological development we might choose to define the threshold for experiments of this kind, as there would be a considerable risk of exceeding this limit before it can be recognized ... We must be careful not to violate the integrity of human and animal life of which we are responsible for conservation. Research projects that create human-animal chimeras might put endangered fragile ecosystems, threatening the health and insult the integrity of species. "(3)

Other scientists believe they have to have limits and sub-human beings would create by combining the genes of apes and humans. We think it's silly? It is.
But we have already tried in 1997, when the biologist Roger Pedersen, a researcher at the University of San Francisco at the time, headed a group that planted nuclei of human cells into oocytes of chimpanzees and gorillas. According to the researchers, the experiment would fail because of the incompatibility between human DNA and mitochondrial DNA of animals that is transmitted from one individual to another through the mother.
In July 2003, a group of scientists led by Norbert Gliecher implements an experiment at the Center for Human Reproduction "in order to obtain the fusion of two human embryos of different sex to create a" chimera hermaphrodite. " The experiment was announced during the congress of the "European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). According to some experts, like Alan Trouson, beyond the legitimate ethical objections, it is" a study against logic "and completely useless by the medical point of view.

Despite the lack of results, experiments to produce parahumans were different and still today. Transgenic animals would retain most of the characteristics of their species, in making unnecessary experiments. For example, in 1988 the U.S. was patented the mouse hybrid (oncotopo) which was inserted a human gene able to develop breast cancer. After 10 years we could establish that in fact there had been no scientific progress due specifically to those experiments.
should take into account the fact that such experiments do not enter natural mutations, whose effects are unknown. But most scientists do not seem particularly interested in the potential damage to the human species and nature as a whole. For these people should not
exist limits of any kind, and when someone raises moral issues such as taking an attitude of menace, into believing that if you set limits are "left behind". For them it is not the direction that matters, but the research itself, and are not interested in whether some studies are useful to humans or not.
Most scientists want to ignore or overlook the existence of a group of criminal power, which uses science for its own purposes of domination.

proposed acquisition would be some time strange "animal" called Genpets, that the same manufacturer calls "genetically modified pet." Would be produced in limited quantities and sold for $ 1200 (765 €).
Many websites speak of them in question: who defines "animatronic that has the appearance of a creature of indeterminate nature, living beings who are created in the laboratory. If they were just sophisticated robots (animatronics, like Tamagotchi electronic than once), you do not understand why they have been produced by a company that deals with genetic crosses or genetic engineering (see video below).
It is hoped that this is a joke, but if not, who created them must give proper explanations.
The company that produces them, the Bio-Genica is about living mammals that breathe and have their own personality, also genetically selected and available in seven variants (there is one more cheerful, more lively, more adventurous, etc.)..
Bio-Genica, on its website ( as to justify himself, speaks of "changing market needs," as if some child had required them to create genetic monsters.

The dolls and teddy bears traditional, according to Bio-Genica, would become obsolete and need to create domestic living (as if there were not already) to provide "new" children. For this reason, it would create these hybrids, even presenting them in two models depending on the length of their lives (one year or three years). Bio-Genica would still be waiting for approval for a big launch of their "creation" and now is confined to advertise and sell genetically modified animals, like fish glow red.
ask: what is the purpose of all this?
would have us believe that we can accept the idea to create chimeras?
would have us accept as "normal" genetic testing and the creation of beings that are a cross between animals and humans?
They want to create confusion between what is "natural" and what is not? Far
accept any type of manipulation genetic manipulation or make so familiar and "sympathetic" to the point that sooner or later everyone does not see as a more horrible way to walk on the nature and destroy it.
Spawns "funny" genetic manipulation also means making sure that people get used to the absurdity of the ruling elite, giving all power over nature and man, without limits.
Unfortunately there are many examples of things that at first did not want to accept, but have become family members, were accepted. For example, only twenty-five years ago many would have protested at the level of intrusiveness of advertising, which now appears even today on the bus and during television broadcasts (in small boxes). Even for drugs is the same thing happened a few decades ago not many parents would give drugs to their children, but today, unfortunately, many do, believing that they are necessary.

Another reason to disseminate information and bizarre to accept the existence of human-animal hybrids would be to devalue the human DNA, showing clearly the ability to manipulate and create beings with the features you want, in extolling Thus science at the expense of human value. You want to trample on human nature, relegating it to mere "material" genetic laboratory use when and how you want. Yes want to reduce man to a "body", "product" by Science.

The news of the mass production of hybrid beings could even have the purpose of investigation. According to some, disseminate the news of the upcoming production of hybrid beings to be sold as "pets" could be a plan to make a sort of tests to see how people react to this, if you agree, or if you make against having to seek genetic explanations on the derivation of these beings. If
be accepted passively, the stegocrati deduce that it has reached an excellent level of power, even in matters of freedom of genetic manipulation. The
Genpets are shown only ever packed, as if the "package" was part of the test. In fact, it's an image that can disturb: small mammals that look like a cross between humans and dogs, packaged and exposed as toys. It 's like saying, "It' s just a body, on which we were able to do what we wanted, we have the power to create and destroy."
On the website of Bio-Genica is even an illustrated catalog, as well as other sites launch advertising-type messages such as "Genpets have arrived." We sincerely hope that this is electronic robot, otherwise it would be a very serious fact. The
Genpets have enormous eyes, great little head from the body (like babies), and the nose small, because according to numerous studies in psychology, big eyes, small mouth and the size of the typical head of infants arouse tenderness, desire to care, affectivity. In a nutshell, would emerge the maternal instinct.
If you were to treat a hoax, as seems likely, we should ask why the authorities allow such things. Why do not block and punishing the Bio-Gene? It 's a crime to declare falsehood on their products.
Even though we live in a cultural context in which the animals often suffer serious abuse, we must not lose sight of the value that all life exists has, and you should not let anyone make fun of human and animal life.

Considering the current state of science, which is largely funded and controlled by the same group that holds the financial power, economic, political and media, the moral issues to be raised with regard to genetic experiments are far reaching.
First, if the people who dominate are capable of killing defenseless people and starve millions of children, how can we believe in breeding would act in a fair and ethical? Then
: parahumans beings could be assigned to a far greater suffering than that which affects humans and animals are not hybridized, as would raise serious problems of acceptance and definition of their nature. If already in this world, between humans, although genetically similar, there are forms of vicious racism and discrimination, imagine what would happen if they were to be created chimeras parahumans.

not hard to see that leave in the hands of criminals the power to act on the human DNA is also very dangerous. The international community should demand accountability for what is happening in the laboratories of genetic engineering, because what happens there affects us all. We should not accept that stegocrati make fun of us testing our tolerance to its ugly head.
should wake up and steal the power from the hands of monsters that create monsters.


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