Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cambridge Silicon Radio Windows 7 Driver

New early warning weather

Given the weather conditions and the group in early warning, currently some areas of our region are already critical situation. The Board

Draining Washing Machine Outside

ARRIVING IN A WAR HEAVY (already programmed)

Posted on Monday, March 14 @ 17:10:00 CDT by David


's former analyst at Goldman Sachs, Charles Nenner, joins the predictions of a great war of Marc Faber and Gerald Celente

In 2009 I wrote that:

To say that 'America would start to help in various wars' s economy is outrageous, right?


Yet the 'leading economist Marc Faber has said repeatedly that the U.S. government will start new wars in response to the economic crisis:

- The next thing the government will do for distract 'attention from the bad conditions of the population' s economy will start a war somewhere. "

-" If the 'global economy does not recover, usually you go to war. "-"

Faber is crazy ?

Perhaps, but one of the best futurists (trend forecaster), Gerald Celente, 's agreement.

so on Antiwar Justin Raimondo writes:

As Gerald Celente said the other day, one of the few economic forecasters predicted that the crisis of 2008, "encouraged by their governments seem to be failures." What, finally, General William E. Odom has described as "the worst strategic disaster in American military history "- 's invasion of Iraq' - is to be followed by an even larger military operation, which will weigh on us for many years. This certainly seems to evidence supporting the thesis of Celente. Celente predicted the market crash of '87, the fall of the 'Soviet Union, the bursting of the dot-com, the bull market of' gold, the 2001 recession, the housing bubble, the panic of 2008, is now talking about an 'inevitable outbreak "bubble rescue", and more bad news:

"Given the way that governments have to make significant failures in mega-bankruptcies, when all else fails, the classic trend following is to bring their country war "

While the economic crisis increases and the system of central banks based on debt shows that it can not inflate the financial bubble created asset from scratch, it's easy to find a political and economic justification for the war, because if it is true Keynesian doctrine where public spending is the 'only way to emerge from an economic depression, then military spending is certainly the fastest way to inject "life" in a system that holds water. Economically, it does not work, since the crisis is only masked by the atmosphere of war and deprivation-emergency "temporary." Politically, however, is a salvation for our ruling elite, which is tiring unloading the blame on a target "foreign."

It 's the oldest trick in the world, and we are doing it under his nose, as the U.S. prepares to send even more troops on the front Aghani and threaten the' draconian economic sanctions with Iran, we are a step or two by the war.

A looming economic depression and the terrible prospect of 'another great war - the worst scenario seems to be, like a recurring nightmare ...

Celente The forecaster has identified a number of bubbles, the 'last one is the "bailout bubble (the bubble of capital injections), which can explode at any moment, but there may be an' other bubble followed by the that Celente calls "the mother of all bubbles, which implode with a thud heard round the world - the bubble of 'empire.

Our current foreign policy of global hegemony and unbridled aggression is simply unsustainable, not when we are about to become what we call a Third World country, a bankrupt country, which faces the prospect of a radical lowering of living standards . Unless, of course, the 'atmosphere of "crisis" can be sustained almost all' infinite.

George W. Bush fell back on 'September 11th, but the chant is growing older every time you hear it. Our new president needs to find something equivalent, something that distract our attention away from Goldman Sachs, to some overseas enemy that can somehow be held responsible for our current bad situation.

It is said that it was not the New Deal of FDR to get us out of the Great Depression but the Second World War. The truth is that, in wartime, when people expect to sacrifice himself for the duration of the 'emergency' economic problems are anesthetized by liberal doses of nationalists and exalted moral rectitude. Weaknesses and plunging living standards are masked by a rationing system typical of the times of war and a lowering of expectations. And just as the Second World War we have become accustomed to economic davastazioni developed by our elite of thieves, so World War III will cover a large part of the virtual purchase of the whole 'industry by the state and the demonization of any political opponent as "terrorist."

an impossible scenario science fiction? Or a reasonable projection of current trends? Celente, whose record of predictions is impressive, to say the least, sees the war against 'as 3GM Iran with economic, social, and political will send what is left of our empire to collapse. This is the 'bubble burst' s iperpotere, we - the last remaining superpower - somehow, we have the presumption to oppose to the history and common sense, and we forget the fate of all empires decline and fall.

I certainly hope that Faber and Celente are wrong, but they are very smart guys, for decades have been right on many of their predictions. Even if their estimates were seen as highly controversial at 'era, many have proved to be accurate.

Yesterday 's former technical analyst at Goldman Sachs, Charles Nenner - very sophisticated, counts among its clients large investment funds, banks, brokerage groups and a large round of wealthy individuals - has told Fox News that there will be "a great war between 2012 and 2013, which will bring the Dow Jones to 5000.

So Nenner says

I tell my clients, pension funds, large firms, and hedge funds to go virtually out of business, leaving almost entirely from the market.

As I have repeatedly documented, influential Americans are pressing for going to war in order to save 'the U.S. economy - this is called "military Keynesianism." But as many economists have shown, the war is actually bad for the 'economy - the opposite of the commonly accepted myth.

Surely, someone else instead of the United States could give way to war.

As the bad economic policies are leading to global disturbances, it is impossible to predict where a spark to take root and become a major fire.


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Posted on Monday, March 14 @ 22:20:00 CDT by David


"May the gods protect us, Henry Kissinger is back!"

Henry Kissinger has been a Director of Homeland Security at the time of President Nixon and then Secretary of State. He also held the latter post under President Gerald Ford. Although it would be unfair to call it as someone who never gave good advice (he actually encouraged to engage in the Nixon policy of detente with the USSR), his work rests heavily on the side dell'imprudenza. And we will see him again in the exact same role, selling bad advice, in this case could further erode the already messed up the U.S. intelligence agencies.

beginning Kissinger was an academic. His doctoral thesis was the diplomacy of two statesmen of the first 800, the Englishman Robert Viscount Castlereagh and Austrian Prince Klemens von Metternich. These men were among the main actors of the Congress of Vienna that took place after the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815. In that meeting

Metternich argued that Europe had to return to the political status existing before the French Revolution. Pursuing that goal impossible, he supported the policies of repression and regimes. One gets the impression that the history of public service Kissinger was, at least in part, an attempt to gain the reputation of Metternich. To do that Kissinger would pursue a 'realpolitik' that, more often than experienced in America, involved the support of repressive policies and regimes.

Here are some of the causes that Kissinger married: the bombing of North Vietnam to get 'peace with honor'; support for the murderous fascist regime of Pinochet in Chile Ernesto and the equally bloody military dictatorship in Argentina, the acquiescence to the annexation of East Timor by the Indonesian dictator Suharto, which was followed by genocide, the acquiescence to the Serbian and Croatian wars against the Bosnian Muslims, support the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and last but certainly not least, the active lobbying for the admission of the Shah of Iran in the U.S. in crisis (yet another dictator supported by America) which led immediately to the hostage taking of U.S. diplomats in 1979 and the continuing tensions between America and Iran and unrest. I kept these cases of bad proceedings until the last part because one of the latest releases of Kissinger's role in the great statesman that leads to madness.

So what do you want from us now, dr. Kissinger? Well, according to a report by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Kissinger sent a letter to President Obama "encouraging him to switch the term of imprisonment of Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a life sentence on charges of spying for Israel. Kissinger said that he consulted with other people like former Defense Secretary Weinberger, former Secretary of State George Schultz and former CIA Director Woolsey (all supporters of Israel) and found their "unanimous support for a mandatory clemency. " Kissinger's letter follows a lobbying effort by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Obama has officially requested to the same guarantee of clemency. This is what Netanyahu had to say: "Both Mr. Pollard that the Israeli government have repeatedly expressed remorse for this action [espionage] and Israel will continue to fulfill its commitment to certain wrong actions will never be repeated. " There's something almost childlike in this approach. Caught with hands in the cookie jar of Israel, the spies and their agents say, "Oh, sorry. If the sentence commuted to promise to be good from now on '. In fact, in the world Espionage, certain promises are worth less than paper they're written. Then, in 2004 the FBI arrested another employee of the government who spied for Israel and used the American Zionist lobby AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee, as a channel through which to pass the stolen information. Farewell promises of future good conduct.

What Kissinger and the rest of Pollard's supporters seem not to be conclusive, or even worthy of note is the fact that since 1987 the process of sent Pollard in jail for life, U.S. intelligence officials have quietly threatened to give their resignation en masse if the Zionist spy had been released. Keep in mind that since George W. Bush and his neo-conservatives have the mandate to roll the CIA in the conduct of the invasion of Iraq, one that Kissinger has argued so helpful, the intelligence agencies of this country have found themselves very low in spirits. If Obama commute Pollard's sentence would be another blow to their health professional. But what does it matter

Kissinger to a bunch of government employees? In his version of 'realpolitik' of reality or the servants of the government or ordinary citizens are worth a lot. Here are a few quotes from Kissinger to show what I mean. Having helped to condemn the people of Chile in 16 years of government under Ernest murderous Pinochet Kissinger has streamlined so his decision: "I do not see why we should be looking to become a communist country because of the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves. " And, as analysts of the various intelligence agencies, most of which are truly experts in the countries studied, Kissinger has simply excluded the experts as irrelevant. "Most foreign policies that history has marked highly," - he says - "have been created by leading experts to whom they opposed." Well, all the "experts" but the dr. Kissinger.

The real Henry Kissinger, who improbably received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, verging on war crime. This should tell us what his opinion really matters. President Obama would be foolish if it gave a listen to a man whose blood-stained career would have ended so long ago shameful. Lawrence Davidson

Link: 09/03/2011

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ICELAND The only nation that rebelled

Posted on Monday, March 14 davide @ 22:20:41 CDT


A tiny nation that has had the strength to rebel the overwhelming power transfer. A revolution, which also passes through a new constitution, aimed at preventing the country's interests are sacrificed to those of the international finance oligarchs

Small and forgotten, Iceland gives us a warning. The solitary island between the North Pole and the UK, only 300 thousand souls, a small country of fishermen, has dared the failure to: rebelling against the global plutocracy.

is the story. At the end of 2008 the financial crisis sweeps like a hurricane on Iceland, in October decided to nationalize the country's largest bank, Landsbanki.

closely followed the Kaupthing and Glitnir. The debts of the institutions failures are in large part by the City of London and the Netherlands. The national currency, the krona, is paper and the stock market reaches a fall of 76%. The conservative government of Geir H. Haarden enlists the help of the IMF, which approved a loan of 2 billion and $ 100 million, supplemented by another 2 billion by some Nordic countries. The popular protests follow each other in a crescendo leading to the resignation of Prime Minister in January 2009 and early elections in April next. Exit polls from a winning coalition of left, he can not slow down the economy. The year ended with a decrease of 7% of GDP.

The new government offers the repayment of debts to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands by the payment of € 3 billion and a half, a sum that will pay all the Icelandic families each month for the next 15 years at 5.5% interest. In January 2010 the Head of State, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, refuses to ratify and give satisfaction to the people clamoring for a referendum on the issue. The result of the consultation held in March is overwhelming: 93% of voters said no. The reason is simple: because having to pay all the effects of a crisis they are responsible for the bankers, protected and pampered by the IMF and the financial system that keeps an eye blackmail the country? The retaliation was immediate: the IMF immediately freezes aid.

Only at this point, the left-wing government, with pitchforks pointing in front of parliament, will decide the big step: the complaint and arrested the bankers. Interpol issues international arrest order against ex-President of Kaupthing, Sigurdur Einarsson. In this climate of reckoning, last November, brings together a constituent assembly to write a new constitution, revising the small Icelandic state taking it away from the overwhelming power of virtual money. The criterion by which it is elected wants to give the signal a renewal of real, profound: choosing 25 citizens without political affiliation among the 522 who submitted their application, for which he must be of legal age and only have the support of thirty people. The new magna carta is being presented at this time.

Nothing has been heard by us in this revolution of Iceland. Pacifica but tough and determined. To re-read the main points, in comparison with the conservative inertia that exists in our country's come to take a chill down my spine: resignation en bloc of a government, nationalization of banks, the referendum so the people can decide on economic decisions Fundamental jail for those responsible for the crisis, rewrite the constitution by the citizens. The only shadow that rests on the political course of the island is the call for EU accession. Why would you want to throw in the icy North Sea all the wonderful work done so far, an example for free men of Europe to join a superstate controlled by bankers and managers of multinational corporations? Why are proud Icelanders do not try to persevere in the right way, by imitating their sheep and horses, left free in large pastures without fences and without guard dogs?

Alessio Mannino
Link: . html

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@ 12:29:30 CDT
(User Info
Deborah BILLI

Many people wonder which direction will the cloud / clouds escaping from the reactors that are Japanese. So, I thought to interview the weatherman. Here's what she said Luca Lombroso, technical head of the Geophysical Modena and meteorological forecaster and member of the Italian Meteorological Society ( E 'known to have participated as an expert on many television meteorologist. And, last but not least, is one of the few Italians who have achieved the historic graduation of "nuclear expert" back in 1983 (

Luca, what came out of the reactors?

First you must specify that it is impossible to say what came out of the reactors, which kinds of particles. The heavy particles tend to fall in the surrounding area, the lighter ones to disperse in the atmosphere and reach high altitudes. Are those intended to "travel" more. Of greatest concern are those relating to waste fission and radioactive waste.

What kind is the cloud that we saw?

Even this is not known: one can only judge on television. A feeling is not too high. Which is better for us but definitely worse for the Japanese citizens.

could go around the world?

The Chernobyl cloud, although very different from this, has toured the world several times. With appropriate tools, there are still residues of cesium in various glaciers in the layers coincide with the 1986.

Can you give us an estimate?

Of course not! But I can make even the most broad movements in the atmosphere. The air is now over Japan, could be on the east coast of the United States between about 7 / 8 days, in an area roughly stretching from Mexico to Alaska. After that, it could take any direction north, including to Canada and Greenland, and later the North Atlantic. To Europe, I'd say about 14/15 days.
It would end

Again, from what we know about the spill is too limited because the particles come so far in significant quantities. It is to consider that, throughout the flight, will scatter everywhere and here get very little. This always surprises unless otherwise stated and unless the missing information.

Some say that the current can not reach the North Pole. What do you say?

What is not so. The air can go anywhere really, has no border, is incredible trails.

You can make a forecast for Japan?

Unfortunately, Japan can be much more precise. In the next few hours is foreseen snow to Tokyo and the surrounding central Fukushima. And it is the worst news in terms of weather: snow is falling all over the ground, and remains there.

Luca Lombroso currently leads Variable depth program on weather and climate around, aired Friday on MSNBC Class News. At 18 now, you can listen live to Luca Lombroso Caterpillar (

Debora Billi
Link: html
16.03.2011, 17:18

Ladies Wearing Hose And Girdles


Photo gallery: THE TERRIBLE SECRET OF 'AMERICA Posted on Tuesday, March 15 @ 17:10:00 CDT by David


Some photos show how the U.S. performed experiments on prisoners and disabled citizens.

some photos have emerged that provide the terrible evidence that doctors in the United States government often performed experiments on American citizens and disabled prisoners.

These experiments consisted in the transmission of hepatitis such as the mentally ill in Connecticut, nell'intromissione of a pandemic influenza virus directly into the nostrils of prisoners in Maryland, the injection of cancer cells in the chronically ill hospital in New York .

Pictured is the Holmesburg prison, watchtower 2

Much of this horrible affair dates back to a period between 40 and 80 years ago, while constituting the background of a recent meeting of a presidential commission on bioethics in Washington.

Detainees "volunteers": In this photograph of 1966, the medical director Solomon McBride asks some questions to an individual who has clear signs in the Holmesburg Prison, Philadelphia. It is believed that the prisoners were forced.

The meeting was triggered by last year the government's apology for the syphilis infection of prisoners and mental patients by doctors in Guatemala federal 65 years ago.

U.S. officials have admitted dozens of similar experiments in America - studies that caused the illness in previously healthy individuals.

A search of the Associated Press about the news of medical journals and old newspaper clippings revealed more than 40 similar studies.

In the best cases it was research on life-saving treatment - at worst they were simply driven by curiosity - that harmed individuals but did not provide useful results.

Cavia held: In 1945, the doctors explained to him the army detained in a malaria-carrying mosquitoes in a section of the Stateville Penitentiary in Crest Hill, Illinois. The prisoners were enlisted to help the war effort.

All this recalls the infamous and deadly experiments conducted by Nazi doctors on Jews held in concentration camps.

And this is certainly comparable to the Tuskegee syphilis study, where medical officials of the United States followed 600 men in Alabama blacks already sick with syphilis, without giving them proper care though penicillin was available.

Arthur Caplan, director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania said: "When you send an individual to a disease - even by the standards of the time - is really beyond fundamental ethical norms of the profession. "

Most of the studies revealed recently, ranging from 40s to 60s, were apparently not treated by the media. As others spoke, but the focus was placed on promise of new cures stable, flying over the manner in which subjects were treated.

observation and Contagion: An army doctor looks at how the malaria-carrying mosquitoes bite the belly of the inmate Richard Knickerbockers, in service between 10 to 14 years in Stateville in 1945.

Many leading scientists believed it was legitimate to conduct experiments on people who did not enjoy full social rights - such as prisoners, mental patients or poor people of color.

Laura Stark, university researchers in Science in society at Wesleyan University - who is writing a book on federal medical experiments conducted in the past - said: "There was no doubt a sense - that we today do not have - according to which the sacrifice for the country was important. "

Though the people involved in the study were generally described as volunteers, historians and ethicists have often wondered if these people were aware of what was being done to them and why, and if they were forced.

Inmates have long been sacrificed for the sake of science. In 1915, the physician Joseph Goldberger of the United States government - now remembered as a hero of public health - recruited in Mississippi prisoners who could pay for a special power in order to prove his theory that the painful disease known as pellagra was caused by food shortage (the men involved were rewarded for their participation with grace).

Survivor: Edward Anthony was the guinea pig for some experiments during his detention in the Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia. While today this is considered a terrible practice, the doctors of the time did not believe that the experiments were going against morals ..

Holmesburg Prison

However, studies that used the prisoners were rare during the first decades of the twentieth century, and were generally conducted by researchers considered bizarre even by the standards of the time.

One of these was Dr. LL Stanley, the doctor inside of San Quentin prison in California around 1920 that tried to treat the elderly, "men devitalized" by transplanting the testicles of animals and people recently executed.

The newspapers spoke of the experiments of Stanley, but the surprising thing was the lack of general indignation.

In 1919 the Washington Post appeared a long article but happy that opened with: "Enter the prison at San Quentin, the Fountain of Youth - an institution where the years will be reduced for those with limited mental capacity and where the source of vitality and spirit will return to the mind, strength the muscles to the spirit and ambition. This has already happened and is happening even now .... thanks to a doctor with a scalpel. "

At the time of World War II, prisoners were called to join the war effort by taking part in studies to help the troops. One of these consisted of a series of studies on malaria conducted in the Stateville Penitentiary in Illinois, designed to test the anti-malarial drugs to help the soldiers who fought in the Pacific.

It was around this time that the persecution by the Nazi doctors led to the drafting of the Nuremberg Code of 1947, a set of international rules that protect individuals tested. Many U.S. doctors ignore them completely, insisting that the Nazi atrocities inspired more than to American medicine.

By the late '40s and all '50s saw a huge growth of the U.S. pharmaceutical and health care, accompanied by an increase in experiments on inmates funded by both government and private companies.

In the '60s, at least half of the states had given consent to use the prisoners as medical guinea pigs.

But two studies in the 60s caused a reversal of public opinion toward the decisive mode of treatment of individuals tested.

The first was discovered in 1963. The researchers injected cancer cells in nineteen, and debilitated patients at the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in Brooklyn, New York - to check if their bodies would reject them.

The hospital director said that patients did not know that he had received an injection of tumor cells because it was not necessary. The cells were in fact considered harmless. But the experiment

upset Legal William Hyman, who covered up the board of the hospital.

The state investigated, and the hospital finally agreed that each would be similar experiment requires the written permission of the patient.

in nearby Staten Island, from 1963 to 1966, a controversial medical study was conducted at Willowbrook State School for children with mental retardation.

The children were intentionally infected with hepatitis or orally or by injection to test a possible cure to the gamma globulin.

These two studies - together revealed Tuskegee experiment in 1972 - recognized as the "terrible trio", aroused a wide interest and critical media and the indignation of the public, said Susan Reverby, a historian of Wellesley College who first discovered the recordings of the studies on syphilis in Guatemala.

In the early '70s, including the experiments involving the detainees were considered outrageous. While very much followed the convention of 1973, officials of the pharmaceutical industry conceded the use of prisoners in the trial, cheaper than chimpanzees.

The Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia made extensive use of prisoners in medical experiments. Some victims talk about it yet.

Edward Anthony, which is discussed in a book about the studies, said he agreed to treatment an area of \u200b\u200bskin on the back with searing products as part of the trial of a drug. He did it for the money to buy cigarettes in prison.

He talks about his reaction to the experiment, and says, 'I said' Oh my God, my back is on fire! Take away this stuff off "'

Mr. Anthony recalls the first few weeks the intense itching and painful pain.

The government responded with reforms. These include: the American Bureau of Prisons in the mid-'70s effectively forbade any kind of research by pharmaceutical companies and other outside agencies within federal prisons.

criminal Experiments: The experiments of Dr Josef Mengele (second left) and many others were condemned internationally for war crimes.

When stocks were exhausted and mentally ill inmates, the researchers turned to other countries.
This made sense. The experiments could be done more cheaply and follow fewer rules. And it was easy to find patients who were taking other drugs, a factor that could complicate testing of other drugs. Over time

were issued more fundamental ethical principles, but some believe that another study like the one in Guatemala is still possible.

Despite the outrage now, this has not stopped the continued experiments similar to that of Tuskegee.

In Uganda, U.S. doctors have not given AZT (the drug used in the case of AIDS) to pregnant women infected with HIV, even if that would protect infants from disease.

U.S. health officials have said that the study would answer some questions on the use of ATZ in the countries in the developing world.

Another study, conducted by Pzifer, administered an antibiotic called Trovan to children suffering from meningitis in Nigeria, though there were doubts about its effectiveness for that disease.

The experiment was considered by many responsible for the deaths of 11 children and for causing the disability many others.

Pzifer sued with the Nigerian administration to $ 75 million, but did not admit any liability.

was still discussing the case of searches conducted by Americans abroad when, last October, the firm was born in Guatemala.

study between 1946 and 1948, American scientists infected prisoners and patients with syphilis in a mental hospital, apparently to see if penicillin could prevent some sexually transmitted diseases. The study did not lead to any useful data and was hidden for decades.


examining the past research The Associated Press has discovered / was aware that:

1) A federal study started in 1942 took care to inject an experimental vaccine against influenza patients in a mental state of men in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and then expose them to 'flu for several months.

The co-author was Dr. Jonas Salk, who a decade later would become famous for the invention of the polio vaccine. Some men were not able to describe their symptoms and, therefore, it raised several questions about what actually understood what was happening to them.

1) federal studies of the '40s, the noted researcher Dr. Paul Havens W Jnr exposed individuals hepatitis in a series of experiments. Among these, one used by mental patients who came to Middletown and Norwich, Connecticut.

Dr. Havens, an expert on viral diseases, the World Health Organization, was one of the first scientists to differentiate the various types of hepatitis and their causes.

3) In the mid-40s, some researchers studied the transmission of a deadly germ in the stomach by ingesting faeces of young unfiltered. The study was conducted in New York State Vocational Institution, a reform school in West Coxsackie. The aim was to see how the disease is spread through ingestion.

The study does not reveal whether the men were rewarded after this terrible task.

1) In the late '40s during a study by the University of Minnesota malaria was transmitted to 11 volunteers, employees of public service. Later they were forced to starvation for five days and some were also subjected to forced labor. Finally, they were treated for malaria with quinine sulfate.

One of the authors was Ancel Keys, a famous scientist who discovered the power K rations for the army and the Mediterranean diet for the population.

1) During a study of 1957, when the Asian flu epidemic was spreading, federal researchers did inhale the virus at 23 Patuxent inmates to prison in Jessup, Md.. to compare their responses with those of 32 other prisoners who had been exposed to the virus and who received a new vaccine.

6) Researchers at the government tried during an experiment conducted in a federal prison in Atlanta in the '50s, to transmit gonorrhea to a dozen prisoners volunteers using two different methods. But the researchers noted that their methods were not comparable to the ways in which people normally infecting - ie engage in sexual relations with an infected partner. However, it was too late for the men who were already infected.

Link: . html 28/03/2011

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ABOUT WHO BELIEVES Posted on Tuesday, March 15 @ 22:16:23 CDT by David


On Ingroia Berlusconi is causing

A magistrate should not participate in rallies, and even less to publicly express political opinions. It is a limit to freedom of expression guaranteed by Article. 21 of the Constitution? It is. But there are some public tasks that in themselves contain this limitation. The President of the Republic can not say what he wants and thinks he has a duty of impartiality which obliges him to his office. So the judge, must not only be impartial when court or during a criminal prosecution, but must also, like Caesar's wife, seem so.

One time, when they knew and respected the rules, the judge spoke only for records and documents "did not press conferences on the ongoing proceedings, did not express political opinions, and even in his private life, was forced to great care during his frequent visits. It was a life a little 'forced him as a recluse in the delicacy of his position. Because what the judge is not a profession like any other, embodies a delicate operation, perhaps the most sensitive in a democracy. For this I am absolutely opposed to judges who are candidates in politics, because inevitably cast a shadow over their previous activity, even if, in conscience, have held with impartiality, objectivity and honesty of which are capable of. As it is totally unacceptable in my opinion, that a judge who did return policy, over that experience, to its original function. Why has no more credibility. This

in a regulated system. But in a regulated system a prime minister does not feel nearly every day, "some judges" to "make political use of justice" that is not only an invasion of the field much more serious the views expressed by Ingroia, is not only an attack on another state institution, nor is it simply an insult, is the allegation of a crime, the most serious offense that may be committed by a magistrate having bent for justice that justice has nothing to do with it.

Now any citizen, and the Prime Minister before any other, what should be done in such a situation? Should report to the magistrates felons competent public prosecutor. But Berlusconi is careful not to do so. Why? The assumptions are two. O has no evidence or clues of what he says, is only speculation, it is a vulgar slanderer who should respond to the criminal insinuates that if he did not care to never do the first and last name of the judge or judges of felons, even though it clearly identifiable. And then one of Berlusconi and center-right is it so, a theorem, on which also the Knight alive for sixteen years. Or do not trust this or that non-attorney, not one or the magistrate, or that this Court, but the entire judiciary.

But if the prime minister, in fact the most important constitutional position, does not trust the judiciary, fidarcene why should we, ordinary citizens? Who will guarantee that the judge that we are facing is really a judge or a villain? Who undertakes to comply with its decisions if the premier is the first non-compliance, when it comes to his case? Also we have our cases. And then all free. Because each of us, Toto Riina, the protagonist of an extraordinary "aggressive record" may be or have been the victim of a felony courts. To empty the prisons. Moreover there is some time taken with Maghrebi-handed that the authoritative example of the Prime Minister not tell the victim of a "plot" of the police and the judiciary.

The most notable damage caused by Mr Berlusconi in Italy is removing all the citizens confidence in the judiciary, a body called a regular through law enforcement, relations that bind us together and, therefore, little sense of the law was left to the Italian people. And it is paradoxical that a subject like this, which is always biased against the judiciary, which has for the sake of it being personal animosity still involved in four trials, and that other was released only by the skin of the prescription cap ( but at least two cases the Supreme Court, other body charged by the Premier, together with the constitutional court, of bias, found that the crimes of which he was accused had actually committed them, even if, in the sentence, declared them to be prescribed), claims time to do it, the Great Reform Italian Justice.

Massimo Fini Fonte:

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integrator. Inbox
to me show details 13 March (3 days ago)
Fabio has left a new comment on your post "FIRING THE FOOD SUPPLEMENTS:

To market a drug dealer from the owner must obtain Marketing Authorisation (MA) by the Italian Drug Agency (AIFA). This medicine may be prescribed by your doctor to take deduction of 19% in attaching the receipt. The counter medications can be advertised to the public. On TV
notice a proliferation of products declared as "medical devices" that are often formulated with plant medicines (cough syrups, tablets, gels and sprays for sore throat, antacids for heartburn and stomach pain, etc..), Which should act solely or primarily due to mechanical / barrier. And they enjoy the same benefits OTC: deduction, advertisement, etc.. The producer (not pharmaceutical) can market with CE marking of class I medical devices with a simple self-declaration, avoiding even the audit of the correctness of AIFA production methods in addition to being subject to the supervision of a notified body and to circumvent the European legislation on traditional herbal medicinal products.

As a consumer I do not like this trick at all.

Posted by Fabio in info to finance economic climate March 13, 2011 7:12

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Monday, March 14, 2011

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Suppose someone were to describe a small country that provides free college education for all its citizens, school transportation for children and free health care - including cardiac surgery - for everyone. One might suspect that this country is extraordinarily rich or prefereziale lane for a fiscal crisis.

After all, the rich countries of Europe are increasingly realizing that they can not pay for university education, and ask young people and their families to bear the costs. For their part, the United States have never attempted to offer free college for everyone, and it took only an uphill battle to ensure access to 'health care to poor Americans - a protection that now the Republican Party is working hard to destroy, because the country can not afford it.

But the island of Mauritius, a small nation off the east coast of Africa, are neither particularly rich nor on because of budget crisis. However, they have spent the last decades to successfully build a diversified economy, a democratic political system, and a strong social safety net. Many countries, not least the United States could learn from his experience.

In a recent visit to this tropical archipelago of 1.3 million people, I had the opportunity to see some of the progress made in Mauritius - achievements that may seem puzzling in light of the debate in the U.S. and elsewhere. Consider home ownership: while American conservatives say the government's attempt to extend home ownership to 70% of the U.S. population has been the cause of the financial meltdown, 87% of Mauritians have their own home - no food no housing bubble.

But now comes the difficult to Mauritius's GDP has grown faster than 5% a year for almost 30 years. Surely, there must be a trick. The Mauritius should be rich in diamonds, oil, or some other valuable commodity. But Mauritius has no exploitable natural resources. In fact, when approached independence from Great Britain, obtained in 1968, the prospects were so sad that the winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1961, James Meade wrote: "It will be a great result if [the country] will be able to ensure productive employment for its population without a severe reduction of current levels of life. ... The prospects for a peaceful development are weak. "

How to show that Meade was wrong, Mauritians have increased the per capita income less than $ 400 at the time of independence to more than $ 6,700 today. The country has progressed from monoculture of sugar-based 50 years ago to a diversified economy, including tourism, finance, textiles, and, if current plans will bear fruit, advanced technology.

During my visit, my interest was to understand better what had led to what some have called the Miracle of Mauritius, and what you might learn. There are, in fact, many lessons, some of which should be kept in mind by policy makers in the United States and elsewhere, who fight their battles in the budget.

First, the question is not whether we can afford to provide health care or education for all, or guaranteeing home ownership in a widespread manner. If the Mauritius can afford these things, America and Europe - which are several orders of magnitude more rich - can too. The question is rather how to organize society. The Mauritians have chosen a path that leads to higher levels of social cohesion, welfare and economic growth - and at a lower level of inequality. Second

place, unlike many other small countries, Mauritius has decided that most of the military spending is wasteful. It is not necessary that the United States come to this: only a part of the money that America spends on weapons against enemies that do not exist, would go a long way towards creating a more humane society, including healthcare and 'not whether the education to those who can afford it.

Thirdly, Mauritius acknowledged that without natural resources, its only resource was the people. Perhaps this appreciation of its human resources is also what led to the Mauritius to realize that, given the differences in religious, ethnic and political of the country - some had tried to exploit to cause it to remain a British colony - education for all was essential to social unity. So there was a strong commitment to democratic institutions and cooperation between workers, employers and government - exactly the opposite of that kind of dissent and division which is now led by conservatives in the United States.

This does not mean that in Mauritius there are no problems. Like many other successful emerging market countries, Mauritius is affected by a loss of competitiveness of the exchange rate. And, as more and more countries have intervened to weaken their exchange rates in response to the attempt to make America competitive devaluations by quantitative easing, the problem is getting worse. Almost certainly, also Mauritius will have to intervene.

addition, like many other countries, Mauritius today are concerned about imported inflation from food and energy. Respond to inflation by raising interest rates would only aggravate the problems of high prices with a high unemployment rate and a much less competitive. Direct intervention, restrictions on capital inflows in the short term, capital-gains taxes, and stabilize the banking system through prudential regulation, are all measures that should be considered.

The miracle of hard Mauritius since independence. But the country's fight even with some of its colonial legacy: the inequality in land ownership and wealth, as well as vulnerability to global politics at high risk. The United States occupies an island off the coast of Mauritius, the Diego Garcia, as a naval base, without compensation, officially hired by the United Kingdom, which has not only maintained the Chagos Islands, in violation of United Nations and international law, but has also expelled its citizens and refuses to allow them to return.

The United States must now act well towards this country peaceful and democratic Mauritius to recognize the legitimate property of Diego Garcia, to renegotiate the lease, and redeem the sins of the past by paying a fair sum for the land illegally occupied for decades.

Original version:

Joseph Stiglitz
Link: 03/07/2011

Italian version:

Link: 09/03/2011

Under Armour Commercial Bus


LETHAL WARRIORS Posted on Thursday, March 10 @ 20:00:00 CST David

Danilo arona

"Down there I saw things that no one should never see "Devil
(story M. Night Shyamalan)

Every single night of his life since he returned from Iraq, Sheldon T. Plummer (Olympia, Washington) suddenly wake up at three o'clock. He thought it was the fault of the devil and left him well written in a forum devoted to this subject. There are several of these forums, they speak is narcolepsy, Old Hag (Old under the sheet), and shared with the sudden awakening of 3.33 (half the number diabolical) or alien abductors on the other side of the window. "I wake up every night at 3.33. I'm shivering all over his body and the room is cold, and this thing has no explanation why warming works perfectly. But we do not even have an explanation for this accuracy rate: if I put the clock back half an hour, opened his eyes to 3.03.

Photo: The mural of Chilean Sebastian Errazuriz

"Jesus died to 3.00 and witches do their own dirty work at that hour. "
" I do not just wake up every night at 3 am. But I wake up often. And one night I saw above me a dark figure from the misty texture high to the ceiling. I was about to get up and run to turn on the light, but that I flew on, faster than a speeding bullet. And I whispered in the ears of the words that do not really want to remember. "

In that forum there were demonic experiences. But Plummer his demon had met him in Iraq and whether he was dragged back to Washington along a predicted flight path since the early seventies by the writer William Peter Blatty. The result was that between a revival and a nightmare, Plummer killed his wife and made her to pieces, inspired by the instructions "technical" from the TV series Dexter.

is not new that a certain percentage of U.S. Marines returning from Iraq and Afghanistan come home and download its aggression on wives, girlfriends and strangers chosen at random. If you do not kill someone, kill themselves at an impressive pace - the latest figures speak of 18 veterans a day who choose the path of suicide (source: The phenomenon is known since 2004, but the choice, since when possible, was to not talk or talk very little. In 2005, my memory, there was only a fleeting service TG3 in the afternoon edition.

The arrest of Matthew Perkins

The September Matthew Perkins, 30 years and two campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, killed in Manchester, Tennessee, his girlfriend and two children of the latter, put the bodies in plastic garbage bags and locked them in a closet for several days. There was no disagreement between Perkins and the woman. The man often shouted in his sleep and woke up suddenly, drenched in sweat, asking desperately to nothing, "Who is it? CHI C'E '? "
Eric Acevedo stabbed his girlfriend to death within hours of his return from Iraq. Who knows what would have been his nights?

Joseph Dwyer was haunted by demons for some time when one day he saw at the roadside a normal cardboard box blank, took her for a bomb about to explode in a bad car accident. A few months later, Joseph is imprisoned in his apartment and began to shoot through the window. A random, where something seemed to move. For an extraordinary case you do not hurt anyone, but police took a full day to convince him that there were no heads around in rags who wanted to kill. Now Joseph is no longer on this earth and has taken away with an overdose of tranquilizers and inhalants.

Jeff Lucey

Jeff Lucey, 23, returned from the first phase of war call Decapitation Strike, hanged himself in the basement of his parents' home. The mother told publicly that in the month in which he had participated in the invasion terrible Jeff wrote letters to his girlfriend in which he described the monstrosity he had seen and that he had to do. Once home, he began to speak in a rambling of Nasiriyah, the city where he held the first major battle between marine and irackeni. At night, around three, sometimes before sometimes after, they always threw off the bed screaming. After a night in which he had not slept at all, he received his sister Amy with tears in his eyes, said to be a murderess. Is declared "guilty." Jeff left before hanging himself on his bed irackeni the identification plates of the soldiers who killed unarmed though. He looked often and muttering unintelligible words.

Peter Mahoney, before going to the garage and attach to the exhaust, put on his uniform with whom he served.

Keith Nowic, the return of its second round in Iraq, was sent for a year of treatment Warrior Transition Unit at Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, where he collected loneliness, alcohol and drugs, and chasing all with the divorce. Killed himself in March 2009 while he was on the phone with his ex-wife. There he met the Lethal Warriors, those of the Fourth Infantry Division, veterans of Fallujah, those records: nine murders committed by members of the same brigade, more than 145 incidents of domestic violence and 38 rapes.

All these of course are not demons. If so, the counter would be quite simple. Instead, the symptoms of the now no longer complained of PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) which has existed since the days of Vietnam, but only since the eighties is recognized as a serious disabling disease (the American assurances, however, have included in their protocols only in 2004 ...). A syndrome that kills more at home than on the battlefield, even if the military authorities never confirm this, because the veterans are technically civilians. And then, however, after the symptoms, there's demons.

According to a study by the University of California are three hundred thousand soldiers returned from Afghanistan and Iraq with clear signs of mental imbalance: emergency that the army deals with only 400 psychiatrists. With prisons that are filled with veterans: 23% of the prisoners, a number so high that you are thinking of special courts and alternative sentencing. Investigation "Time" says that the number of suicides among soldiers has reached record numbers: 106 in 2006, 115 in 2007, 128 in 2008. It is well 334 in 2009: the same year, 316 were killed in battle in Afghanistan and 149 in Iraq. But counting that unsuccessful suicide attempts out of ten, the number of those who seek to end it rises to three thousand soldiers a year. Even if they were real data, because, suggests the Huffington Post, the numbers are hard to find, may be higher. And we speak only of soldiers in uniform with regard to veterans, the figures are only hypothetical because, in fact, they are civilians.

Suicide, is known and not today, then a fact often becomes epidemic. The month of June 2010 have killed 32 soldiers, the highest number ever recorded. Psychiatrists and psychologists do not have enough military knowledge to deal with this discomfort. Mark Russell, commander of the Navy specializing in mental illness, found that 90% of staff performing these functions do not have the training necessary to treat PTSD. It merely prescribe drugs such as Paxil, Prozac and Neurontin, which enhance and even cause symptoms. If you do not kill, kills himself. In any case, the mental disorder associated with PTSD can become uncontrollable. And transforming the subject that is affected in a lethal warrior on native soil. Difficult to think that whoever is trained to kill not to be killed after returning home, as if nothing could fit in a normal life without the rules of etiquette and respect for others. Hard to believe that this person does not have nightmares and wake up screaming, more or less three in the morning.

In a program titled The War Within, was broadcast by Al Jazeera and dedicated to PTSD, the American psychiatrist Barbara Van Dahlen has made statements to say the least, disturbing. Here's a summary:
"PTSD is contagious. The veterans returned home, when in crowded places, at the supermarket, in a large shopping mall, or in a very noisy restaurant, become anxious because they can not effectively examine their surroundings and do not feel secure. For the soldiers involved in explosions on armored vehicles along roads, in Afghanistan and Iraq, the wives often report that driving in the middle of the road, which is clearly very dangerous here in the U.S.. But they do so because the bombs were often placed on either side of the road and do not recognize or realize that they are moving toward the center of the road, but the brain is considering a potential threat to the surrounding environment. The continuous state of alert due to fear that there is always a danger, because anyone who has suffered trauma was hit by an event that could not control, greatly terrifying, destructive, dangerous, or all of these things together. So the brain is still on alert for fear of another attack or other uncontrollable event. And 'as if there was no demarcation between the frontline and home, where by definition there should be only peace. In fact today the war is everywhere. Because it is inside. There is only the fear of terrorism after 11 / 9, but the fear that veterans bring with them, infecting family and friends. And 'the real problem that arises in the treatment of post-traumatic stress. Not only about soldiers returning home, but also their families. We have even coined a term 'secondary trauma', referring to the phenomenon of family members of patients with post-traumatic stress who develop the same symptoms if the people who are not at home cured. So hit their wives and children, and anyone who spends much time in close contact with the veterans. It has a powerful ripple effect that goes beyond the nuclear family and then extends to work colleagues, the education system when you return to college campuses. And 'because of this significant ripple effect that we perceive as the operators a real public health emergency. And we have to deal with them. "

All this - and especially the issue of contagion - brings us back to the deep symbolism that comes from waking up in a panic - to 3.00 or 3.33 - by those who suffer from PTSD . These are experiences that tend to materialize visually demonic evil (for you to watch and control) and alluding to the final loss of innocence. A masterpiece of 1988, Koko by Peter Straub, the subject of Vietnam veterans joined to that of the horrors visited on the front or witnessed war implied the primary trauma of a childhood destroyed by sadistic adults. A young American soldier goes berserk after being forced to kill a group of Vietnamese children who took refuge in a cave. Many years later, the war is over, the man turned into a serial killer who left on each victim horribly disfigured a playing card on which appeared scrawled the name "Koko." We discovered after many exciting events that anyone who was hiding under the identity of Koko had seen a child's mother killed by her father and he himself had been subjected to repeated violence by the demon hidden in the guise father. Through a memory hidden and the unconscious mechanism of similarities, both Koko avenged himself because the Vietnamese children with whom identified himself.
E 'a metaphor that, despite his years, you can still apply to the lethal warriors who experienced the war where he was declared in the name of democracy exportable: at home, in the home, in the life of all days. At three in the morning, the hour of the devil to them that believe.

After the tumors caused by depleted uranium and Gulf War Syndrome, something worse is coming to the belligerent West: darkness.
Something Wicked This Way Comes, Ray again ...

Danilo Arona

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The Dogs of War ready to invade LIBYA

LIBYA: THE NEW KOSOVO? Posted on Friday, March 11 @ 7:00:00 CT davide


Another NATO intervention?

About a dozen years after NATO bombed Yugoslavia, removing the province of Kosovo to Serbia, there are signs that the 'military alliance is preparing for a' small victorious other "humanitarian war", this time in Libya . The differences are certainly enormous, but we give a 'look at some of the disturbing similarities. A leader

demonized as a "new Hitler ', the man to hate and want to destroy, Slobodan Milosevic in 1999 was a neophyte compared to Muammar Gaddafi today. The media had less than 10 years to make Milosevic a monster, while Gaddafi are there for decades. And Gaddafi is more exotic, speaks little English and is presented in public in clothes that may have been created by John Galliano (recently discovered another monster).

This raises the exotic 'ridicule and contempt for ancient cultures in which lower the' West was won, the 'Africa was colonized, and the Summer Palace in Beijing has been devastated by Western soldiers fighting to keep the world safe from dependence on 'opium.

The chorus of "We must do something"

As in Kosovo, the crisis in Libya has been seen by the hawks as an 'opportunity to assert their power. The terrible John Yoo, the legal counsel that has been shown to 'Bush Jr. administration. the benefits of torturing prisoners, used the Wall Street Journal to advise all 'Obama administration to ignore the UN Charter and getting out in Libya. Yoo said that "putting aside the antiquated rules of the United Nations, the United States can save lives, improve well-being global and serve its national interests, all at the same time. "And another great theoretician of 'humanitarian imperialism, Geoffrey Robertson, told The Independent that despite appearances, violating international law is lawful.

ghosts "crime against 'humanity' and 'genocide' are evoked to justify the war

As with Kosovo, an internal conflict between government and armed rebels have been represented as a" humanitarian crisis ", where only a part, the government , was deemed "criminal." This criminalization is expressed a priori by appealing to an international judicial body to investigate the crimes believed to have been committed or were about to be committed. In its editorial, Geoffrey Robertson makes clear that the ICC was used to prepare the ground for a possible military intervention. He explained how the ICC can be used from 'West to circumvent the risk of a veto military action by the Security Council.

"In the case of Libya, the board has placed at least an important precedent in a unanimous vote a reference to the International Criminal Court .[...] What happens then if the criminals on the loose Libyan aggravate their crimes - for example hanging or firing at opponents in cold blood, potential witnesses, civilians, journalists and prisoners of war? " [Note that so far do not There are no "incriminating" nor any evidence of "crimes" that supposedly could "worsen" in different ways imaginary]. But Robertson is keen to find a way to "take up the challenge to NATO in the event that the Security Council decides to do nothing.

"The defections in the Security Council require the approval of a limited right, without his mandate, to enable the 'use of force by an' alliance like NATO to stop the commission of crimes against humanity. This right arises once the Board has identified a situation as a threat to world peace (and Libya has been so universally identified and referred to the Prosecutor of the ICC). "

Thus, the referral of a country to the ICC prosecutor can become a pretext to wage war in that country! 'S more, the jurisdiction of the ICC is supposed to be applied to states that have ratified the treaty establishing it, and that, as I understand it, is not the case of Libya - or the United States. However, there is a big difference, the United States were able to persuade, intimidate or bribe several state parties and accept the agreements which have never under any circumstances try to refer offenders to the ICC any Americans. This privilege was denied to Gaddafi.

Robertson, member of the Justice of the United Nations, concludes: "If you are asked for our help, the duty to stop as best we can the 'mass murder of innocent people, is crystallized to' use, not 'legitimate' but lawful" use of force by NATO.

idiocy of the left

Twenty years ago, most of the European left has supported the war in Kosovo, which NATO has put endless hours on the road continues in Afghanistan. Not having learned anything, many seem ready to repeat itself. A coalition of parties called the European Left, issued a statement that "strongly condemns the repression perpetrated by the criminal regime of Colonel Gaddafi" and calls the 'European Union "to condemn the' use of force and act promptly to protect the people who are demonstrating peacefully and fight for their freedom. "As the opposition to Gaddafi is not simply demonstrating peacefully," but in part has taken up arms, he condemns the 'use of force only by some and not by others - but it is unlikely that the politicians who have made this statement becomes even realize what they are saying.

The limited view of the left is illustrated by the statement in an article that says Trotskyist "all the crimes of Gaddafi, that without doubt the most serious and least known, and its complicity with the migration policy of 'European Union ..." To the left extreme, the greatest sin of Gaddafi and his collaboration with the 'West, just as the' West is to blame for his collaboration with Gaddafi. This is a fruit left in complete confusion, a supporter of the war.


The mass of refugees from Kosovo, was used to justify those same NATO bombing from which these refugees were fleeing. It was not even made an 'independent investigation on the multiple causes of this' temporary exodus - a major cause of the bombing was probably the same. Today, by the way the media are reporting the data to the large number of refugees who are leaving from Libya when the problems started, the public could have the 'impression that these refugees are fleeing from persecution of Gaddafi. How frequently, the media focus on a 'superficial image without seeking an explanation. A little 'think tank could fill the gap d' information. E 'unlikely that Gaddafi is driving the foreign workers that his regime has led to Libya for the construction of important infrastructures. Instead, it is quite clear that some rebels "democrats" have attacked foreign workers for pure xenophobia. L 'Gaddafi opened to Africans in particular has a bad reputation from a number of Arabs. But we should not talk too much about this, since they are now our "good guys". This is a little 'how where attacks on Roma in Kosovo Albanians have been overlooked or justified by the occupying NATO on the grounds that "the Roma had collaborated with the Serbs." Osama Bin Laden

An 'other similarity between Yugoslavia and Libya that the United States (and its NATO allies), once again found themselves on the same side of their old friend of the Afghan Mujahedin: Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden was a moderate ally of the Islamist party of Alija Izetbegovic during the Bosnian civil war, a fact carefully ignored by NATO powers. Of course the Western media have dismissed the recent allegations of Gaddafi, which he said that Bin Laden was fighting against, as the ravings of a madman. However, the fight between Gaddafi and Bin Laden is real, and before the attacks of 'September 11, 2001 at the Twin Towers and Pentagon. Just Gaddafi was the first to try to feel the 'Interpol's Bin Laden, but got no cooperation from the United States. In November 2007, the 'French news agency AFP reported that the leader of the Fighting Islamic Group in Libya announce their affiliation with Al Qaeda. As the Mujahideen who fought in Bosnia, these Libyan Islamic groups have been formed in 1995 by veterans of the war sponsored by the U.S. against the Soviets in Afghanistan of the 80s. Their stated aim is to overthrow Gaddafi and then establish a radical Islamic state. The basis of 'radical Islam has always was the eastern part of Libya, where the recent uprising erupted. From that addressed the mass of peaceful demonstrators is not like those who spilled their dictators in Egypt and Tunisia, but there is a conspicuous component of armed militants, it is reasonable to assume that the Islamists are taking part in the rebellion.

Refusal of negotiations

In 1999 the United States was eager to use the Kosovo crisis to give NATO its baptism of fire in a new mission "out-of-area". The farce of peace talks in Rambouillet was sent to 'air from the U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, who put aside the more moderate Kosovo-Albanian leaders to Hashim Thaci, the young leader of the 'Kosovo Liberation Army, "an' organization known to be linked to criminal activities. The Albanian rebels in Kosovo were a mix of good and evil, but as often happens, the United States we have had a hand, and have caught the worst.

In Libya, the situation could be even worse

My impression, in part due to a visit to Tripoli four years ago, is that the 'current rebellion is an even greater mix, with serious potential internal contradictions. Unlike the 'Egypt, Libya is not a populous state with thousands of years of history, a strong sense of national identity and a long political culture. Half a century ago was one of the poorest countries in the world, and is not yet fully emerged from its organizational structure for the clan. Gaddafi, in his eccentric way, was a factor in modernization, using the proceeds of oil to increase standards of living up to the highest levels of the African continent. His opposition, paradoxically, comes from a part of traditional Islamic reactionaries, who consider him a heretic for his relatively liberal views, from 'the other beneficiaries of modernizing westernized, who are embarrassed by' Gaddafi's image and want an even greater modernization . Also there are other tensions that may lead to civil war and even to divide the country along geographical lines.

The Dogs of war are sniffing around for bloodshed far larger than those successes. The United States intensified the conflict in Kosovo in order "to intervene", and the same risks they are running now Libya, where the 'ignorance of' the West on what should be done is enormous. The proposed

Chavez neutral mediation to avoid a disaster is the way of wisdom. But NATOlandia, the concept of solving problems through peaceful mediation, rather than by force, seems to have vanished. Diana Johnstone

Link: 07/03/2011

The Comment Of Qcarbo


OF Fabrizio Fiorini

"It was monstrous. I could not remain silent. "
Ida Magli

"The cover is blue, but you do realize they have the little red book in hand," says Ida Magli talking about his latest work, The European dictatorship, before the large audience that flocked to last Saturday, the room Pirelli at the headquarters of the Lombardy region in Milan. Ida Magli, an anthropologist, journalist, author, among other things, numerous essays and articles aimed at exposing the true nature of anti-people and plutocratic European institutions, is confirmed to be a healthy "loose cannon" of the cultural and academic national, the face of a healthy and fighting universe (that of "culture" national) tamed and standardized. We have already had the impression reading his lucid and timely analysis of the journalist, who shone in the context often lined and covered the Milan daily, we just had confirmation that his latest finding writers, already regularly reviewed on these pages by Lidia Sella, one of the rare examples of politically incorrect managed to escape the dense mesh of censorship that would usually confined to the works of the circuits smaller, niche publishers to, libraries, bunkers, catacombs writer of the last free men.

Instead, she did not. He has published for the types of Rizzoli, a popular price edition, available in all libraries: all the requirements necessary for the will not remain unheeded del'Autrice, who does not wish to convey a message in a bottle for posterity and to historians of the future, he wants get out of the cold logic of academic evidence and wants to provide its readers with a useful tool for the control and knowledge of the ugly face of power.

an operation, the European dictatorship, who throws a stone on the surface of the muddy and stagnant debate and analysis on everything related to what has been called "European integration". Revealing the hidden nature and covered by a thick blanket of his corridors of power, which is exactly this accusation as a smoke his strong point, and how language and bureaucratic inaction that characterized his public acts is the foundation of popular ignorance about its actual characteristics. A secret word that the author swears without any hesitation, that this union of supranational economic powers behind the mask of a European Union based in reality on the single currency, the bank seigniorage, cultural approval, the monochrome gray policy on the destruction of spirituality, thought-approved, the traffic of goods and people, sull'addomesticamento science and social criticism, on the eradication popular identity, the waiver authority of the States, on the loss of any special features, on cancellation of the history and traditions that create any national identity, the lack of any measure aimed at the popular welfare and social justice - an anti- Europe, then, where you will find banks, shops, preachers of multiculturalism, heralds of glad tidings ("we will take you to Europe!") and each sparkling color of modernity, but they deleted any reference to its true cornerstone: the peoples.

Ida Magli's book, we said, was then presented Saturday, March 5 in a public lecture in the Lombardia region. The event, followed by rebirth and the free man, copies of which have spread and mingled with the speakers and the audience, arousing general interest, attention and sharing, has been organized by Max Sticks, local representative of the Northern League , and was attended, as well as the Author of the President of the Regional Council Davide Boni, Maurizio Cabona journalist of Il Giornale and Mr Mario Borghezio, MEP. After the introduction of Wands and President Boni, who stressed the fact that Europe carries within itself the "original sin" of the lack of popular identity, stressed as counterparts of our lives until you impose a standard diameter for the zucchini, and called for a return to rely on the capacities of nations, urging people to wonder what and if they are twenty or thirty years, it was the turn of ' Author.

Ida Magli, determined and combative, said of the essayist and academic difficulties encountered in finding the words to speak seriously of this Europe, and his subsequent choice to address the speech writer is not aware that otherwise would have been possible except that the sheet of struggle, the ruthless written complaint which would definitely put the perpetrators of the killing of the Europe of the peoples and states before their own historical responsibilities, giving up a mere scientific treatment to the victim and the sterile and appealing to those who are or become aware of the need to face a battle of civilization against barbarism. E 'with a look and decided heated oratory, and striking figure made in his tiny, compared to which even appeared to resize the presence of pyrotechnics Borghezio (!) That the author has traced the focal points towards which to direct its readers / militants: a) the need for a radical disruption of migratory flows, the Trojan Horse of the most pernicious multiculturalism and the disintegration of Europe's cultural and socio-economic fabric b) complaint leakage from the system and the single European currency and a return to national currencies owned by the state on the issue and credited to the people, re-appropriation of monetary sovereignty as encouragement for the appropriation of sovereignty tout court; c) constant pressure on the great information to begin to address these issues in order to break the curtain of silence that stifles within the usual tight circles and diminishes to the level of conspiracy theorizing and apocalyptic.

to the detailed analysis of Ida Magli wanted to counter Cabona Maurizio Il Giornale which, contained in a scenario now familiar criticism of those who say a model of revolutionary development basically argued that - while sharing the views of the author - is a must a "reminder of the reality," be aware that the exit from the Euro and the blocking of immigration are just dreams and fantasies that great information will never be pushed on this course because it is the mirror of the companies that produce it. Not only that the journalist of the Milan newspaper has seen fit to present to the Author that the issues which the analysis of the power groups of the world and that of monetary sovereignty are you were not discovered until late in life, and that years ago she wrote in La Repubblica Scalfari for while he speaks instead of Biderberg and Trilateral since he was the shorts. We fly over on the latter issue (the analysis of political phenomena is not like the feast of the serial, where more than six out of course, have more stamps in the booklet, and more "accounts") on information, however, should Cabona own self-criticism as editor of Il Giornale. The Milan daily, in fact, while hosting the sometimes lucid analysis and criticism of the Western model of the transnational capitalist system of power (just think of the articles of the shirt, but there were others as well) has always exploited these issues in a functional way to defend own politichetta positions on national good criticism of big powers, then, but only when they are opposed to the head of government for the remainder of the line of Il Giornale to the bitter end stands on the defense of Occidentalism more stringent in its cultural dimensions , economic, military. You might just give you an example, say, drawing the logical conclusion to what is stated in your courses sometimes politically incorrect, and finally admit that some claim can not be released by an overall critique of the Western model and the capitalist socioeconomic system. Sure, stop being a major newspaper, and - as Rebirth - you would not be present even in press releases of Telesanterno, but so be it. It would become, in the words of the same Cabona, the "mirror" of that part of society that the information embedded left without a voice. The speech by Mr Borghezio

closing of the day, reviewed the highlights of the work of Professor Magli, stressed - it was still an event array ... green - the merits of the Northern League in the organization of these events and to give voice and visibility to the items most uncomfortable and most heretical thesis.

Turin MEP also called for a convergence between the different currents of thought free, quoted from the reviews that have made the European dictatorship Rebirth and La Padania, welcoming the commonality of views between a newspaper linked to the independent North and another array of national flag, went so far as to want to address all fringes of the objection to this development model, including the "anti-globalization that when I meet I want to smash your head."

Well, Mr Borghezio (we 'sans-culottes' national of the left often use the title of Mr ironically not too hidden, but in your case we use it with sincerity, as "honorable" as is claimed, and I'll tell you why ). By reading these pages you will have noticed that we have never failed to recognize the merits of his political organization. We recognized in the League, at least in some of its manifestations, the political force more (give me) "national" bleak landscape of Italian party, we have recognized the authenticity of some of its activist base and part of its management, we looked at with suspicion who wanted her to paint as a political effort or how many anti-South (with purely character bourgeoise) have described it as a bunch of yokels with Viking helmet on his head and we appreciated the courageous stand against the criticisms sometimes known master of 'oltreatlantico; we have recognized the merit of having led to levels of political visibility and institutional theorizing even more politically incorrect (one hundred copies of Rebirth and The Free Men and Speeches on seigniorage in the Pirellone are indeed a rare treat for the eyes and ears ), so we appreciate the genuinely popular roots and strong bond with the territory. For this is its desire to Mrs convergences.

remain, however, for our part, critical issues, and adherence to a model drawn up in heaven where we can not give up. Which leads us to blame - with sincere regret - His political organization is a lack of completeness, a break circularity of the organic and the system of social criticism. This completeness can not separate from the national element of social justice, sovereignty can not decouple from sociality, which can not but recognize in the fight against the capitalist system and big business to the highest stage stateless people and the affirmation of identity of free nations, quell'organicità that every patriot is a socialist, and every socialist is a patriot.

E 'this is the road to free themselves from dictatorship to return to European and hope for a Europe of free nations and peoples and federated. Other roads, we believe, there are none.

Fabrizio Fiorini

Mount And Blade Stats


's last win Muammar Gaddafi Posted Saturday, March 12 @ 13:05:00 CST David


On March 6, 2010 it became clear that the Libyan regime has overcome internal revolt and stayed the chaos in the Arab world. A secret mission routine of the British SAS agents protected by 8 at the headquarters of the opposition ended with their arrest and 'interrogation' by the rebel leaders. The report of the Sunday Times for this event was in fact the white flag by the organizers of the protests in the Middle East and North Africa, 2010-2011.

From the beginning the chain of events in Libya took an unexpected turn for the global elite. Muammar Gaddafi refused to leave and Tripoli, together with members of his family and his clan, maintained a constant contact with the population through the Libyan state TV and regular public appearances.

During his impressive speech on February 22, managed to restore public support and encouraged the Libyans to oppose the revolution.

Since then, the major international media are avid unprecedented in the dissemination of lies about events in Libya. We have heard of 'foreign mercenaries who kill civilians', 'air raids on protesters', 'bombing of rebel positions', 'huge demonstrations against Gaddafi in Tripoli', 'thousands of refugees Libyans', and many other ads that you later have proven totally false. Sources in the Libyan

, for example of St Petersburg Center for Modern Middle East have outlined a framework rather different. There were no real protests in and around Tripoli. A few groups of marginalized young people in revolt, active in Az-Zawiya (western suburb of Tripoli) and in the center (the arson the People's Palace on the night of February 21 appears to have been the only place worthy of note), were promptly neutralized by the police. The 'air raids' of the Libyan Air Force in fact sought to strike the ammunition depots near Benghazi when he was still a considerable risk that was taken by separatists in the east.

The problem of 'foreign mercenaries that protect Gaddafi' is apparently the most interesting. It is well known that any mercenary fights for money. So are involved in the conflict where the interests of international oil mafia, mercenaries are the forces on which you can rely less. Gaddafi betrayal. And he, man smart, he is well aware. He could not negotiate alone. But suppose that their presence in Libya is an established fact. They could never have been 'kindly' offered to Gaddafi by his close supporters in Africa? Yes, why not. What was their mission? They were to receive the order of their true masters of being ruthless and fierce local protesters as possible to intensify the conflict. Not surprisingly, after the first battles in which they participated and after the announcements in the media world, the mercenaries are 'disappeared'. Surely soon will come to know some amazing detail on the army operations against Libyan mercenaries 'allies' in late February. From the CNN report about the wide scope of 'civil war' we should understand that in reality the government forces are trying to locate and defeat these 'allies'.

Now, for a scenario is at risk? Why Gaddafi's regime is the most stable of the Middle East. It should be noted that all the 'Arab dictators' who came to power with U.S. support in the 80s were easily defeated in January-February this year and are readily 'fallen into a coma'. They did not have the moral authority to fight for its power since that it had acquired in an unlawful manner. What is the key point of this lack of legitimacy? When aspiring to power formed a secret alliance with a foreign country that has provided them with ample support. Since then, they are not sovereign leader. Why can not defeat the revolution. They can not tell the truth to their people and the international community because it would mean having to tell the whole truth. And for all the truth shall also mean the circumstances of their rise to power ... In fact a solution to this 'dead end' exists. If a political leader recognizes that alone was and continues to be a shameful affair with a foreign power, will never FORGIVEN but condemned and supported by its people. As a result, the professionalism and loyalty of his personal guards will ensure the launch of his political career to an end. The alternatives are the scaffold of Saddam or the deathbed of Mubarak and Ben Ali.

But back to the 'people's revolutions in the Middle East'. We know that because they are desperately needed success 'masses of angry people'. So someone has to make her angry. As they did in Iran in June 2009? Through unknown snipers killed during protests in the street in Tehran (details on this can be found in our article 'What will the Bilderbergers decide on Iran').

as they did in Egypt in January? Again, unknown snipers fired on the crowd from the roof of the Interior Ministry in Cairo. Note that in both cases was done everything possible to persuade the public that the perpetrators were government forces. But where is the proof? What is the logic in killing by the security services, the demonstrators and their provocation to commit violent acts? Instead, their mission is to disperse the crowd peacefully, to identify and arrest the 'hotheads' between the demonstrators and to prevent victims! So who fired from the roof of the Egyptian Ministry Interior? We do not know. But those who have made public during the riots in Tunisia were captured and shown on RT. Check out this video:

anyone really believe that these men from the profile uncertain with Swedish and British passports were hunting wild boar on the streets of Tunis?

Now we can draw some conclusions.

First, there was nothing spontaneous in the wave of revolutions of 2011 in North Africa and the Middle East. The popular uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Bahrain, etc.. were carefully prepared, organized, financed and supported by the international media. In a rather surprising, Al-Jazeera played a critically important nell'accendere conflicts between Arab societies, producing misinformation and blocking entries more credible and sober.

Second, the riots have proved to those who have organized a general failure. No doubt the idea was to organize the chaos and civil wars in the Arab world, causing embarrassment among the national elite, opening the way to power for the anti-liberal radical opposition in key countries in the region. Therefore expected that in due time the degrading social situation and the inability catalyzed by the vulgar propaganda governmental management of the international media have created the conditions for imposing control outside of these Islamic states. Libya, with its rich natural gas reserves, was the ultimate prize. But Muammar Gaddafi still in power, which has regained a public support, which is freeing itself from the 'bad apples' among its present chief, the skilled chess players in global politics can be seen forced to make moves required while the ghost of the President Bush Jr. reappeared on the Libyan coast. It seems the only choice left to the elites is to uncover the guns of the American superportaerei. They have been cornered and are under the pressing pyramid of the dollar.

Thirdly, the most important of these events have come to the surface bond hidden among the 'radical Islam' and the global elite. Show Muammar Gaddafi who is fighting the Islamic Al-Qaeda trying to replace bin Laden as the incarnation of 'absolute evil' was a major deception on the part of the international media. The radical populists are going to become the new generation of Arab leaders. They should not bring prosperity or no social justice in their societies. Their only mission is to effectively cover the pot boiling in the Muslim world through measures and pseudo-Islamic rhetoric. When the pot will explode, the energy spread in the world of millions of young and ignorant fanatics will pave the way for the malicious Great Peacemaker. The seeds symbiosis of this mysterious British intelligence were thrown in the nineteenth century. For example, if you look back over the story of Hassan Al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, we can see that it was Evelyn Baring - the 'controller general' British in Egypt since 1878 and scion of a dynasty of ancient British bankers - to appoint Grande Mufti of Egypt Sheikh Muhammad Abduh. You can not underestimate the significance of that position. The Egyptian Grand Mufti was a moral authority at the time of great prestige in the Muslim world. Because the British chose Sheikh Abduh, a renowned Salafi? Because the script of the false leadership of the Islamic world by the global elites had already been written. These elites considered cannon fodder for the Muslims to impose their own domain. They needed to corrupt the faith of Islam, replacing it with a surrogate pseudo Islamic. That's why Evelyn Baring wrote about the Salafis: 'They are the natural allies of the European reformers' [Goodgame, Peter. The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists' Secret Weapon]. At that time became a Adbuh Sheikh Murshid (teacher) of Muhammed al-Banna, Hassan's father ...

So we are entering a period very interesting, perhaps decisive. Muammar Gaddafi has won his last battle overcoming the force insolence pressure from various sides. There will be another son of Gaddafi Muslim mother who may resist the new world order?
We hope and pray it happens.

Fomine Andre is the founder of the magazine research Oriental Review of open dialogue in which he appeared this article
Link: -victory-of-Muammar

Implantation Bleeding Pregnant With Twins


teasing justice reform Posted on Saturday, March 12 @ 16:10:00 CST David


In recent days, the TG and the newspapers are very busy from the false issue of judicial reform.

We are facing the nth jack around to the detriment of citizen orchestrated by the left and right in unison, in which, in a mock play, it is argued nothing, nothing, and nothing. There is an argument
anything because this reform is not reform.
for nothing because the end of each is not to change anything but leave it at that.
With nothing because the arguments adopted by both sides, but especially those of the left, are false.
Let's see what the terms of the debate, then we see what he says and then reform into reality because we see, however things go, nothing will change.

The terms of debate

Terms the discussion, summing up both points of view, are as follows.

The right says he did unn reform to change the judicial system and that reform is not on a personal basis, and is destined to last.

The left says that this reform is illiberal, and aims to put the prosecutor under the control of the executive. Furthermore, the reform would be unconstitutional (but you do not understand why). And influence over whether the prosecution.

Di Pietro then came to say something really incomprehensible that I report that I took and verbatim from his site. Asked what the point of the reform is puzzling, he replied: "But there is a proposal that is acceptable, because every point has the aim of impunity and to prevent the magistrate to do his duty. "

What does the impunity of the Premier (which is, given his age, impunity ce 'would have the law, even if they give him a life sentence) with the reform of justice is really a mystery.

The right argument is partially true (or partially false, as you prefer).
The left's argument is totally false.
Starting with what the left says, is absolutely false that this reform will make the PM to control the executive.

On the other hand it should be noted that currently depend on the judges Ministry of Justice, which is always executive.

The problem then is not in the dilemma of separation - separation no "but using that makes this separation.

If the separation of careers can be used to specialize more individual sectors of the judiciary, ensuring that a judge who has been involved for years in a traffic accident one day you are to investigate the mafia, then so be it separation.

If you need a cage even more the already totally inefficient proxies, then the separation is a bad thing.

In fact, the reform is neutral from this point of view in that it does not make the PM to control the executive, at least not more than now, but not specialized judges. It merely asks them a choice, and little more.

It is true that a reform is not a personal basis.
For once, the Premier has nothing to do with this reform, in the sense that his legal situation does not change one iota.

Even the mandatory prosecution, is a principle that is not affected, and anyway, in fact, never existed and does not exist.

mandatory prosecution means that if a judge becomes aware of a crime should be required to act, not having a choice.

In fact the judges are not involved almost never in any crime, and 99 percent of crimes reported is stored de plano, because "they have no means to investigate."

The problem of seigniorage is such a problem that has important implications in criminal matters which, in theory, would investigate any magistrate, but this will never happen because no PM ever take such an initiative, if a judge sees a trail of chemistry in the sky, in theory it should immediately open an investigation, if a judge passes in front of a public work for which they were unnecessary spending millions of euro and never finished, it should immediately open an investigation, but this never happens, if a magistrate finds out, even the newspapers that the attorney X is not investigating the murder of Tom and Dick, should open an investigation on its own against the prosecuting magistrates. And so on ...

Then the left takes us around when raises the issue of mandatory prosecution, because this principle has never existed and does not exist in fact.

True instead is that the reform will, if approved, to take quite a bit ', because it provides a real structural reform. However, in terms of relations PM - judiciary, changes little or nothing, because basically only changes the way that will change from one function to another.

Reform at a Glance Let

In a nutshell the main points of reform.
reform divides Fuzion prosecutors than judges. Today

and judges PM:

- are a unique competition;
- choose from time to time whether to make a career prosecutor and judges, and often can not choose because some places are more sophisticated and some less, with the result that one who wanted to be a civil court is found to make the PM in Catanzaro because there is no shortage of organic, or with the result that a PM who has exercised that function for years, one day change and goes out to civil court ;
- both are subject to an inspection body, the CSM, which is unique for both functions.

the reform, instead of:

- choose the candidate for the competition before making the competition and not after, a feature which is intended to be used;
- if a judge wants to change careers, you may do so only after a certain time and passing an internal competition based on qualifications and examinations;
- the establishment of a permanent school for the training of the judiciary magistrates
- the provision of a range of typical disciplinary offense;
- the existence of two different CSM, one for the PM and one for the judges. These MSCs have, however - unlike say the left - the same composition and are governed by the same procedures.

reform, essentially does not change almost anything, and is completely ineffective in solving the current problem of justice whatsoever.

Just think of the offenses covered, membership of secret societies is not provided as a crime, but only as a disciplinary offense, and, moreover, is considered illegal outside of work. "

down in the field of practical examples:

will not be illegal to be members of Freemasonry, since the organization is not secret, but official.

will not be unlawful society as followers of the Golden Dawn or Red Rose, in the case of organizations that have their sites and even then, strictly speaking of logic, are not "secret." Even in free
selling books written by the founder of the Red Rose, and the investigators are only ignorance and misinformation officer who consider it "secret" and the propaganda of the media covering the existence of these organizations, but its roots can be traced back centuries and books still for sale everywhere.
a secret, by definition, should be unknown to most people (such as Gladio was up to recently, or the Ring of Andreotti), but the truth is that the Red Rose and other associations are not "secret" in the sense narrow, because their existence is official.

will not be illegal even - paradoxically - to be followers of the organization Satanic "The Temple of Seth," Satan is an organization, but not secret.

So the rule is a joke as it is structured, and how all the rules, the problem lies not in the rule laid down, as in the application that it will.

The real problem with this reform, in my opinion, is the ongoing monitoring and periodic which will be submitted to the magistrate, who will also be assessed during your career, well below the psychological profile, in other words means that this will be facilitated 's cleaning and defenestration of the judges uncomfortable.
But in reality even this is a false problem.
The Defenestration of magistrates uncomfortable always been implemented by other methods, and by other means, just remember the story of De Magistris, Forleo, Córdoba, Falcone and Borsellino.
Today, those who make serious inquiry, shall be transferred, punished, and somehow silenced.
Tomorrow things will be just a little 'easier, but after the change will not be substantial, but only formally.

the real problems of justice

True justice issues are many, but other than those bandied about by right and left. They are in particular:
- inadequate staffing and resources;
- the inadequate training of judges in front of important phenomena such as large financial crimes, Mafia association, ritual murder, massacres, etc. ...;
- legislation that made for inefficient encourage inefficiency and the unlawful conduct of judges dishonest.

Here are some points:

- procedural rules are completely inefficient and among the many limitations, we cite the low time limit to make complex investigations, the heavy restrictions on wiretapping, the need in some cases to use for the interception of external structures that do not provide any assurance and reliability;
- the laws are ineffective in cases of serious violations, but now a judge who hides or collapses a file of mafia, which intentionally or detecting occult investigations, virtually nothing is not likely, because the crime of acts of omissions of office is not proportionate to the seriousness of the omission, the risk is to take only a few months in jail, obviously with the conditional, but it is a remote risk, because the truth is that no judge is ever subject to criminal prosecution, unless it is Mignini, Forleo and De Magistris,
- no law requires the registration to the incompatibility between Masonry and other clubs such as Rotary, and judicial office, the legitimacy of membership in the Masons for the judiciary has even been enshrined in the EU Court of Justice; logical that, from this point of view, the legislation is a real outlet for a ride;
- no law requires environmental incompatibility of judges with their area of \u200b\u200borigin, in other words, today a judge who has always lived in a town of a few tens of thousands of inhabitants, as Viterbo, Rieti, Teramo, etc.., exerts its function in the city of origin, and therefore encouraged the exchange of favors, friends, recommendations, etc.., since judicial office should be a sort of mission, service to the public made by sacrifice, the law should provide that the series judges exercise their functions as far away from their places of origin, with periodic changes and mandatory location;
- no law prevents the frequent visits between lawyers and judges, so the result is that in small as in large cities, lawyers and judges, including members of important processes are the same rowing club, the Rotary, or other associations that may make friends and, of course, speaking of the ongoing trials;
- there are no courses to prepare serious exercise of judicial office prosecutor, today that becomes the PM, and started to investigate various crimes, including crimes of mafia murders financial scams, but until the day before has always lived at home with mom and dad and has never signed a check in his life and has no idea how to even open a personal bank account.
Not to mention the preparation relating to ritual murder, satanic or esoteric in general.

A school of the judiciary should include the history of serious criminal cases the most important Italian and foreign, by the Monster of Florence, Olympia investigation on the 'Ndrangheta, or maxi-trial in Palermo, studies on the secret organizations, the seven, and so on. .. But it is absolutely obvious that the school provided by the Minister Alfano will focus, as every school current on the latest guidelines for fines for speed cameras, and compatibility with the extenuating circumstance aggravating X Y.

Everything will change so that nothing changes.

Ps. Some anecdotes on justice. About

justice reform, I want to mention a conversation I had with a high degree Mason, a while ago.

He said that many masons who worked for justice and to restore the masonry tradzionali values \u200b\u200bin the various obbiedienze, had tried to clean inside and in the end the cleaning was not possible, and had lost the war them because the black component was too strong.

- And how you tried to clean up? - I asked.

- killing - he said - with some others but we did not, because they were too powerful. For example XXX sniffed the trap and then we could not kill him. When I

astonishment expressed by the unusual method of "cleaning", he replied:

- Sorry Paul, but what we have done? Denounce them? The laws we have created us to be able to fuck the people. The Mason's true, a complaint is laughing.

My mind then went to when I brought the documents of the father of Solange, which related to Freemasonry, a magistrate in Turin, and the one filed by sending the famous letter on the power of attorney, written in green, which I mentioned in 'article "Freemasonry is a Harley Davidson that I can not afford." A friend of mine pointed me to an article in which the attorney in question states what he thinks of this reform. "The so-called reform Justice does not improve anything at all on the side of efficiency,''he said.

I came a bit 'funny. "But it makes you angry?" I asked him.

No, I'm not angry, because the fault is not his, but of all those who know and are silent and those who put it there.

And looking back at the motorcycle accident that we had and I Solange after the complaint, which occurred on a day which numerically is 8, and that means esoterically, in fact, JUSTICE, I smiled, thinking that in the final analysis, their justice is not so efficient and some gaps have it, since we are still alive.

Paolo Franceschetti Fonte:

The text of the reform of justice is here

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The judiciary? Licenziamoli more ... (Score: 1)
martiusmarcus of the Sunday, March 13 @ 03:16:19 CDT
(User Info For their "feel good". Come on topic. What is the "feel good" about justice? Good: Easy to say if one had the misfortune to have to do - as a defendant or a witness - with the "justice" in Italy. We know that the Magistrates have the power "person" (I am a sort of Cosa Nostra): manage that - by themselves, without interference from anyone - how to access the judiciary, as it "works" in the judiciary, as it remains unpunished in If this fails, what is gained in the judiciary ... The result of this confidence that the city gives them? CHAOS: the practical consequences on citizen's lives are terrifying. In an essential service such as the administration of right and wrong, of where a company could not - theoretically, since in Italy we do it - do not. Behold, it is essential to examine the balance sheet, namely that the current judiciary PRODUCES for the citizen. Well, all this is before the eyes of all. If the judiciary was by far the company would agree CLOSE, and without regrets. If the performance of the Italian health service - which is not exactly a model of efficiency - was equal to that of the judiciary, we would all be dead, no doubt. What he says then common sense (which, okay, Montesquieu is not)? ANY LAW intervene on the judiciary is better than the status quo. Nothing more. All those who oppose it want to serve the judiciary for political ends, and pass on to any type of IMPRESENTABILITA 'of the judiciary.