Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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New early warning weather

Given the weather conditions and the group in early warning, currently some areas of our region are already critical situation. The Board

Draining Washing Machine Outside

ARRIVING IN A WAR HEAVY (already programmed)

Posted on Monday, March 14 @ 17:10:00 CDT by David


's former analyst at Goldman Sachs, Charles Nenner, joins the predictions of a great war of Marc Faber and Gerald Celente

In 2009 I wrote that:

To say that 'America would start to help in various wars' s economy is outrageous, right?


Yet the 'leading economist Marc Faber has said repeatedly that the U.S. government will start new wars in response to the economic crisis:

- The next thing the government will do for distract 'attention from the bad conditions of the population' s economy will start a war somewhere. "

-" If the 'global economy does not recover, usually you go to war. "-"

Faber is crazy ?

Perhaps, but one of the best futurists (trend forecaster), Gerald Celente, 's agreement.

so on Antiwar Justin Raimondo writes:

As Gerald Celente said the other day, one of the few economic forecasters predicted that the crisis of 2008, "encouraged by their governments seem to be failures." What, finally, General William E. Odom has described as "the worst strategic disaster in American military history "- 's invasion of Iraq' - is to be followed by an even larger military operation, which will weigh on us for many years. This certainly seems to evidence supporting the thesis of Celente. Celente predicted the market crash of '87, the fall of the 'Soviet Union, the bursting of the dot-com, the bull market of' gold, the 2001 recession, the housing bubble, the panic of 2008, is now talking about an 'inevitable outbreak "bubble rescue", and more bad news:

"Given the way that governments have to make significant failures in mega-bankruptcies, when all else fails, the classic trend following is to bring their country war "

While the economic crisis increases and the system of central banks based on debt shows that it can not inflate the financial bubble created asset from scratch, it's easy to find a political and economic justification for the war, because if it is true Keynesian doctrine where public spending is the 'only way to emerge from an economic depression, then military spending is certainly the fastest way to inject "life" in a system that holds water. Economically, it does not work, since the crisis is only masked by the atmosphere of war and deprivation-emergency "temporary." Politically, however, is a salvation for our ruling elite, which is tiring unloading the blame on a target "foreign."

It 's the oldest trick in the world, and we are doing it under his nose, as the U.S. prepares to send even more troops on the front Aghani and threaten the' draconian economic sanctions with Iran, we are a step or two by the war.

A looming economic depression and the terrible prospect of 'another great war - the worst scenario seems to be, like a recurring nightmare ...

Celente The forecaster has identified a number of bubbles, the 'last one is the "bailout bubble (the bubble of capital injections), which can explode at any moment, but there may be an' other bubble followed by the that Celente calls "the mother of all bubbles, which implode with a thud heard round the world - the bubble of 'empire.

Our current foreign policy of global hegemony and unbridled aggression is simply unsustainable, not when we are about to become what we call a Third World country, a bankrupt country, which faces the prospect of a radical lowering of living standards . Unless, of course, the 'atmosphere of "crisis" can be sustained almost all' infinite.

George W. Bush fell back on 'September 11th, but the chant is growing older every time you hear it. Our new president needs to find something equivalent, something that distract our attention away from Goldman Sachs, to some overseas enemy that can somehow be held responsible for our current bad situation.

It is said that it was not the New Deal of FDR to get us out of the Great Depression but the Second World War. The truth is that, in wartime, when people expect to sacrifice himself for the duration of the 'emergency' economic problems are anesthetized by liberal doses of nationalists and exalted moral rectitude. Weaknesses and plunging living standards are masked by a rationing system typical of the times of war and a lowering of expectations. And just as the Second World War we have become accustomed to economic davastazioni developed by our elite of thieves, so World War III will cover a large part of the virtual purchase of the whole 'industry by the state and the demonization of any political opponent as "terrorist."

an impossible scenario science fiction? Or a reasonable projection of current trends? Celente, whose record of predictions is impressive, to say the least, sees the war against 'as 3GM Iran with economic, social, and political will send what is left of our empire to collapse. This is the 'bubble burst' s iperpotere, we - the last remaining superpower - somehow, we have the presumption to oppose to the history and common sense, and we forget the fate of all empires decline and fall.

I certainly hope that Faber and Celente are wrong, but they are very smart guys, for decades have been right on many of their predictions. Even if their estimates were seen as highly controversial at 'era, many have proved to be accurate.

Yesterday 's former technical analyst at Goldman Sachs, Charles Nenner - very sophisticated, counts among its clients large investment funds, banks, brokerage groups and a large round of wealthy individuals - has told Fox News that there will be "a great war between 2012 and 2013, which will bring the Dow Jones to 5000.

So Nenner says

I tell my clients, pension funds, large firms, and hedge funds to go virtually out of business, leaving almost entirely from the market.

As I have repeatedly documented, influential Americans are pressing for going to war in order to save 'the U.S. economy - this is called "military Keynesianism." But as many economists have shown, the war is actually bad for the 'economy - the opposite of the commonly accepted myth.

Surely, someone else instead of the United States could give way to war.

As the bad economic policies are leading to global disturbances, it is impossible to predict where a spark to take root and become a major fire.


Cost For Full Body Wax


Posted on Monday, March 14 @ 22:20:00 CDT by David


"May the gods protect us, Henry Kissinger is back!"

Henry Kissinger has been a Director of Homeland Security at the time of President Nixon and then Secretary of State. He also held the latter post under President Gerald Ford. Although it would be unfair to call it as someone who never gave good advice (he actually encouraged to engage in the Nixon policy of detente with the USSR), his work rests heavily on the side dell'imprudenza. And we will see him again in the exact same role, selling bad advice, in this case could further erode the already messed up the U.S. intelligence agencies.

beginning Kissinger was an academic. His doctoral thesis was the diplomacy of two statesmen of the first 800, the Englishman Robert Viscount Castlereagh and Austrian Prince Klemens von Metternich. These men were among the main actors of the Congress of Vienna that took place after the final defeat of Napoleon in 1815. In that meeting

Metternich argued that Europe had to return to the political status existing before the French Revolution. Pursuing that goal impossible, he supported the policies of repression and regimes. One gets the impression that the history of public service Kissinger was, at least in part, an attempt to gain the reputation of Metternich. To do that Kissinger would pursue a 'realpolitik' that, more often than experienced in America, involved the support of repressive policies and regimes.

Here are some of the causes that Kissinger married: the bombing of North Vietnam to get 'peace with honor'; support for the murderous fascist regime of Pinochet in Chile Ernesto and the equally bloody military dictatorship in Argentina, the acquiescence to the annexation of East Timor by the Indonesian dictator Suharto, which was followed by genocide, the acquiescence to the Serbian and Croatian wars against the Bosnian Muslims, support the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and last but certainly not least, the active lobbying for the admission of the Shah of Iran in the U.S. in crisis (yet another dictator supported by America) which led immediately to the hostage taking of U.S. diplomats in 1979 and the continuing tensions between America and Iran and unrest. I kept these cases of bad proceedings until the last part because one of the latest releases of Kissinger's role in the great statesman that leads to madness.

So what do you want from us now, dr. Kissinger? Well, according to a report by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Kissinger sent a letter to President Obama "encouraging him to switch the term of imprisonment of Jonathan Pollard, who is serving a life sentence on charges of spying for Israel. Kissinger said that he consulted with other people like former Defense Secretary Weinberger, former Secretary of State George Schultz and former CIA Director Woolsey (all supporters of Israel) and found their "unanimous support for a mandatory clemency. " Kissinger's letter follows a lobbying effort by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Obama has officially requested to the same guarantee of clemency. This is what Netanyahu had to say: "Both Mr. Pollard that the Israeli government have repeatedly expressed remorse for this action [espionage] and Israel will continue to fulfill its commitment to certain wrong actions will never be repeated. " There's something almost childlike in this approach. Caught with hands in the cookie jar of Israel, the spies and their agents say, "Oh, sorry. If the sentence commuted to promise to be good from now on '. In fact, in the world Espionage, certain promises are worth less than paper they're written. Then, in 2004 the FBI arrested another employee of the government who spied for Israel and used the American Zionist lobby AIPAC - American Israel Public Affairs Committee, as a channel through which to pass the stolen information. Farewell promises of future good conduct.

What Kissinger and the rest of Pollard's supporters seem not to be conclusive, or even worthy of note is the fact that since 1987 the process of sent Pollard in jail for life, U.S. intelligence officials have quietly threatened to give their resignation en masse if the Zionist spy had been released. Keep in mind that since George W. Bush and his neo-conservatives have the mandate to roll the CIA in the conduct of the invasion of Iraq, one that Kissinger has argued so helpful, the intelligence agencies of this country have found themselves very low in spirits. If Obama commute Pollard's sentence would be another blow to their health professional. But what does it matter

Kissinger to a bunch of government employees? In his version of 'realpolitik' of reality or the servants of the government or ordinary citizens are worth a lot. Here are a few quotes from Kissinger to show what I mean. Having helped to condemn the people of Chile in 16 years of government under Ernest murderous Pinochet Kissinger has streamlined so his decision: "I do not see why we should be looking to become a communist country because of the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves. " And, as analysts of the various intelligence agencies, most of which are truly experts in the countries studied, Kissinger has simply excluded the experts as irrelevant. "Most foreign policies that history has marked highly," - he says - "have been created by leading experts to whom they opposed." Well, all the "experts" but the dr. Kissinger.

The real Henry Kissinger, who improbably received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, verging on war crime. This should tell us what his opinion really matters. President Obama would be foolish if it gave a listen to a man whose blood-stained career would have ended so long ago shameful. Lawrence Davidson

Link: 09/03/2011

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ICELAND The only nation that rebelled

Posted on Monday, March 14 davide @ 22:20:41 CDT


A tiny nation that has had the strength to rebel the overwhelming power transfer. A revolution, which also passes through a new constitution, aimed at preventing the country's interests are sacrificed to those of the international finance oligarchs

Small and forgotten, Iceland gives us a warning. The solitary island between the North Pole and the UK, only 300 thousand souls, a small country of fishermen, has dared the failure to: rebelling against the global plutocracy.

is the story. At the end of 2008 the financial crisis sweeps like a hurricane on Iceland, in October decided to nationalize the country's largest bank, Landsbanki.

closely followed the Kaupthing and Glitnir. The debts of the institutions failures are in large part by the City of London and the Netherlands. The national currency, the krona, is paper and the stock market reaches a fall of 76%. The conservative government of Geir H. Haarden enlists the help of the IMF, which approved a loan of 2 billion and $ 100 million, supplemented by another 2 billion by some Nordic countries. The popular protests follow each other in a crescendo leading to the resignation of Prime Minister in January 2009 and early elections in April next. Exit polls from a winning coalition of left, he can not slow down the economy. The year ended with a decrease of 7% of GDP.

The new government offers the repayment of debts to the United Kingdom and the Netherlands by the payment of € 3 billion and a half, a sum that will pay all the Icelandic families each month for the next 15 years at 5.5% interest. In January 2010 the Head of State, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, refuses to ratify and give satisfaction to the people clamoring for a referendum on the issue. The result of the consultation held in March is overwhelming: 93% of voters said no. The reason is simple: because having to pay all the effects of a crisis they are responsible for the bankers, protected and pampered by the IMF and the financial system that keeps an eye blackmail the country? The retaliation was immediate: the IMF immediately freezes aid.

Only at this point, the left-wing government, with pitchforks pointing in front of parliament, will decide the big step: the complaint and arrested the bankers. Interpol issues international arrest order against ex-President of Kaupthing, Sigurdur Einarsson. In this climate of reckoning, last November, brings together a constituent assembly to write a new constitution, revising the small Icelandic state taking it away from the overwhelming power of virtual money. The criterion by which it is elected wants to give the signal a renewal of real, profound: choosing 25 citizens without political affiliation among the 522 who submitted their application, for which he must be of legal age and only have the support of thirty people. The new magna carta is being presented at this time.

Nothing has been heard by us in this revolution of Iceland. Pacifica but tough and determined. To re-read the main points, in comparison with the conservative inertia that exists in our country's come to take a chill down my spine: resignation en bloc of a government, nationalization of banks, the referendum so the people can decide on economic decisions Fundamental jail for those responsible for the crisis, rewrite the constitution by the citizens. The only shadow that rests on the political course of the island is the call for EU accession. Why would you want to throw in the icy North Sea all the wonderful work done so far, an example for free men of Europe to join a superstate controlled by bankers and managers of multinational corporations? Why are proud Icelanders do not try to persevere in the right way, by imitating their sheep and horses, left free in large pastures without fences and without guard dogs?

Alessio Mannino
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