Monday, June 16, 2008

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Emergency Alert - Furio Colombo

Voices rise of extreme alarm in the country where a new government had pretended, at first, to be normal, any right-wing government in Europe. Suddenly announces in a row - and is preparing to impose by decree and with the automatic approval of the majority - A series of laws with which he invents a climate of tension and fear. He responds to that climate with invented liberticidal laws, unconstitutional and against the right to know. The free and informed public opinion is proclaimed the enemy to kill. It reveals the face of the new government. As was said by Antonio Di Pietro, is a face that evokes high-risk countries like Colombia. Here are some entries that describe our country today. Stefano Rodota
: "We are facing a phenomenon that Italy has experienced in other decades: the special laws. Giovanni Sartori, "The Charter of the First Republic has not been abolished because there is no need to redo it. It can be empty inside. Just paralyze the judiciary. At the end of the political power of controlling himself. "
Marco Travaglio: "Personally announcement now that I will continue to inform readers not concealing anything of what I know. I will continue to publish the acts of investigation and wiretaps that I can get hold of, as I consider right and proper to serve the public. I will do so under Article. And Article 21 of the Constitution. 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. "
Eugenio Scalfari: "Beware of the awakening. It can be hard. It may be the awakening of a country without democracy. "
Here's what happened: the militarization of the territory "for strategic reasons' use of soldiers to patrol urban areas almost absolute prohibition of wiretapping in the investigation period, with no outrageous and laughable (stop after three months, do not use them if it finds a new offense!) for a few possible interception; impunity (still do not know for what ) to the Prime Minister assured the return of the shameful "Schifani award." Go back to the past and worse. We'll just go.

* * * One day in 2002, the direction of second year of the revived and revised unit (no more party, no longer bound to any orthodoxy, inspired by the battles "liberal" of the Anglo-Saxon press, pragmatic and uncompromising ) director and co-director of this new course (Ie Padellaro Antonio and I) were presented at a meeting of Senate Democrats to explain why in describing the business of the Berlusconi government at the time, based on a series of "shameful laws," and "ad personam" laws "and drainage projects or cancellation of the second part of the Constitution (to strike, sterilization, the founding democratic principles of the first part of the Constitution, from which our freedom) because the unit he used repeatedly and with full conviction the word 'regime'. The accusation was
extremism. But a strange extremism. We were not guilty of ideological tensions and imbalances. Our unique and poorly tolerated extremism is not measured on the cause workers' allegations but the prime minister. Said that he enjoyed the special power of immense wealth and used freely, unpunished, the benefits of a massive conflict of interests that allowed him to govern with the public and private sectors and block information, was showing signs of increasingly clear any overflow embankment, push the edge, and bend the rules and laws, even in Europe, to his private interests. Even then, the political act of Berlusconi was like a cluster bomb. Each new blow dealt to the Italian codes brought immediate consequences for the legislator-private beneficiary, a series of distortions and anomalies in Europe outside the legal system and a chain of consequences that subjects outsiders, such as the inability to block dozens of other processes or the cancellation of the fact of other prosecutions.
But the accusation has been, as if it were a private and personal obsession. The typical sentence was, say 'regime' is nonsense.

A government can be more or less good, but our democracy is intact. "
was not intact. And it took a referendum to remove the serious injuries caused to the constitution. A blatantly undemocratic electoral law is still in force, and remained intact all the shame and ad personam laws that have made ridiculous or ugly the Italian image in the democratic world at the time of the first Berlusconi

* * * And here we are deadly to the new test which is now subject to Italian democracy. In the name of a dialogue - should now be evident and it is certainly clear to the millions of citizens who voted for Democratic Party - will be impossible, the opposition continues to speak with the tone polite and respectful of normal democratic life. Those tones, as the civilized intentions they express, are a credit to their users. Or rather, did honor to those who wanted to insist on believing in the normality, perhaps based on the always expected but rare miracle of faith that moves montagne.Ma nothing is normal in the Italian situation in which we live. All
energy, technical skill and political force that would In a world gripped by a serious crisis, to protect citizens from serious damage, we co-operate and collaborate with the world, are diverted to some obsessions relating solely to personal or political interests of some people in a crime against the country Italy. , pushed into dead-end streets, held tightly in the grip of a senseless fear. The militarization of the territory is used to cover the failure to solve the problem of waste in an easy and immediate that he had been heralded in the election campaign. Berlusconi, unable to understand and resolve the issue, he resorts to military occupation. The deployment of armed military troops in the streets of major cities enhances the fear, invent an emergency, Italy is unique in Europe (and certainly not the rifles of soldiers trained in public order is not an invitation to tourism), and - if there were any problems, fortunately there are not - they increase the risks of accidents. However, the criminals will disappear temporarily, knowing how to reorganize, and let the immigrants isolated and afraid to act as bait for military patrols. We must also arrest someone. As for the wiretapping prohibited, they are already reaping the clear opposition of freedom throughout Europe, journalists, lawyers, civil rights groups. It is good to announce in time, even in Italy, the civil disobedience to avoid being complicit in a project foreign law, the Constitution, the European and Italian codes, and common sense. Why is it unthinkable that a government should do its battle to create a safe-shield criminals. But if this is the purpose, shall have all the opposition it deserves. We hope that the Democratic Party realizes that this is his battle, on pain of falling in a vacuum without a history.


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