Saturday, June 14, 2008

Noiceless Mixer Grinder

The exception is the rule - by G. SURPLUS D'

Berlusconi is determined to prove that - to steer the Italian crisis, how he wants us to imagine - is forced by necessity to separate the state law, the decision by law, the legal order of life. As if the country is going through a no man's land. So critical, dark and left to make urgent and no alternative regulatory powers to amend and repeal such extensive decrees with the law. With the "security decree" (at voice immigrants) and the "Decree Naples, it became clear that Berlusconi intends to move in a" state of exception ". Decided to exercise its power according to a technique that requires them to create - intentionally and falsely - a necessity after another, day after day, whatever the priorities of the country's most authentic and painful. Despite what you may think, in fact, the necessity is not an objective situation involves only a personal opinion or evaluation. At the bottom, are urgent and exceptional circumstances only defined as such: that, as such, defines the Cavalier. The fifth Council of Ministers of the Berlusconi IV said a pressing need to resize the action of judges to limit the freedom of the press, the reasons of decline of the state with the performance, strength, weapons of the Army. It 'so far, the most emblematic case and explicit about what we have termed the "militarization of politics." It's never happened in Italy that the soldiers were called to deal with public order or control of the city. Even in the terrible months that followed the death of Falcone and Borsellino, the open challenge against the state by the Cosa Nostra of Toto Riina. On that occasion, the Army was limited to protect, with "job", public buildings and places "sensitive" is not released from the investigative police. The government's decision to "equalize" 2,500 troops "agents of public security" by "patrolling and reconnaissance" of the city opened a new, unprecedented season. Evoking reasons (need) to "public order" and "security" approaches, overlapping the right to violence. Assigned to the Army, alters its sign the administrative function of the police, called to the enforceability of the law. That function and presence becomes intimidating. Not only for those who transgress, but for all those who believe not "democratic" that the government support its decisions with violence. Slip in the lawful exercise of power to an arbitrary law of force, as not to feel the risk that anyone who dissents is considered a "criminal" because opponents of an "order absolute" that alone can ensure the "governance" and exit from the crisis? This is not the political idea, the paradigm of government, even the bottom sublogico which advises Berlusconi to intervene even against the judiciary by limiting the use of wiretapping or against the information, promising to jail those who publish the text or summary of "listening"? Judiciary and information, the two orders, in a balanced architecture of checks and balances, are the institutions of control and powers, they become dangerous in this context, the active agents of decline and degenerate to deal with. "Enemies", preventing the sovereign government, they monitor its decisions and that vigilance is an obstacle that creates a status necessitatis, the urgency of a law that Berlusconi wanted with immediate force of law. E 'was forced to back down from a head of state and, by the League, to a rebate which authorizes wiretapping for crimes against public administration. But the bill, if not corrected in Parliament, disseminates the investigative process and its effectiveness in the way, hitches, ties, exclusions, gaps, odd requirements (if the suspect is a bishop must inform the Vatican Secretary of State , that is the minister of another country). Are barriers that protect the most unscrupulous practices white-collar, weakening the security of the weakest, not really protect any privacy. The spread of the sovereign coryphaei phony numbers on the past, never explain why they close the gaps in the network of telephone operators who have come to light with the Telecom business. He reveals how and whether the public will never know the use of "preventive wiretapping" that today, outside of the criminal trial and any type of judicial review may be conducted by the police and, since 2005, including services secrets as delegated by the President of the Council with the consent of the prosecutor at the Court of Appeals. It is not the privacy of the citizen who cares Berlusconi. He is interested only his privacy and his image, the cancellation of a couple of conversations with Agostino Sacca, the neglect of others in which he speaks of. Will create a sort of "positive law of the crisis" that requires the court to deal with in accordance to what features of the political decision, presented as a necessary and unique. He wants journalists silent, intimidated by the threat of jail. He wants publishers frightened by possible severe economic penance. The soldier as a policeman, the judge as a cleric, journalist laudator as are the three figures in a political scene that threatens to radically transform the structure and meaning of our constitutional form. They are the ghosts of the past where the government has suspended more citizen power and fewer rights, less security, fewer guarantees.


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