Saturday, October 18, 2008

How To Congratulate Berthday

The art of lying - by Paolo Soldini

As children we were taught that there are three kinds of lies. The lies are those who say they are playful "in jest and without injury to any 'Office are the lies" the claim of forgery for his own or another's benefit, without prejudice to any' malicious lies are 'the the false statement to the detriment of others. " The first two species, says the catechism, are venial sin, the third is a mortal sin if you do not confess you go to hell. The Code of Conduct does not cover the case of Christians, aggravating the lie told in public and taking advantage of its ability to be heard, for example in newspapers, on radio, on TV or in front of Parlamento.Esiste then (but there?) The court of public opinion. In civilized countries, when you judge the behavior of powerful rulers, politicians, civil servants, managers, large industrial centers, this court is hard on the liar "playful", condemns liars "office" and sends him home (at least) the liars "damaging." Lying in a public context is considered a serious fault. Richard Nixon was forced to resign because he had not authorized the spying at the Watergate, but because he claimed not to have heard anything. Bill Clinton risked impeachment not for its trade with Monica Lewinsky, but denied to them. Jacques Chirac has been accused would not be if not had lied to protect himself and his. A Helmut Kohl would have been forgiven if he had not traccheggiato illicit funds to cover those who paid the CDU ... The worst that can happen to a politician in the U.S., France, Germany, Brussels, Hague, Madrid is to be caught with the mouse in his mouth.
In Italy no. In Italy no one is looking for the mouse, even if it looks out from the pits of the teeth and makes hello hello with a leg. And sorcione had in his mouth the other day, when they carelessly Berlusconi Frattini told the European Council, on the delicate issue of greenhouse gases, "has heard our demands in full" and found "a solution that meets our concerns. "Some - including this newspaper - had sensed that something was not right, since the presidency of Sarkozy and the EU Commission stressed that the objectives and methods of" scaling "of the emissions were unchanged, but the range to explain to people that lie had been dished up. Why do you re-establish the truth of the facts, where the Italian information if the drinking without a shot being fired, had to intervene Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas, "appalled" (his words) from unbearable lightness with which the Italian head of state and his foreign minister were groundless and false data tumbler security. ... It was the first time we have a minister Interior mind that whenever you need to make believe that those measures on foreign immigrants go through the 110 and the examination of relevant international praise. Days ago, the Chamber of Deputies, said that António Guterres, UN High Commissioner for refugees in Geneva last October 6 was "praised" Italy for its policy on asylum. False, but aside from the readers of this newspaper, many believe that if they have noticed? UNHCR representation in Italy have fallen from their chairs, but many, including Members of Parliament and in newspapers, made the easiest thing in the world: take the report and Guterres leggersela? So a review Italian public and the media, apart from the usual pain in the ass who consult the texts and phone calls to offices (ie: make the job of journalists), are convinced that the dangerous nonsense of the decree on foreigners last May-impressions of Roma children including - received the imprimatur of Brussels. It's a lie harmful, pernicious for Roma in Italy, but the minister Maroni has no fear of hell. Like most of his colleagues, some of which graphically also confirm the old adage that lies have short legs.
A fresh start from their head of yet another performance liars in Brussels. The strong attendance at the Great Seller Balle with all three kinds of lies is proverbial. But what I wonder, what makes the Italian opinion different from that of other civilized countries, is the lack of outrage and indifference with which we here establishment, media, political structures (often opposition) are drunk everything without complaining even more. Not (not just) a moral problem or a psychological question. And to want to explain this incredible indulgence with alleged "natural inclinations" of Italians in the light of feedback to the sins of the powerful will grab him, perhaps, bits of history and culture of our country, but do not give an explanation. A large part of this explanation, however, is political. In all schemes based on demagoguery, in any latitude, the rulers tend to the use of propaganda lies. The control of the media and little regard for the prerogatives of power between the parliament and the general cause a short circuit where you can pass everything. Millions of Europeans and educated civilians believed to be crazy like the Jewish conspiracy of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, because in the beginning, in Tsarist Russia, no newspaper had the strength to expose the hoax and then it was too late. Millions of Americans have drunk the official version (patently false) in the Gulf of Tonkin incident that began the Vietnam War because the mainstream press, for having the country, supported it. Millions of Russians believed that the kulaks were an imminent danger of counterrevolution. Millions of Chinese have seriously believed that the Cultural Revolution brought a wave of justice. You could, of course, go on for hours.
We are not at that point. Of course not. But the mechanisms that have been set in motion are not, then, so different. If the common sense of the country, the information system and the opposition lost the ability to ascertain the truth, to examine the facts using any sources if they continue to minimize the consequences rapidly become uncontrollable. A huge risk, especially at a time when The new Great Depression claim the maximum of the credibility of those who have the responsibility of the government. And the system, one shot after another, the credibility is already lost. Outside our borders has already lost: "Ah, Italy ..."


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