Sunday, July 6, 2008

What Are Beautiful French Words

ANATOMY A COUNTRY disappointed - to Ilvo

Three months after the elections the country has returned to normal sad the last few years.
sunk into despair. Berlusconi has not worked miracles, even this time.
Moreover, unlike in the past, during the election campaign had promised them.
Nor, probably, the voters would believe him. The Italians have voted for him
, the PDL and the League on the 'trust'. But "no confidence" in his opponents. In the
had ruled that, with difficulty, even for two years. Three months after the vote and plunged back
fog enveloped everything and everyone. Veltroni and the Democratic Party, which estimates the electoral
slips back. But Berlusconi and the government. Which expresses the confidence to
44% of voters. Fifteen points behind (repeat: 15) than the rating obtained from the deprecated
Prodi government two years ago. Three months after the vote, as
today. Of course, in July 2006, Prodi had "monetized"
some important successes, and politicians do not: a) that the referendum had rejected
institutional reforms sought by the previous center-right majority, b) the satisfaction aroused by the Bersani decree on liberalization
c ) finally, the victory of the Italian national
World Cup in Germany. A legacy of trust that the Prodi government would have dissipated
quickly, since the pardon law, a few weeks later. However,
two years ago, the Union had won the election almost by accident, while the center-right Berlusconi
, three months ago, has achieved a triumph. Nevertheless, the country has returned
distrust of all time. Four
the reasons suggested by the survey.
1. First, dissatisfaction with the prospects of the national economy and
family: never so high, ever so prevalent in the last three years.
2. Then, insecurity, highlighted by the popular support for government action on illegal immigration and the use
army. A We think (we have already written
) ineffective, even before unacceptable. But, however, acceptable to most people, because
intercept widespread fears in society. However - as the figures of
survey - respond to further fuel fears, does not generate consensus.
But the opposite.
3. The opposition expressed by the majority of citizens with the announced projects and
in part, initiated by the government to restrict wiretapping in investigations,

to block court proceedings (known) children, to re-introduce the immunity
favor of the highest offices of state. These initiatives have generated a large
dissent, mainly for four reasons: a) why many have considered "ad personam
" aim, that is, to solve problems, "personal" before the premier
those "general" of the citizens, b) the suspension of trials In particular, it appeared,
in some ways, a sort of mini-amnesty, and, therefore, contrary to widespread insecurity
c) because they evoke the idea, the suspicion of the privileges of "caste" useful, especially in
political class.
4. Ultimately, these initiatives have fueled the anti-political sentiment:
decisive factor in depressing the consent to institutions and the political class in general;
and, in particular, towards the center-right government and the prime minister. Because, unlike
few months ago, today "govern". Exactly.
This political climate is reflected faithfully in voting intentions. Leaving, in fact, strengthened
parties who more than any other
interpret and amplify the anti-political sentiment. The League, on the one hand, now close to 9%. La Lista Di Pietro (IDV) on the other,
projected over 7%. In parallel, all political leaders suffer from a lack of confidence,
In particular, Walter Veltroni. Which has lost more than twenty points in the rating of
voters, compared two months ago. When was "the most beloved of all." Appreciated, so
cross. Now, after the end of the dialogue, his rating among voters
center collapsed. It declined even in the constituency of the Democratic Party. Where
few, however, call into question the role and leadership. Moreover,
Veltroni and the Democratic Party, today, are certainly in a position to act uncomfortable. The Wall
Arcore no signs of collapse, and prevent him from entering the center, where
the UDC is not limited to guard her piece of the electoral market, but wider.
While it is undermined by Di Pietro, a maker of intransigent opposition. Yes
presents as leader of the magistrates. Processed again, in political actors.
First, by Berlusconi: What did the enemy. To which does not bend. Indeed by
bend. For this reason, the decline of consent for the government and the prime minister does not benefit the
Pd, which, indeed suffer. In estimations election falls below 30%. Strait between
difficulties of dialogue and pressure from constituents who claim
more radical opposition.
this season, crossed by deep institutional conflicts, however, no one is saved.
To refer to the two main antagonists: confidence in the Prime Minister
slightly exceeds the 40% toward the judges stops even lower: around 35%
. Can be observed, ie, a negative-sum game, in which confidence in

democracy and its institutions declines. Degrades. Only the President of the Republic
resists. Appreciated by almost three out of four Italians. Because, as before he
Ciampi, Giorgio Napolitano, in a dark period of our Republic, the majority of Italians
looks like a hook. Anchor. To cling to
not "lost" in this country without a compass, no holds and no banks. Where
hiding certain references and shared.
On the other hand, the strategy of dialogue, promoted and accepted by Veltroni
by Berlusconi in the election campaign, after the vote was quickly consumed, although much of
voters still feel it necessary. While it seems far more bipartisanship on
. Nor is the bipolarity of the past holds. There is no longer a country divided in two.
Since the anti-political and political divisions across the two sides,
inside. Especially the center. For which the event promoted,
next Tuesday, by MicroMega in support of the judiciary and against Berlusconi
is certainly a challenge. Shared, unconditionally, by a minority, albeit significant
: 2 out of 10 voters in general, and almost 3 between those of Pd. But beyond the basic four
IDV. The majority of voters in the center, however, it
approves the substance, not form. In other words, would be expected,
search for other ways and other roads, to file an opposition before relying on the square. Or the judges.
confused in this country, where hardly a majority cohabit disappointed
opposition divided and weak institutions, it is tempting to escape.
Or at least change the channel. Turn the page. Forget politics el'antipolitica
passing directly to the gossip.
But we do not notice the difference


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