Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How Write An Invitation For Death Anniver

After the farce, a mockery of the kits for different

At the end of June, a month late, the Councillor was announced to the environment, which started distributing door to door kits for differentiation. At that time the Democratic Party denounced the inconsistency of the operation as many citizens did not receive the material for two main reasons: The first concerned the fact that the Company Environment Latin had not updated the lists, and many data were incorrect and the second concerned the fact that it has not been made a programming kit for the distribution of the vast majority of citizens found the notice in the mail that warned them that they have not been found in the house were going to get the kit home to Via dei Monti Lepine. The termination of PD related to Latin America in particular that it was inappropriate that the elderly and disabled were forced to go to the site to find the material. Today comes the final insult, that is, if people want the kit for the separation shall not go to home. It 'clear that the citizens there are in this game, and argue strongly that, if they contribute to the improvement of recycling, the company that runs the service must provide the means to that end and also address the Council for the Environment opportunity to carry out controls in the delivery of programming kit, on pain of rubbish bags will be put in any. The poor organization of a service, not for now, can not continue to fall on the citizens. The Democratic Party shares the anger of citizens because of the failure. In the coming days alderman will ask what are the intentions of the And check if it is possible to start the service with proper planning.
PD Circle of Latina Latina call


Pocket Camcorder Light

water to private bills to wear. The new gold and blue

More precious than gold, more profitable oil. In Italy the water, primary commodity, to be a fundamental right is turning into a commodity for corporations. An increasingly lucrative business. Over the past five years the rates have increased an average of 35 percent. Growth second only to oil. And the daughter of a savage privatization, done in the name of a false efficiency. Obtained, often with the complicity of the public institutions, incompetence or negligence, have left the appetites of private control and managing the water system.
The turning point came on January 5, 1994 with the Galli Law (later merged in April 2006 in the Environmental Code), which is enacted with the aim to simplify the management of public water, then shared between nine thousand different subjects well . 91 Ato are defined (optimal territorial areas) or areas related to the provision of water services. Each ATO is under the control of local authorities. They, however, often have the dual role of shareholders alongside the private sector. What a potential market of € 8 billion they stick it headfirst. As "Acea" or the French multinationals "Suez" and "Veolia", which crosses between management and equity, you are eating slices of territory to almost zero cost. Because individuals do not invest or invest little in the water. Not even 10 per cent of the amount due.
As the Antitrust Authority for the water to assist the replacement of public monopolies with private monopolies. A trend accentuated by the Tremonti Law of 6 August 2008 which makes it even more complex a return of local management. Many, in fact, now the vorrebbero.Contro this trend is fighting the "Movement for the Public Water" the II National Forum which will meet in mid-November. Our journey around the world, water privatization, however, is concentrated in Lazio and Tuscany. Two regions symbol, for years the point of attachment to the water service.
Rebels Aprilia
In via Aldo Moro 45, arrived in three, good morning. I got out, went up to the box of water meters, have identified that the editorial staff of "The Coffee", a small but fierce local biweekly, and applied the pressure, a device that chokes the tube dispenser transforming in a kind of dropper. The device is just the latest weapon used by "Acqualatina", the company that manages the water supply in southern Lazio, in its war for water management in April.
"Acqualatina" was founded in 2002 as a joint enterprise: 51 percent of shares belong to thirty-eight municipalities in the area (4 Ato del Lazio) and, therefore, formally the majority is public. But in reality they are individuals, led by the French multinational company "Veolia" to run the business and investment decisions.
The new company takes control of the waters of Aprilia in 2004 without the city council has approved the "management contract" which, among other things, should specify the system for the calculation of charges to users. However, for a year, no one notices. "Acqualatina" does not care neither read nor a census of the counters. The amount of the bill remains the same as in public management.
The blow on users comes a year later. Apply new tariffs and new criteria for calculating consumption. Housewives and retirees are seen delivering bills with amounts equal to double and even triple what they had always paid. There are cases in which the inflation touching 3000 percent. Helen Francis, owner of a bar in June 2005 he received a bill for nearly three thousand euro for the annual consumption of his club. To public management had never paid more than € 600.
The senseless privatization led to the creation of the Committee for the Defence of public water. "We decided - explains Mauro Pontoni, the founder - to pay the bills directly to the City apply the tariffs set by CIPE in June of 2004. " Are on average less than 250 percent of those claims by "Acqualatina. Soon the movement comes to collect seven thousand people, roughly half of the total. But the company management does not recognize the validity dell'autoriduzione. The money remains frozen in the current account, while local citizens, the private company, are in arrears.
The fact is that "Acqualatina" is more or less what he wants. The Conference of Mayors, to which the law entrusts the task of control is absent. Indeed there is, but on the other side of the fence. When the company was founded, the Chairman of the Board shall be a representative of public institutions, the CEO is a manager of the "Veolia". And it's all over the board of directors of the local political elite.
a partial consolation for angry people, 23 January 2008 to end arrests six officers of the company from its CEO and former president of the province, Paride Martella, past UDC Italy of Values, said Roberto Alessio Legambiente, "in overnight."
But despite the intervention of the courts administrators remain in place and "Acqualatina" goes on in his war against the defaulters. By threatening to close the pipeline, implemented, along with bulldozers and armed vigilantes and, more often, as the case of "The Coffee", by sending technicians armed with gear. The latest victim, a retired resident via Amsterdam. When the engineers were presented by threatening to turn off the water, had taken ill and was hospitalized. The
"Ferrarelle" of Collelavena
When welcomes us on the veranda of his house in Collelavena, a hamlet of Alatri, province of Frosinone, the jar is already in plain sight on the table. Monica Ascenzi, thirty from mahogany hair and strong face, you keep ten centimeters of water. Or so the caller. Why not seem to water. On bottom of the jar there is a layer of white limestone and white as snow, two centimeters high. Monica takes the jar, shake the water turns into milk. "It's like a liquid rock. He wants a drink? ".
The strange phenomenon has its origins in September 2007. To meet the periodic water shortages in an area that is also rich sources, "the ACEA ATO 5, the private company that manages water resources for the area of \u200b\u200bFrosinone, began to supply the homes of 450 families using Collelavena water from a communal well. The well reaches a depth of 350 meters and therefore should be equipped with water softener. But "Acea ATO 5" does not shall fix it. "At first came out sparkling water. It seemed Ferrarelle "says Monica.
But the illusion did not last long. "Within two days the milk has become Ferrarelle. Milk of rock. " Before starting to clog the pipes of the shower. A wheel is broken boiler, washing machine and dishwasher. When the animals start to die, "dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens," Monica decided to act. Despite assurances from the mayor of Alatri Migliocca Constantine, who works as a gynecologist, is to analyze the water in the laboratory of ASL. The answer is disturbing: the tap out a liquid that has a hardness of 77.5 degrees in France. For human consumption is recommended a hardness between 15 and 30 degrees and the absolute upper limit is set at 50. Monica and the other inhabitants decide to stop using water from the network, or to eat or to wash.
"The softener Collelavena - Severo Lutrario explains, the observatory" Peppino Impastato "Frosinone - is just one of many under-investment of ACEA ATO 5. Yet the company, owned 92 percent by Acea, had established in the "Area Plan", that is the basis of the tender for the privatization, to invest more than € 344 million in facilities, sewers, mains. A quarter of the figure would be realized by the first five years. "But if they have" yards " about six - said Fulvio Pica president of the district Cottorino Hill - Our Lady of the Snow - but that does not mean that they were made then. "
The fact is that the investments are, by law, to determine the final rates. What area of \u200b\u200bFrosinone in the next six years, since the management has been privatized, are sketched above. For the "band facilitated, ie the lower one, said Pica," the increases exceeded the rate of 95 percent of the award and even 250 percent of the old rates of Commons. " Lack of investment, of course, have a social cost. Acea does not guarantee the 150 liters per day of potable water provided per inhabitant the Convention. "Some areas of the city - says Lutrario - suffer periodic interruptions in service. Get home and find you and no water. " Who can afford it was equipped with tanks, others line up in front of the fountain where the only consolation, high spring water flows. In a row, as it was sixty years fa.L 'also did Monica for about nine months until the Acea has placed the water softener. It 'happened a month ago. "Today I go there less because at least I can wash at home. But no drinking, just do not think. " From under the table pulls out another jar. On the label the date is September 2008. The bottom of the limestone is reduced to half a centimeter.
go back? The case of Arezzo
Donatella Bidini has a particular store. Neither data nor the file, but bills. His water bills for the last ten years. "Here look. In 1998, public management, I paid 173 thousand pounds a year. Today I pay 800 € with the same consumption. "
Arezzo everyone wants to go back ten years ago when he decided to enter the private management. Within a quarter in the city and in many other municipalities in the area, rates increased by an average of 45 percent.
The story begins in 1998 when, to manage the Ato number 4 of Tuscany, which includes 37 municipalities (33 of which are Arezzo, Siena 4) creates the "New spa waters." As with Aprilia, this is a joint enterprise. To be most common form with 53 percent, and the rest to private management. And even here the lion's share is a French group. Not "Veolia", this time, but "Suez", another world leader. In society come to two Italian banks: the population of Etruria and Monte dei Paschi. With
"Nuove Acque spa" provides the multinational Suez profitable relationships. Especially through the "technical advice", a heading which includes "transfer of the assets of know-how and professionalism." Whose value was originally set at six billion lire, in a few months rises to almost eight times to reach 45 billion.
Individuals direct the game. Moving money, win contracts and apply high tariffs. And, through project financing, also obtained the formal control of the company. "In 2005 - says the mayor of Anghiari Daniela Bianchi -" Nuove Acque SpA "decide a number of investment projects. To do so are a lot of money. " Seventy million. Not all subscribe to the common project. Those who do are forced to apply for funding. And it Popolare Etruria and the Monte dei Paschi, the two Italian banks members of the "Suez" to pay. Apply a rate of interest, variable, seven per cent, or three points higher than that charged by the state with the Cassa. As the banks require collateral pledged to the municipalities that subscribe their shares in "New Waters". And that's it. The company is now controlled by private individuals.
Arezzo trying to organize a movement against the high-water fails, but some citizens still decide to go it alone. One member, Maria Rossi, refuses to pay the bills and fixing door "New Waters" in court managed to get a refund. The
to court is a road that some of the common (as the Upper Tiber Valley, of all political colors) is planning to take to return to public management. «Back can and must go back," says Charles Schiatti, former president 'sorry' for New Waters. "I went in 2003 with a report where I said everything." And, among other things: "We must have the courage to say that we were wrong. The water service can not be privatized. Or in part, because public administrators are not ready to compete with the manager by profession, or at all. Experience has shown that the integrated service must remain public. Honour to those who had understood before. "

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Need A Catch Phrase For A 21st Birthday Party

the piper, the fools and the ace of Colaninno - by Eugenio Scalfari

THE hot topic now is Alitalia, but the theme just not hot just as fiery and fiscal federalism. The combination is explosive in itself but as not enough is placed in an extremely tense political landscape and disturbing: a series of ads, bills, acts of political, administrative and only have all the unique effect of increasing tensions , exacerbate conflicts, to show his face fierce and the desire to take a hand in the name of a slogan that has become a "master key". The slogan was invented by the Minister of Interior, which repeats it to front and back as a kind of tic, to leap, and is "zero tolerance". It has become the juice of programmatic government and its majority. Apparently it works, and surveys in favor of the "premier" have peaked. People want you declare zero tolerance for anyone using their rights of freedom in the sense not to comply with common sense now in vogue. Then the zero tolerance realize the desired results or not, this does not stop the shock wave of a strategy "steamroller" typical of the last hundred years in European history as often as authoritarian impulses have, in the name of higher interests of order and safety, restricted the rights of citizenship. We hope that the "trend" does not lead us beyond the current limit of populism and fables told to the people to distract him, but this sort of collective hypnosis, however, leads to reflections worry at a time when you redraw the political map and economy in the world. Zero tolerance, the abolition of that law on prostitution Merlin, dismantling of the compulsory public school without a plan that makes sense, increasing pressure on the powers and independence of prosecutors, electoral laws that strengthen the power of confiscating any equipment right of choice for citizens, disregard of constitutional values \u200b\u200bmore sensitive clericalism return and impoverishment of Christian values \u200b\u200bin a renewed alliance between the church hierarchy and political power, pollution mutual between politics and business, revaluation of fascism on the part of ministers and mayors in office, this is the alarming backdrop of this season. The crisis of Alitalia and the unknown fiscal federalism represent points of maximum tension and lack of planning. Not fancy, but the amateur is now in power. It is not the first time that happens in our country where, unfortunately, the memory is weak and fails to become a mature experience. Minister Tremonti, in his long reconstruction of the disaster Alitalia exposed before the relevant committee of the Chamber and subsequently reproduced in its full text on 24 hours on Friday and yesterday, he began by saying: "Let's leave aside the comparison with the conditions of Air France last April, was another setting and operation of any other nature. " Let us follow him in this his initial recommendation, but not without pointing out that the offer Air France-was rejected by the combined provisions of the refusal of the unions, the campaign unleashed by Berlusconi against that project and by the insistent pressure in favor of a so-called tri-color rope sponsored by Banca Intesa. If today we are all faced with a "Malpas" The responsibility lies in that refusal is due to two parties (unions and Berlusconi) and the presence of a stone guest waiting in the wings (Banca Intesa). For Tremonti instead entirely on the responsibilities incumbent Prodi and Padoa-Schioppa, according to him, unable to grasp the key to the problem and conclude. I think there was an inertia of Prodi as there was more serious, the issue of garbage in Naples. But forget Tremonti at least two essential steps occurring during the Berlusconi government and its presence at the Ministry of Economy. The first step is the evaluation of Alitalia's capital: the stock market was worth about € 10 in 2001 and 1.57 in 2006. Tremonti has disputed these figures, but 24 hours of 11 September, the bank has re-checked with data from Thomson Financial and certified the accuracy. In five years term of the assets of the company's flight has therefore lost the 9 / 10 of its asset value. The figures are not opinions and do not need comments. The second step concerns the proposal of the administrator of Alitalia, Mengozzi, appointed to that office by the Berlusconi government, and then by the same Tremonti. Mengozzi had in mind a merger with Air France. Had negotiated a long time and had successfully negotiated the merger was made by attributing to the 30-35 percent of Alitalia's capital of French network. However, the government rejected the proposal. Even here there is little to comment, the facts speak for themselves. * * * Which brings us to today. The government issued a decree a few days ago that Alitalia splits in two: the company controlled by the Treasury in the hands of all debts, personnel, fleet, flight rights and little money left in cash, a company largely failed, entrusted by the Treasury to the Commissioner in accordance with the rules of the Marzano law specifically revised to better fit the Alitalia case. Next to scrap a new Alitalia company brand new institution, with 18 shareholders, a President (Roberto Colaninno) and CEO (Sabelli), purified from all liens, and ready to merge with Air One. Based on the Marzano law this company beautiful young daughter of a dying mother and old, can detect all the pulp and that Alitalia's planes for the implementation of the plan, route, flight crews and ground necessary. The redundancies will be in the parent company, as well as debts and exuberant personality. The price considered fair by both sides would be around 450 million euro. The capital put together by 18 shareholders (all Italian) exceeds one billion. The name, brand new, and airlines Italian (Cai). Air One will merge with it and its owners will obtain 300 million in Cai bringing the fleet, routes, options for the purchase of new aircraft, the flight crew. The administrator of Air One, Toto, enters the capital of Cai with 120 million and sits on the board. The Berlusconi government, particularly, is excited: one hundred and twenty days in the Italian consortium has materialized, the Alitalia case is resolved, everything has been planned: the suspension for six months of the antitrust rules, a benevolent availability of the Brussels Commission to give the disc Green operation, the enthusiasm of the shareholders of Cai. Many of them - in blatant conflict of interest - Are happy to be adequately compensated by some underhand business. The administrator of Banca Intesa, to become "advisors" of the operation shareholder Cai, before the objection is not clear on the business of many of my fellow climber has said that "conflicts of interest will be managed." The head of antitrust called into question by Senator Zanda did not respond. Bonanni Cisl expresses willingness to cooperate. In short, everything seems to be booming. Of course the Treasury will have to bear many burdens: the debts of the old Alitalia, the redundancies of about 7,000 units in one thousand drivers, but the honor is saved, future losses are not provided, the redundancies will be dealt with existing social safety nets. But the focus is in the resurrection of the national airline and flag renovated, a substantial cut to the original shareholders, the entry of a foreign carrier with a share capital not exceeding 120 million. What more could you want? Berlusconi where it touches the miracle. The consensus of the Italian distracted and addicted (which is currently the large majority) are the stars. Tremonti declared: "The government's honeymoon with the Italians will last a long time, we are preparing to celebrate the silver anniversary." But no. A few hours after the celebrations broke out the storm. We've been through and still do not know yet how it will end. * * * The Government and together with it, the commissioner of Alitalia, Fantozzi, president Cai, Colaninno, the leader of the CISL, Bonanni, had forgotten the question "contracts". Or rather, if they were not forgotten but had considered an easy solution. Employees - they thought - they have no alternative: if you do not accept the conditions offered by Cai, the new company will withdraw, Alitalia will fail, perhaps more than 20 000 people, considering the induced labor, should be mobile, hall of dismissal within a few year. So accept it. But the contracts, to enable CAI to fly at a profit, they must achieve a reduction of costs by 30 percent and an equal increase in productivity. Either that or nothing, give or take. The redundancies have long cushions and lanes preferred to be relocated, but the contracts and productivity there is no margin. On the other hand were just the pilots to sink the offer by Air France. So if they are desired. He who sows wind storm gathers. And then the market is the market. Instead, pilots, flight attendants, the hard core of employees, there are. Sounds like a cabal, but with each passing day we see that no, not the usual scripted sindacalese. The pilots eventually rise from the table and leave. Berlusconi calls Colaninno, Sacconi called unions, Matteoli called the pilots, Passera calls all, but the question now seems closed: Cai confirms that it can not make changes to its platform, the pilots confirmed that those conditions is useless to continue. Berlusconi has a moment of distress, but then returns to the battle still has a card to play and play.
At 14 yesterday, Saturday, Fantozzi meets the unions and announced that we are at the end: there is no longer a € in cash, fuel suppliers have indicated that no more supplies on credit will, from now on, the Alitalia fleet can count only on the few existing reserves in the deposits. As a result starting from tomorrow Monday will be canceled some flights and staff will be laid off. The flights will be canceled 34. The other and soon the entire fleet will stop flying within a week or so. Among the drivers and assistants Flight tension skyrockets. Meanwhile, we learn that the provider has closed the taps of the credit is Eni. Yet another paradox: the flagship company of the oil is no longer a credit to the airline for air travel. The government has been informed? Or the government and Eni agreed shake tongs around the neck of the trade unions? Roberto Colaninno spent in Mantua on Friday night and Saturday morning but the afternoon is the airport of Verona will return to Rome in the evening. This morning, Sunday, will invite the unions to a final interview. He has something to bring to the table? Yes, something's got. He had taken a reservation to use the last minute and last minute has arrived. Could improve the "payroll" of the staff to summarize in Cai extent of 20 per cent. What does this mean? If the pilots had asked for a cut salary brackets of 25 percent over current salaries, 20 percent improvement means that the deduction would drop to 20. Just? This will be the last word. But there is one though. Colannino not want to deal only with the drivers. If you follow this tactic the other categories of employees may require that 20 percent of improvement is shared by all. As a good businessman Colaninno has no desire to bottle in a matter of apportionment, so his offer will be made to all the unions: see each other as share the offer. However by now the issue must be closed otherwise no longer start on Monday morning the last stage but the real agony of a terminally ill patient.
Maybe today will be the agreement: the odds are measured at 51 percent in favor of the agreement at the last minute compared to 49 who can not. Berlusconi, who was now with their backs to the wall for the failure of Alitalia would be a disaster for him unprecedented image must have wrung out well for Colaninno and leading members of the consortium flag. These in turn have weighed in with its own compensation the extra benefits they expect from their participation. Passera wisely said that conflicts of interest must be managed and the "premier" is an ace at that kind of management. A look of respect can not be denied to any of the 18 "Captains Courageous". To focus on it have already been given several, one of several not be denied to anyone but of ensuring a happy ending. Happy ending for everyone? Perhaps the drivers that represent the nobility of the sword of Alitalia employees, perhaps because of the flight attendants representing the minor nobility. The populace of ground services will be the jerk, but that's their problem, some carrying luggage it is always a good price even among the Moroccans and Romanians to know that they queue for a precarious place. And then? The end of the story we wrote Sunday last: five years Cai has recorded a substantial capital gains, shareholders sales and collection. Cai will be part of a beautiful "network" international, French-German or Dutch, because the global economy there is no place for a company like Alitalia flight, too big to be small and too small to be big. So we are back to square one, having lost a lot of money and time. Meanwhile, the Pied Piper plays his pipe and the fools who follow him spellbound. Is coming fiscal federalism, which anon. For now, we have heard many words but he has not seen any numbers. Sooner or later, however, the numbers will pop up somewhere and need to read carefully.